Stress analysis of piping systems in Title/Summary

PSA5 Pipe Stress Analysis
PSA5 Pipe Stress Analysis from Whessoe Computing Systems allows piping engineers to accurately and efficiently calculate stress levels within their designs from both static and dynamic loading, and compare these with allowable values for a range of national/industry standards, including ASME III Class 1, 2 and 3, B31.1, B31.3, BS EN 13480 and BS 806.
- Publisher: Whessoe Computing Systems
- Last updated: October 7th, 2012

GF Piping Systems CAD Library
GF Piping Systems CAD Library for AutoCAD comes with over 25,000 drawings and technical data on pipes, fittings, measurement and control technology, and manual and actuated valves. Multi-functional drivers are present for direct insertion to most common CAD systems.
- Publisher: GGeorg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd.
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2016

LATERAL STRESS ANALYSIS software is designed to give you EXACTLY the lateral stresses imposed on to your proposed or existing retaining structure(s). Also included is profile of pore water pressures. Once you have the lateral stresses, you may design mulilevel soldier piles with tiebacks
- Publisher: Soil Structure, Inc.
Stress analysis of piping systems in Description

CAESAR II makes it easy to input and display all the data needed to accurately define a piping system analysis model. Input can be accessed or modified on an element-by-element basis, or datasets can be selected to make global changes.
- Publisher: Intergraph
- Last updated: June 28th, 2012

TRIFLEX Windows is a Piping System Stress Analysis Software & Design program that provides user-friendly data entry, an extremely flexible output report generator and superior input & output graphics. TRIFLEX Windows offers Engineers an Expandable Network Wide solution to meet today's Piping requirements for the Chemical, Petro-Chemical, Refining, Power, Pipeline, etc.
- Publisher: PipingSolutions
- Last updated: July 14th, 2015

FE107 uses finite element technology to provide stress analysis of nozzle connections on piping and pressure vessel. FE107 replaces WRC 107 as a calculation tool that can be applied when WRC 107 correlational methods are limited. FE107 is useful for piping and pressure vessel engineers and designers.
- Publisher: Paulin Research Group
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

INPLANT is a powerful, steady-state simulator for designing, rating, and analyzing plant piping systems. Engineers can quickly rate and analyze the safety of plant piping systems using INPLANT. INPLANT also enables the design of new piping systems or the upgrade of a wide variety of existing piping systems.
- Publisher: Invensys Inc
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012

Project Dalton
Project Dalton is a technology preview of a 1D flow analysis tool that allows designers and engineers to develop and analyze complex piping systems and distribution networks. It helps designers understand how these systems will perform when subjected to different operating parameters and routing options.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Last updated: June 30th, 2014
Additional Stress analysis of piping systems selection

EPANET is a software program destined to be used by professionals who analyze, simulate and manage water distribution piping systems. It can be used to evaluate alternative strategies for improving water quality, to design and upgrade the performance of a hydraulic system, or to realize assessments about consumer exposure.
- Publisher: EPA's Water Supply and Water Resources Division
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Gephi is a visualization and exploration tool for all kinds of graphs and networks. Main features: - Biological Network analysis: representing patterns of biological data. - Poster creation: scientific work promotion with hi-quality printable maps. - Native file formats: GDF (GUESS), GraphML (NodeXL), GML, NET (Pajek), GEXF and more.
- Publisher: Gephi
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 15th, 2016

Hydroflo is a powerful software tool that assists piping system designers in the modeling and analysis of single source/single discharge, re-circulating and gravity flow piping systems. These systems are commonly found in industrial process, water supply, wastewater treatment, fire protection, chemical process, mine de-watering, irrigation and HVAC applications among others.
- Publisher: Tahoe Design Software
- Last updated: February 21st, 2011

PIPE-FLO Professional
PIPE-FLO Professional is a comprehensive piping system analysis package that provides you with a clear picture of the design and operation of your entire piping system. PIPE-FLO Professional provides a total picture of the piping system including the steady state flow rates and pressures throughout the system, along with the interaction of pumps, control valves, and flow meters.
- Publisher: Engineered Software, Inc.
- Last updated: January 14th, 2015

QuickField is an interactive environment for electromagnetic, thermal and stress analysis. Standard analysis types include linear and nonlinear magnetostatics; transient magnetics; AC magnetics (involving eddy current analysis); two dimensional and three dimensional problems of Electrostatics; two dimensional and three dimensional problems of DC conduction; AC conduction, and more.
- Publisher: Tera Analysis Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 18th, 2020

PV Elite
PV Elite is a complete solution for the quick and intuitive design of new pressure vessels and it also evaluates and re-rates existing vessels, including Fitness for Service analysis. The program considers the whole vessel, addressing all of the wall thickness rules and stress analysis requirements for vertical towers, horizontal vessels and heat exchangers.
- Publisher: COADE, Inc
- Last updated: December 11th, 2013

Scalability options include PSpice Advanced Analysis capabilities and integration with MathWorks MATLAB Simulink for co-simulation. Advanced capabilities such as temperature and stress analysis, electro-mechanical simulation, worst-case analysis, Monte Carlo analysis, and curve-fit optimizers help engineers design high-performance circuits that are reliable and withstand parameter variation.
- Publisher: Cadence Design Systems
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008

Section properties calculator, stress analysis, shape database customization. Get torsion properties, cracked section properties, concrete section capacities and interaction diagrams. ShapeBuilder shines in a number of areas: * Integrates with the IES Shape & Material database systems * Exports custom shapes to VisualAnalysis
- Publisher: IES
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2012

Examine2D is a very fast two-dimensional indirect boundary element program for calculating stresses and displacements around underground and surface excavations in rock. It provides an integrated graphical environment for data entry and visualization. Additionally, the CAD based modeler allows for point and click geometry input and editing.
- Publisher: Rocscience inc
- Last updated: March 31st, 2013

CONVAL integrates extensive calculation functions for components and processes in industrial systems, based on tried-and-tested methods, such as DIN, VDI, VDMA EN/ISO and ISA. The range of available calculations extends from control valves and throttle elements through piping systems to heat exchangers.
- Publisher: F.I.R.S.T. GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2013