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Stm8 gnu tool chain in Title/Summary

COSMIC STM8 32K C Compiler

COSMIC STM8 32K C Compiler

Cosmic's toolchain for the stm8 family is part of a complete and uniform product line incorporating an innovative design and development. All Cosmic C Cross Compilers for Windows include IDEA - Cosmic's own integrated development environment which is preconfigured for the stm8 family of processors.

STLux patch for RKit-STM8

STLux patch for RKit-STM8

The STLUX Software Patch adds support of the STLUX devices when using the RKit-STM8 software package with Ride7. STLUX is a PWM based programmable digital controller for LED lighting applications. After installing this patch, you can program STLUX devices in C language using Ride7 software package.

COSMIC STM8 and STM32 32K C Compilers

COSMIC STM8 and STM32 32K C Compilers

COSMIC STM8 and STM32 32K C Compilers is a patch with 2 professional compilers. The C Compiler package includes: an integrated development environment with optimizing ANSI-C cross compiler, macro assembler, linker, librarian, hex file generator, object format converters, debugging support utilities, run-time library source code, and a multi-pass compiler command driver.

Stm8 gnu tool chain in Description

BREW Elf2Mod

BREW Elf2Mod

BREW elf2mod is a post-linker tool that converts ARM ELF format executable files to BREW module (.mod) files. Elf2mod facilitates the use of static data in dynamically loaded BREW modules by making the modules self-relocatable. If the BREW module contains static data, this release of elf2mod is needed in place of the fromelf utility present in the ARM tool chains.

  • Publisher: Qualcomm
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2010


USBDM is a debugger hardware interface for a range of Freescale microcontrollers. It is designed to work with Freescale's Codewarrior software under Windows and Linux. More recently basic support for Coldfire and Kinetis with the Codesourcery Tool chain or ARM Ltd GNU Tools for ARM has been added.

Inventory Manager Lite

Inventory Manager Lite

Inventory manager lite, is a standalone application that can have the records of computers, hardware parts, software installed, platforms and vendors. It may take a while to load all the data into de database, but, after it is completed in a 60% or 70% the tool can begin delivering good results

  • Publisher: Microforge.net LLC
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2009
EVE Screen Designer

EVE Screen Designer

The EVE Screen Designer (ESD) 4.0 is the next generation of smart IDE for EVE, making EVE-based GUI development much easier to accomplish. This tool enables users to build a GUI application using a visual programming method without needing to know any EVE-specific display list commands.

  • Publisher: BridgeTek Pte Ltd
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2017


Skeinforge is a GPL tool chain to forge a gcode skein for a model .Skeinforge is a tool chain composed of Python scripts that converts your 3d model into G-Code instructions for RepRap.SkeinForge is an awesome little script that will generate very nice GCode. Its free, its Python, and its awesome.

Additional Stm8 gnu tool chain selection

Silicon Laboratories USBXpress Development Kit

Silicon Laboratories USBXpress Development Kit

The USBXpress development kit provides a complete host and device software solution for interfacing CP210x USB to UART bridge and C8051F32x/34x/38x and C8051T62x.T32x USB microcontroller devices to the Universal Serial Bus (USB). Silicon Labs makes USB easy: no USB protocol or host device driver expertise required.

  • Publisher: Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2011
RKit-ARM for Ride7

RKit-ARM for Ride7

RKit-ARM for Ride7 is an extension that provides the tools designed for compiling, programming and debugging application code with Ride7 for Cortex-Mx-, ARM9- and ARM7- based microcontrollers. It also provides support for Phyton CodeMaster C (CMC) compiler tool chain.

The Compressonator

The Compressonator

Compressonator is a set of tools to allow artists and developers to more easily create compressed texture image assets and easily visualize the quality impact of various compression technologies. It consists of a GUI application, a command line application and an SDK for easy integration into a developer tool chain.

  • Publisher: GPUOpen-Tools
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2017
Multisim Student

Multisim Student

This integrated tool chain for circuit capture, simulation, and layout allows you to use this product in a wide range of classes to: - Simulate and analyze circuits for homework and pre-lab assignments - Explore breadboard in 3D before lab sessions - Create printed circuit boards (PCBs) for design projects

  • Publisher: Electronics Workbench
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
DaVinci Studio

DaVinci Studio

DaVinci program has a data binding framework to aid mapping between data and UI. Also includes data source widgets to access remote data and manage them. Includes a tool chain of everything you will need for web application development: Data Binding Editor, N-Screen Editor, CSS3 Animation Editor, etc.

  • Publisher: Davinci Software Lab. Inc.
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2014
Orange C Compiler

Orange C Compiler

Orange C Compiler is a program that includes an optimizing compiler, a tool chain and an IDE. The program offers you a colorizing editor with code completion, integrated make facility, debugger and a WIN32 resource editor. The tool chain is highly generic and it exists the possibility to customize it for embedded platforms.

Doc-O-Matic Express

Doc-O-Matic Express

With Doc-O-Matic Express you can create high-quality documentation with features like graphical class hierarchies, you can produce Help that can be integrated into other systems like the MSDN Help System and you can also integrate the documentation generation process in your tool chain.

  • Publisher: toolsfactory software inc.
  • Home page: www.doc-o-matic.com
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2012


TestCocoon is a complete code coverage tool chain for C/C++ and C# programs available under Apple® Mac OS X, Linux™ or Microsoft® Windows. It analyzes the performance of a software validation and permits to measure the performance and optimizes the testing process of a C/C++ or C# applications.



The first release of the MAF-based application, called NMSBuilder, is now available. This is one of the software tools that in the NMS Physiome project will be used to build a complete tool chain for the musculo-skeletal lower limb dynamic simulation from medical images.

  • Publisher: BiomedTown


MLTMod is a multi-purpose software package developed by Canada Tech to interface with the MLT300 modular gauges. This software is to be used with the sensors and memory module for downloading data, erasing data, programming and bench testing. The program displays three groups of information, including job data present (if any) on the connected memory module.

  • Publisher: Canada Tech