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Star tech pc camera driver in Title/Summary

Star Tech

Star Tech

Mr Blade Design's Star Tech is a complex theme for Windows 7 that changes every little aspect of the desktop, the menus, the windows, cursors, fonts, and of other Windows features. It provides a unique visual style that makes your Windows look truly special.

  • Publisher: Mr Blade Design's
  • Last updated: May 28th, 2013
Enter-Tech USB Driver

Enter-Tech USB Driver

USB Driver enables you to use your own images or pictures in a personal computer as background pictures on screen. It enables you to convert the recorded songs from the Recording Pack to your PC. It's necessary to run the installation package as Administrator.

  • Publisher: MAGICSING
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
ASCOM OptecPyxis Rotator Driver

ASCOM OptecPyxis Rotator Driver

The Pyxis LE Rotator is a USB 2.0 device and requires a different driver than the original Pyxis 2" and 3" camera field rotators. Driver with advanced setup options for the Pyxis LE Camera Field Rotator. Includes standalone program, ASCOM driver, and expanded help file.

  • Publisher: Optec,Inc.
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2012

Star tech pc camera driver in Description

Fire-i API (Jun 2008)

Fire-i API (Jun 2008)

Fire-i API application that allows full camera enumeration, control and preview. The application uses DirectShow in order to communicate with the WDM camera driver and uses the driver accompanying codecs in order to process and display the camera data. The FULL source code of the Fire-i application is included in Fire-i API

  • Publisher: Unibrain
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012
Driver pack

Driver pack

Driver pack is a all in 1 driver package for Ocularis DS, CS, IS and PS , NetDVMS , NetDVR and PRosight , the driver package was released on 12/22/2011. Driver pack is a free and very easy to install Camera Driver Packs including a large variety of drivers for your OnSSi devices.

  • Publisher: OnSSI
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2022
PHD Guiding

PHD Guiding

PHD Guiding is designed to be "Push Here Dummy" simple, yet provide powerful, intelligent auto-guiding of your telescope for both PCs and Macs. Connect your mount, your camera, select a star, and start guiding. In PHD Guiding, all calibration is taken care of automatically.

  • Publisher: Stark Labs
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2013
Zombie Driver HD

Zombie Driver HD

Zombie Driver HD is a great choice for those who like games with explosions, adrenaline, zombies, cars, guns, and a lot of action. Some might say it's pretty much a remake of the classical Carmageddon game, but with guns, zombies, and better visuals of the style of the older GTA games (top down view).



Features: -Be Notified to your cell phone via sms or mms, home or office via email when motion is detected -Visec will record all video or when motion is detected, and even alert you to your phone or pda with a picture. -Log in from anywhere in the world, including your cell phone to see live or past video.

  • Publisher: Philex Enterprises, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2012

Additional Star tech pc camera driver selection

IDS uEye

IDS uEye

IDS Software Suite is a program designed for all IDS cameras and that can easily handle a mixed operation of USB 2.0, USB 3.0 and GigE uEye cameras. It contains an IDS Camera Manager tool for managing all your IDS cameras. It provides access to all major camera settings and features. You can also capture images and videos or configure a stream.

  • Publisher: IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2014


NI-IMAQ for USB Cameras driver software allows users to configure any DirectShow imaging device and acquire images into LabVIEW. Devices that support this feature include USB cameras, webcams, microscopes, scanners, and many consumer-grade imaging products.

  • Publisher: National Instruments Corp.
  • Home page: zone.ni.com
  • Last updated: May 8th, 2011
Integrated Camera

Integrated Camera

This package supports the following driver models:Integrated camera

  • Publisher: Sonix
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2019
AVG Driver Updater

AVG Driver Updater

AVG Driver Updater is a typical driver updating utility that scans your system, detects outdated drivers, and offers you to download their latest versions. AVG Driver Updater is also really easy to use, intuitive and straightforward, while handy additional features like driver backup capabilities or a scan scheduling function are also available.

  • Publisher: AVG Technologies
  • Home page: www.avg.com
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2023
Dell Driver Reset Tool

Dell Driver Reset Tool

A software diagnostic and repair tool that can be used by tech support to programmatically evaluate and "re-set" device drivers that were installed on a Windows XP operating system. This tool is being provided to tech support as a preliminary test & repair step prior to doing an OS re-install, preventing unnecessary re-installations where driver issues must be resolved.

  • Publisher: Dell Inc.
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2008
LEGO Star Wars 2

LEGO Star Wars 2

Lego Star Wars II is the sequel to the video game Lego Star Wars: The Video Game. The game was developed by Traveller's Tales and Amaze Entertainment and published by Lucas Arts and TT Games. It is based on Episode IV, V and VI of the Star Wars film saga

  • Publisher: Eidos Inc.
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2008
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver

Realtek High Definition Audio Driver

Realtek High Definition Audio Driver 6 is one of the best for Windows Vista Desktop and mobile PC. As it meets performance requirements for Microsoft WLP 3.08 Vista premium and mobile PCs, it is heavily used and popular amongst Vista and Mobile PC users.

  • Publisher: REALTEK Semiconductor Corp.
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2017
Star Drone

Star Drone

Star Drone 1.0 is a space arcade game, a mix between pinball and breakout. This game was developed by Orb Games, but they licensed it to Media Contacts LLC, that offers it as freeware in its site. Orb Games sells this game in its own site. The goal of the game is to light up stars, that are around machines called Anchors. You´ll have to orbit around the anchors to pass over the stars.

  • Publisher: Media Contact LLC
  • Last updated: November 6th, 2008
Synaptics Pointing Device Driver

Synaptics Pointing Device Driver

Synaptics Pointing Device Driver is a great application and controller that will allow you add advanced features to your laptop´s mouse pad, such as virtual scrollbar, virtual buttons, fast access to applications and personal definition of tapping speed and sensibility.

Intel Processor Graphics Driver

Intel Processor Graphics Driver

Intel HD Graphics is the next-generation graphics technology available on the nextgeneration Intel micro-architecture codenamed Ivy Bridge. Based on the 22nm process technology with 3D Tri-Gate transistors, it provides improved graphics performance compared to the previous Intel Celeron processor-based platforms.

  • Publisher: Intel Corporation
  • Last updated: February 1st, 2017