Startup manager win ce 6.0 in Title/Summary

Emsa Win StartUp Manager
EMSA Win Startup Manager is developed to control and manage your windows startup programs list. You can disable or enable any startup program to run at startup or not. If you disable any startup item or program from EMSA Win Startup Manager then it will not run next time you start or restart your system.
- Publisher: Emsa Systems
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Advanced StartUp Manager
When Windows starts up, it automatically launches a number of programs for you. Advanced StartUp Manager is program that allows you to control what programs run at system startup when you turn on or logon to your computer.
- Publisher: Rayslab, LLC
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Absolute Startup manager
Absolute StartUp manager helps you to optimize the Windows startup, services, dlls, enhances startup options (start in certain days, with Internet). Protects from startup viruses and spyware, backups startup config into *.reg and *.bat files, export into HTML list.
- Publisher: F-Group Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008
Startup manager win ce 6.0 in Description

EF StartUp Manager
Allows you a simple handling and complete control of applications which starts with Windows. The controlled starting mode makes it possible to start the programs in a defined order and optionaly specify a delay between them. Multilingual. Shareware
- Publisher: EFSoftware
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Chameleon Startup Manager
Chameleon Startup Manager is a powerful utility that gives you full control over which programs run at Windows startup. Chameleon Startup Manager is not only an easy-to-use tool that comes with a very neat, simple and intuitive interface, but also a powerful application that offers a lot of handy features, functions and options.
- Publisher: NeoSoft Tools
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 11th, 2016

Ss Startup Manager
Manage the startup of programs in one place, either through the registry, startup folder or win.ini file. Get rid of annoying adware, spyware and extraneous programs that do nothing but slow down your startup time.
- Publisher: Ss-Tools, Inc.
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2008

Arrange Startup
Arrange Startup is an easy-to-use startup manager that can help you to have control over all those programs and applications that automatically start when your computer starts. Most computer viruses and adware files attack a PC on its startup, but using this startup manager, you will be able to identify and remove more than 120000 kinds of viruses in two easy steps.
- Publisher: Smart PC Solutions, Inc.
- Last updated: February 7th, 2009

Manage and cleanup the applications starting up with Windows. Quickly and easily! You can add new items to the startup or edit the ones already there. Thanks to the sophisticated but intuitive interface a single glance over the list will be enough for you to know what is going on.
- Publisher: Virtuoza
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Startup manager win ce 6.0 selection

True Launch Bar Startup Manager plugin
Startup Manager is a free plugin that shows the menu with all programs that automatically start on Windows startup. This plugin is compatible with the msconfig utility. Startup Manager plugin requires the previous installation of the True Launch Bar application.
- Publisher: Tordex
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2013

Argente - StartUp Manager
Are you upset of all the software that starts automatically when you switch on your PC although you don't want them to start automatically each time? Argente - StartUp Manager can help you to get control of all over applications that start with your Windows is loading. This great tool will display a list of all startup entries and will allow you to remove specific programs.
- Publisher: Argente Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 18th, 2010

Synei Startup Manager
The Synei Start-Up Manager detects and disables more than 22.000 different types of programs that automatically load at startup, which enhances your computer’s speed. Synei Startup Manager provides you with a complete analysis, so you know exactly what is needed on startup and what is not.
- Publisher: Synei
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2014

Puran Startup Manager
You can manage startup applications on your PC using this program. The program has a simple interface which displays a list of startup items. You can enable/disable them using the check-box. The actual location of each program could be accessed by the "open folder path" button.
- Publisher: Puran Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2014

CCleaner for PC helps you clean up your Windows computer, optimize performance, and maintain your online privacy. CCleaner's Driver Updater helps improve performance of your PC's graphics, sound, and internet connectivity while preventing software bugs, hardware problems, and crashes.
- Publisher: Piriform Software Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Simple Startup Manager
Simple Startup Manager allows you to manage which programs to run at Windows startup. This software gives you the ability to add, delete and edit applications to be run at system startup and presents a consolidated view of the startup locations.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2010

SimCity 4 Startup Manager
SimCity 4 Startup Manager is a small tool that can associate certain plugin folders with a region. With one click the region with the appropriate plugins can be loaded in SimCity 4. Intricately moving or renaming of the plugins folders by hand is no longer necessary.
- Publisher: JeanLucPicard2
- Last updated: May 25th, 2011

PCMate Free Startup Manager
PCMate Free Startup Manager is a free startup controller that sets up your Windows start up procedure and manages Windows startup items, freeing you from delayed startups and booting actions. This program allows you to add, delete or refresh any startup applications and edit or view their entries to get a smoother and faster startup.
- Publisher: PCMateFreeSystemCare Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 30th, 2015

HiBit Startup Manager
HiBit Startup Manager is a powerful Startup utility that Manage autostart programs by adding or removing apps, editing their properties and also Manage process,services,task scheduler and conrext menu. Manage all applications that starts with Windows when computer starts.
- Publisher: HiBitSoftware
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Ainvo Startup Manager
This popular free application perfectly edits the startup list. Thanks to it, thousands of people devote more time to what they really like. A long startup list is one of those things that slow down the computer. There is a simple solution. Start analyzing the startup list using the "Startup analysis" link. Edit the list using the "Found programs" link.
- Publisher: Ainvo Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 9th, 2012