Stock photography price calculator in Title/Summary

Stock Standards Preparation Calculator
Stock Standard Preparation Calculator. New pioneer in analytical chemistry science. Prepare your stock standards for any instrument like ICP, GC, TOC, IC..etc, in an accurate way by following clear steps from software. This software is simple, powerful, has been programmed and strongly validated by real scientists working in lab.
- Publisher: Chemiaosft
- Last updated: September 28th, 2011

Gas Price Calculator
FREE! Have you ever wondered whether it was worth it to drive a few extra miles to save a few cents per gallon on your next gas purchase? The Gas Price Calculator will give you the answer.
- Publisher: KMR Consulting
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009

Scrap Price Calculator
Enter the Spot Price. Choose the Metal. Enter the Percent of Spot and Choose Gram or Pennyweight. This Program will then Compute how much you should be Paid per Carat Weight. Some Precious Metal buyers will fudge on these numbers by dropping the last Decimal Place on the Carat Value, not rounding them up or down
- Publisher: JayRay Projects
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 1st, 2010
Stock photography price calculator in Description

Stock Calculator
As its name clearly says, Stock Calculator is a tool meant to help you perform calculations to let you determine the share prices needed by a stock to return profit. It's basically a share price calculator that enables you to find out the needed values for obtaining profit, including through performing 'what if' analyses.
- Publisher: sspi-software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 29th, 2011

ESQuotes is a powerful Microsoft Excel workbook and Dynamic Link Library (DLL) for stocks and mutual funds. Stock quotes are retrieved direct from Internet without downloading.ESQuotes dynamically updates stock market price, change, volume, high/low, etc. from the internet! Excel provides the framework for managing your own personal portfolio of stocks and mutual funds.
- Publisher: Gilmore Software Development
- Last updated: April 27th, 2008

Stock Quotes for Pocket PC
Stock Quotes and Chart for PocketPC. Control your stocks while you work or mobile. Besides, you can view news relevant to the selected stock, set customizable alerts, search for ticker and get company summary information.
- Publisher: OLSOFT
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2010

xTrade is a free technical analysis and stocks charting software with a user friendly interface. It is designed for beginners and advanced traders. Multiple stock exchange are available (NY, Paris, London). In newer versions, options price calculator, dll design and indicators builder will be available.
- Publisher: xtrade
- Last updated: May 25th, 2012

ProStockMaster is an application helping you to sell photos online through stock photography agencies. The program automates the tedious tasks of tagging, managing and uploading microstock photos and traditional royalty free and rights managed images to stock agencies.
- Publisher: ProStockMaster
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Additional Stock photography price calculator selection

FX Chem
FX Chem is a good chemical equation writing tool. Using this program you need just to enter the information and the program will format it. Besides, you don’t even have to use a capital type. FX Chem can recognize different components of a chemical equation and move them in the appropriate place.
- Publisher: Efofex Software
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

Fotolia Desktop
Fotolia Desktop is a utility that allows you to search or browse photos, illustrations, vectors and videos on Fotolia website. Fotolia is a photography community where you can buy and sell stock photos. Fotolia Desktop is a tool for those habitually in need of stock photos, especially those who appreciate
- Publisher: Fotolia
- Last updated: May 31st, 2011

Windows Duct Price Calculator is a handy utility and easy to use. Enter duct dimensions in mm and lenght in meters into calculator. enter the cost per Sq meter for #.6 (24#) and with the price from the manufacturer it calculates sub total form to obtain a grand total.
- Publisher: Aerial Ventilation
- Last updated: October 12th, 2010

autoclosets LT - Demo
autoclosets LT is a program that allows you to generate 3D photorealistic images, plans and quotes to cover the needs of fitted wardrobe sales teams. The program will indicate the architectural space in which the wardrobe will be fitted and the position according to the walls.
- Publisher: Microcad Software S.L.
- Last updated: June 4th, 2014

Start by pressing the New Ticker button in order to download your favorite stock for analysis. Please note that the historical stock price data gets downloaded from Yahoo Finance. Stock data not provided by Yahoo will not be available for downloading. Ezfibs will run through the stock's price history and generate the Fibonacci percentages resistance and support levels,
- Publisher: Jigaro Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2010

Stock Quotes for Smartphone
Stock Quotes and Chart for Smartphone. Control your stocks while you work or while you are mobile. Besides, you can view news relevant to the selected stock, set customizable alerts, search for ticker and get company summary information.
- Publisher: OLSOFT
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 28th, 2009

Historical Stock Data Downloader
This program uses the Yahoo Finance website to download and sort historical stock data for a user-specified time period. The program returns a structure array that holds information on the date, opening price, closing price, high, low, volume, and adjusted closing price.
- Publisher: Matlab Central
- Last updated: January 12th, 2010

Bull N Bearish
Bull 'N' Bearish is a stock exchange analysis tool. Stock technical analysis focuses on historical price patterns and volume characteristics to predict the future. Technical analysis is concerned with the history of trading and price in a stock. Technical analysts believe that a stock market price reveals all the known/needed information about the stock.
- Publisher: H P Info Systems

Mass conversion of IPTC File Info fields added to JPEG or TIFF pictures between Mac-PC: translates Macintosh text with accents to Windows and Windows to Macintosh. Improves images,digital photos transmission or stock photography sent cross-platform
- Publisher: Soft Experience
- Home page:

Stock It Easy
Stock It Easy is an inventory management application that lets you keep track of any data such as persons, collections of items, prices, transactions, documents, and so on. The best thing about this tool is its customization possibilities. It lets you tweak every aspect of the interface as well as of the created databases in order to completely suit your particular needs.
- Publisher: StockItEasy
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 18th, 2020