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Steel fury unofficial patch in Title/Summary

STEEL FURY Kharkov 1942

STEEL FURY Kharkov 1942

Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942 is based on real-life events that took place from May 12 to 28, 1942, which engaged the Red Army in the fight of their lives. During a vicious German counterattack that began on May 17, 1942, three Soviet Armies were surrounded and were forced to fighting in what has become known as the "meat grinder."

  • Publisher: Graviteam
  • Home page: graviteam.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Fallout - Unofficial Fallout Patch

Fallout - Unofficial Fallout Patch

Features: -The Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch has been created for Fallout 3 v1.1 (english) or higher and should not be used with any other Fallout 3 versions\languages. -The Unofficial DLC Patches will ONLY work if the DLC's are in your \Fallout 3\Data\ folder otherwise using them will crash your game. If you want to move the DLC's out of G4WL then simply do a file seach in your

  • Publisher: Quarn
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2009
Unofficial Official Mods Patch

Unofficial Official Mods Patch

The aim of this mod is to fix the bugs existing in the official mods of Elder Scrolls game, released by Bethesda. These fixed plugins use the ESP master (aka mod de-isolation) method which means you still need the original plugins for these plugins to work.

  • Publisher: Quarn and Kivan
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2013

Steel fury unofficial patch in Description

EVGA SLI Enhancement Patch

EVGA SLI Enhancement Patch

Announcing the EVGA SLI Enhancement! This unofficial patch enables SLI support in the latest games. In order to quickly enhance SLI Profile issues that come up with any new demo or game release; EVGA has decided to publicly release this update to patch add any SLI profiles so you can take full advantage of SLI right now!

  • Publisher: EVGA
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
Steel Network Inventory

Steel Network Inventory

Steel Inventory is a program written and used by the people who are in the mainstream network administration. Simple and Easy method to track hardware and software.

  • Publisher: SteelSonic Technical Services
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
PESMix Patch Full CL and EL

PESMix Patch Full CL and EL

PESMix Patch Full CL and EL is an unofficial add-on for PES 2016. Main features: - License for all teams. - Add new 120 faces. - Adboard for all national teams competition. - Fix all competitions names & logos. - Add a ball pack & boot pack. - Adboard for champions league.

  • Publisher: Pesmix
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2015
Oblivion - Horse Armor Pack

Oblivion - Horse Armor Pack

The Horse Armor Pack is an official patch that allows you to outfit any owned horse with a set of armor. The first set of armor is free, and if you do not have a horse with you, you can actually get a horse (an Old Nag) for free from Snak gra-Bura. There is no difference, other than appearance. Putting armor on the horse has the game effect of increasing the health of the horse.

Metal Ravne Steel Selector

Metal Ravne Steel Selector

Metal Ravne Steel Selector is a warehouse of information covering the wide range of steels. Steel Selector includes steel material properties and steel specifications from 15 standards: chemical compositions, steel applications, mechanical properties of steel alloys, steel properties on elevated temperatures, fatigue data, heat treatment and cross-reference tables of equivalent steel materials.

  • Publisher: Metal Ravne
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2014

Additional Steel fury unofficial patch selection

18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Metal

18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Metal

Take your show on the road. Drive your rig to make it big and build your business. Money talks when you're in charge, so get the peons to do the driving while you count your cash. You're not only a trucker, you're a tycoon.

  • Publisher: SCS Software
  • Home page: www.scssoft.com
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2013
18 Wheels of Steel American Long Haul

18 Wheels of Steel American Long Haul

Your American Dream Starts Behind the Wheel of Your Own Big Rig! North America?s open roads await!

18 Wheels of Steel - Across America

18 Wheels of Steel - Across America

18 Wheels of Steel - Across America is a fantastic game of the series in which you are the owner of a trucking business and you must haul cargo across the entire United States. Your goal is to make money, dominate the roads and eliminate the competition.

  • Publisher: SCS Software
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
PES Professionals Patch

PES Professionals Patch

PES Professionals Patch is a free to use patch for PES 2016. Main features: - Add Summer transfers (more than +300 transfers). - Full Premier league licensed. - Bundesliga full. - Complete (names, kits, logos) for all leagues and teams. - Real kits and players names for all national teams. - Real names and logos for all competitions and leagues. - 39 Stadiums by Estarlen Silva.

  • Publisher: Hawke, Txak, Tunizizou, prince shieka, Estarlen Silva
  • Home page: www.pes-patch.com
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2016
18 Wheels of Steel - Convoy

18 Wheels of Steel - Convoy

18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy is the fourth release of the series which you are the owner of a trucking business and you must haul cargo between more than 40 U.S.cities from coast to coast, Canada and Mexico. Your goal is to build a fleet, deliver the goods to make money, and finally defeat the competition.

  • Publisher: SCS Software
  • Home page: www.scssoft.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Visual Patch

Visual Patch

Visual Patch is a binary patch maker for Windows OS. Visual Patch automatically takes care of the complicated details of patch development, such as inspecting versions to decide which files have changed, and performing sophisticated byte level differencing on each file in order to extract the differences between versions.

  • Publisher: Indigo Rose Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin'

18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin'

18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' is the latest game of the series in which you must go to Canada and the USA searching for cargo to haul driving a fantastic truck. Your goal is to carry put deliveries, for which you are paid, and get as much money as possible to change your vehicle and buy a more comfortable and fast one to complete the rest of the tasks.

  • Publisher: SCS Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
MSTS bin

MSTS bin

MSTS Bin is a new project, aimed to try improve some features of MSTS (MS Train simulator) ver. 1.1.xx. It has arisen persuant to requirements of users put simulator near to reality and improve some features, what was forgotten by authors or authors maybe rate this feature unusefull.

  • Publisher: UKTrainSim
  • Last updated: May 13th, 2008
AIO Ultimate Patch

AIO Ultimate Patch

AIO Ultimate Patch for games make them playable without Steam. This application supports L4D2, L4D, TF2, Portal, Portal 2, GMod, CS:S, CS:GO, Dota 2, Insurgency, KF, DoD:S, NMRiH, Payday 2, Unturned, and many others. It also features a game version and update checker.

18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul

18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul

18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul is a wonderful game of the series in which you are the owner of a trucking business and you must haul cargo between 48 U.S.states, Canada and Mexico. Your goal is to make money, dominate the roads and eliminate the competition.