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Stretch reminder in Title/Summary

Big Stretch Reminder

Big Stretch Reminder

Big Stretch is a free simple reminder tool that prompts a user to take regular breaks and helps prevent the symptoms of RSI. Alternatively it can be a simple reminder program to tell you when it’s your coffee break! Big Stretch works on all versions of Windows®. Big Stretch is completely free and contains no spyware or addware.

Stretch Break

Stretch Break

Stretch Break is an ergonomic program that helps prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) by reminding you to take periodic breaks while using your computer. You can select how long to wait between stretch sessions and how many stretches per session. You can also determine which stretches appear, their order and how many times each stretch appears.

  • Publisher: Para Technologies
  • Home page: www.paratec.com
  • Last updated: September 2nd, 2014
Stretch - 7 Day Trial

Stretch - 7 Day Trial

Stretch is currently the only personal development tool on the market based on methods recommended by peer reviewed literature for producing true speed reading results. Stretch extends the enormously successful flash-card technique from one word to two or more words to increase the size of clause that can be taken in at a glance.

  • Publisher: FieldCraft
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Stretch reminder in Description



WalkAway is a free Windows application that reminds you to take a break from your computer. Use it to stretch, close your eyes, or to just get up, walk away and get some fresh air.

  • Publisher: Offeman Enterprises
  • Home page: offeman.com
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2024
A.I. Talking Reminder

A.I. Talking Reminder

A.I. Talking Reminder can also work as a to do list and memo note software. In addition, it can give you a little break from working by telling you a new joke everyday as well as telling time and date. Its online features will allow you to add favorite web links and set your favorite news pages. With vivid 3D characters that speak and react to your controls (right/left click, mouse grab)

  • Publisher: A.I. Power Software
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2009
Kana Reminder

Kana Reminder

Lots of reminder software’s are available in today’s internet world. But which one to be chosen is the most confusing question whose answer is always searched for. Kana Reminder eradicates all such sort of confusions and gives user the best he could have got. Kana Reminder is an excellent software tool which is very useful for user for reminding them their commitments.

Actual Reminder

Actual Reminder

Actual Reminder is a classic desktop calendar for various types of users to plan and execute their tasks on time. Actual Reminder manages various activities with various features to remind activities like birthday, meeting, important event, holiday, daily, weekly events and many more. Once your region/city is selected, Actual Reminder also shows weather forecast for 10 days

  • Publisher: East Imperial Soft
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Sofonesia Reminder

Sofonesia Reminder

Sofonesia Reminder can remind you of various things .It can : - Remind about birthday of friends and relatives. - Remind about important appointments and events. - Remind about Payment of bills. Main Features: - It supports unlimited reminders. Any number of reminders can be set. - It supports MP3 and Wave format sounds. Any music of choice can be set along with the reminder.

  • Publisher: Sofonesia Ltd.
  • Home page: www.sofonesia.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Additional Stretch reminder selection



Desktop-Reminder is a FREEWARE task planner for Windows to manage your tasks and other to-dos’ in an easy way. Desktop-Reminder can notify you even few months earlier about your task. In such a way you are able to quit every long-term contract right on time.

Wise Reminder

Wise Reminder

Wise Reminder is a simple yet very effective tool that lets you create lists of future tasks and events and be reminded of them at the right time. For those of us that have busy daily schedules, Wise Reminder can prove to be of undeniable help. They will no longer forget about important meetings, appointments, and other upcoming events.

Efficient Reminder Free

Efficient Reminder Free

Efficient Reminder Free is a cross-platform appointment and event reminder tool. With her help, you will be able to catch up with your meetings and prepare for your mom's birthday in time. And you can sync data across PCs and mobile phones.

Reminder Commander

Reminder Commander

Reminder Commander will help you create a system of reminders for important events such as birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, important phone calls and much more. Reminder Commander has been designed on the basis of user opinions and suggestions.

Birthday Reminder

Birthday Reminder

Never Forget Those Important Birthdays Ever Again ...

Vaisnava Reminder

Vaisnava Reminder

Vaishnava Reminder is a tool for reminding all type of Religious occasions, especially those of the Vaishnava community, as well as for managing your regular, day-to-day events. Vaishnava Reminder is a free tool for life with compatibility with most of the windows-based operating systems.

  • Publisher: Oleh Demchenko
  • Last updated: September 13th, 2008
Efficient Reminder

Efficient Reminder

Efficient Reminder is designed for managing dates, meetings, and events. It can remind you to pay bills, prepare for birthdays, etc. Multiple calendar views, such as Day, Week, Month and Year views as well as list view are available so you can better arrange and track your appointments and events.

  • Publisher: Efficient Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Desktop Calendar Reminder

Desktop Calendar Reminder

Desktop Calendar Reminder is simple, compact and easy to use desktop calendar. It has digital clock, calendar and note's area for every day. There are options for changing calendar colors, fonts, style, and more. It is the best desktop calendar. Requirements: 1. PC with a Intel Pentium 133 MHz processor or higher ; 2. Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows 95/98/Millennium Edition/XP ;

  • Publisher: Softjournal
  • Last updated: August 22nd, 2010
Holiline Reminder

Holiline Reminder

Best paid features in a free reminder made to amaze. The basic principle of Holiline is to be around when you need it and not when you don't. It couldn't be simpler to use. You'll never forget important events.

  • Publisher: Holiline, LLC
  • Home page: www.holiline.com
  • Last updated: January 1st, 2016
Bible Verse Reminder

Bible Verse Reminder

Bible Verse Reminder is an application to help remind you of bible verses every day. You may input your own verses grouped in several themes or just use the inbuilt verses. You can add and save your favorite bible verses into this program and read them later as they display one by one on your computer.

  • Publisher: Bytewise Computer Solutions
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020