Stock alerts email in Title/Summary

Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software
Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software catches stock trend change signal and alerts stock buy sell signal when stock trend is changing. You know when to buy or sell stocks from 4T stock trading strategy.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2008

Desktop Stock Alert
Free Desktop Stock Alerts: Hot Stock Alerts to your desktop by syndicated stock traders. Receive reports throughout the day. The DSA Icon sits in Windows System Tray. When they post a new alert, a small window appears, advising you of the message.
- Publisher: Stocks That Move
- Last updated: August 4th, 2009

BBC Alerts
BBC Alerts is a free program that helps us to keep ourselves informed about the latest world news from various BBC channels: BBC News, BBC Sport, and BBC World Service. The headlines include news about the UK, any of the five continents (or all of them), sports, entertainment, breaking news, business, health, etc.
- Publisher: Skinkers
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 25th, 2008
Stock alerts email in Description

StreamLine FX MetaTrader Terminal
StreamLine FX MetaTrader is a free to use Forex trader tool.Main features: - Complete technical analysis with over 30 indicators and charting tools. - Handles a vast number of orders. - Displays and sorts account order history. - Creates various custom indicators and different time periods. - Historical price chart data export/import. - Full data back-up and security.
- Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
- Last updated: August 28th, 2015

StormPredator - Personal Weather Radar Software with realistic Map Topography, Multiple NEXRAD Radar products, Storm Tracking, Visual, Audible, Email, Pager, & Cellphone Weather Alerting, Weather Forecasts, Current Data, and History Images. The default (and maximum) is 24 and the minimum is 2.
- Publisher: IntelliWeather
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

Stock Quotes for Pocket PC
Stock Quotes and Chart for PocketPC. Control your stocks while you work or mobile. Besides, you can view news relevant to the selected stock, set customizable alerts, search for ticker and get company summary information.
- Publisher: OLSOFT
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2010

Shark Ticker
Shark Ticker is an application that displays stock prices by means of a small bar on your desktop. This bar can be placed at the top or the bottom of the screen. It blinks when a price changes, and shows alerts when a stock drops below or rises above a certain price.
- Publisher: Steve Hanov
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Inventoria Inventory Software
Inventoria is free professional inventory stock management software for Windows that allows you to manage inventory in one or several locations. Manage your stock levels by categories, locations, and vendor.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023
Additional Stock alerts email selection

POP Peeper
Many notification options are available to indicate when a new email has arrived, such as sound alerts (configurable for each account), skinnable popup notifier, voice notification and more. POP Peeper also implements standard security measures including SSL/TLS and OAuth2 (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook).
- Publisher: Esumsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 29th, 2017

Argus Surveillance DVR
Argus Surveillance DVR can help you install a video surveillance system. The program supports connecting to an unlimited number of wireless cameras, analog cameras, powerline cameras, USB cameras, IP cameras, frame grabbers and TV boards. The product is not too difficult to use and comes with an excellent user guide.
- Publisher: Argus Surveillance Inc.
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2008

My Swisscom Assistant
Helps you set up email, internet and Wi-Fi on your computer, helps you set up your email account on your computer. Alerts you when there is a problem with your internet, email or Wi-Fi and fixes the issue automatical. Helps you improve the quality/speed of your Wi-Fi.
- Publisher: Swisscom
- Last updated: December 13th, 2019

IPView Pro
IPView Pro manages up to 32 TRENDnet cameras. Advanced features include motion detection recording, email alerts, scheduled recording sessions, MJPEG image compression, and digital zoom. A wall/ceiling mounting kit is included and the off-white camera housing blends into most environments.
- Publisher: TRENDnet
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Inspyder Web2Disk
Inspyder Web2Disk is a fast and powerful download manager for websites. It downloads an entire website, with all web pages, images, links and other content, to your local computer, for later offline browsing. This handy tool is great to perform periodic local backups of a website, or to share a website with other people using special methods, like via an USB drive stick.
- Publisher: Inspyder Software Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2020

BullGuard Premium Protection
Bullguard Premium Protection protects our system from different fronts. It has Antivirus and Firewall functions, and Parental Control. It also has a PC Tuneup feature with useful functions. It also has a home network scan and a game booster that optimizes your system to play online games. It also lets you create a system backup and monitor your web browser's activity.
- Publisher: BullGuard Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

PrintSuperVision is a program designed to remotely monitor a customer's OKI and non-OKI devices from any accessible web browser on their network. The program monitors a device’s health, sends email alerts, reports supply status, tracks printed pages and even lets you order and track supplies online.
- Publisher: Oki Data Americas, Inc.
- Last updated: January 18th, 2020

The best way to force a certain program to remain active all the time, and to start up immediately after, say, an accidental shutdown, is to make it behave as a Windows service. AlwaysUp is a small utility that turns your most sensitive programs and routines into tireless processes that start automatically as soon as your computer is idle again and remain active without any human intervention.
- Publisher: Core Technologies Consulting, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Syslog Watcher
The ideal syslog server combines robust performance, high scalability, and intuitive user interface for efficient log management. It supports real-time monitoring, alerting, and comprehensive log analysis to ensure network reliability and security.
- Publisher: EZ5 Systems Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 18th, 2024

OX Notifier
OX Notifier is a program that perfectly integrates into the Windows menubar, only vying for users´ attention when they have new mail or new appointments. You can preview and read HTML and plaintext messages, with no need to use a mail client like Outlook or to Open-Xchange´s webmail client in a browser.
- Publisher: Open-Xchange Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2014