Stg genexus in Title/Summary

With this program, you can generate and maintain applications automatically in multiple languages and for different platforms. GeneXus designs, creates and maintains the database (structure and content) and the programs automatically, and also each prototype is a complete and functional application, equal to the application in production.
- Publisher: ARTech
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008

STG FolderPrint Plus
STG FolderPrint Plus is a program that allows you to print and visualize your folders. You can view and print the files inside your ZIP and RAR files, filter by as many file masks as you want (include or exclude), dates or file sizes, sort, reorder, resize or remove any column and export to HTML, Excel, CSV, JPG, PNG, PDF or Text.
- Publisher: Starglider Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 26th, 2017

STG Cache Audit
Easily see site, URL, cookies and history lists on the Internet Explorer cacheSTG Cache Audit is an advanced, easy to use tool to extract information from the Internet Explorer cache. View, Export (Excel, CSV, Text and HTML) and print the cac
- Publisher: Starglider Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2012
Stg genexus in Description

GXpublic “shows and publishes” the information of a GeneXus KB. GXpublic is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) containing an OLE DB Provider (ADO) that allows publishing in tabular form the information and the access to the services. The Knowledge Base becomes a DataSource, which has a group of tables where the KB information is saved and a group of commands to access the services.
- Publisher: ARTech
- Last updated: April 16th, 2012

GXtest Recorder
GXtest is the ideal solution for automating functional tests of Web systems developed with GeneXus. It makes it possible to easily automate test cases that can evolve together with the application being developed, without turning testing into a bottleneck when releasing the system to the client.
- Publisher: Abstracta
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

This tool can create high-quality image thumbnails from a collection of pictures. It can apply special effects to the thumbnails: blur, sharpen, emboss, grayscale, black and white, drop shadow or fuzzy blur. Furthermore, STG Thumb can convert images from TIF, PNG, BMP to JPG and is capable of making thumbnails from AVI and MPEG videos, taking in consideration only their first frame.
- Publisher: Starglider Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

STG Picture Merge
A simple, easy to use program to merge two pictures into a third one, with a degree of transparency chosen by the user. Several common picture formats are supported, including JPG, PNG and BMP. Print Folder Contents, MP3 Lists, View Disk Space with STG FolderPrint Plus.
- Publisher: Luiz Marques - Starglider Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 5th, 2012

IBM iDoctor for IBM i
IBM iDoctor for IBM i is a suite of performance tools that can be used by the performance expert or novice to collect, investigate and analyze performance data on System i. The tools are used to monitor overall system health at a high "overview" level or to drill down to the performance details within job(s), disk unit(s) and/or programs over data collected during performance situations.
- Publisher: IBM
- Last updated: January 11th, 2010
Additional Stg genexus selection

PCSurveyor will install in any PC or Laptop. Then, by using this program in such machines, you can answer SurveyToGo surveys. The program will ask you your user name and password when you begin, and then will grant you access to the surveys you have created in the SurveyToGo server
- Publisher: Dooblo
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2016

Arcana Advanced
Sorcery is magical card that can effect to player or creature both good side and bad side. Sorcery will effect as soon as we cast it. Normally sorcery card can use both in strategy phase in your turn and block phase in opponent's turn.but some of them can use only within specific phase.
- Publisher: Digicrafts Company Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 6th, 2011

Tektronix OpenChoice Desktop
Tektronix Openchoice desktop application lets you capture oscilloscope screen images, waveform data, and settings from your PC. It is compatible with a variety of Tektronix handheld and bench oscilloscopes. You can easily customize the channels and save waveform data to various formats.
- Publisher: Tektronix
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

FireHawk PC
A splendid shooting game, 6 levels, 6 bosses, 3D scene, particle effect, record/replay, 1945-like bullets game.
- Publisher: C2Matrix
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

ProVide is the backbone for file communication & information exchange. Share, receive, collaborate, even edit ANY file at the source OR enable secure & automated communications using SFTP, FTPS. Extensive security, scripting and secure API support.
- Publisher: Farsight Tech Nordic AB
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 18th, 2023

zFTPServer Suite
zFTPServer is a multi threaded Windows file server that is designed to use little CPU and memory. It offers all the standard SFTP/FTP/... server features, as well as user specific transfer limits, virtual directories, enterprise extensions and more.
- Publisher: Västgöta-Data AB
- Last updated: January 30th, 2018