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Sudden strike eastern front mod in Title/Summary

Sudden Strike II

Sudden Strike II

World War Real Time Strategy. You are on the front line in the center of realistic strategic battles, which will amaze and delight even the shrewdest of strategy experts. You'll have to fight on water , on land and in the air to meet your objectives.

  • Publisher: FIreglow
  • Home page: www.gametop.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2008
Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

The Eastern Front has achieved what so many RTS players have been wanting for so many years, the addition of the Soviet Union into Company of Heroes. EF is not going to harm your normal Company of Heroes in any way, you can still play it normally. Also, it does not overwrite any of the exciting factions. It will add the new factions, and you can still play with the old ones as well.

  • Publisher: Eastern Front Team
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2010
Sudden Strike Normandy

Sudden Strike Normandy

Sudden Strike Normandy is a strategy game based on a battle between the ally versus Germany in Normandy. The game begins with simple missions which continues to get complicated based on the level the users have finished. Each mission which has been completed will open the next mission. Meanwhile to play mode randomly, the user can choose mode custom scenario.

  • Publisher: Fireglow Ltd
  • Home page: www.gametop.com
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2012

Sudden strike eastern front mod in Description



This mod is compatible with Company of Heroes, Opposing Front and Tales of Valor patched to 2.601. It also contains a combiner compatible with Eastern FrontFeatures: - The combiner has been revised to be compatible with Eastern Front v1.3 - Heroes and crazy stuff can be enable/disable from the award menu

  • Publisher: DesuraNET Pty Ltd.
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2011
European Theater 1944

European Theater 1944

Normandy '44: European Theater combines a higher level of realism with a more elaborate doctrine system, which incorporates almost 50 different military units that took part in the Normandy campaign.This spectrum ranges from battalions of free Polish and French units serving under the main allied armies to volunteers from the Eastern Front that served in the German Wehrmacht.

  • Publisher: DesuraNET Pty Ltd.
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2011
Sudden Strike Iwo Jima

Sudden Strike Iwo Jima

Sudden Strike Iwo Jima is a nice war game. As its name states, the game is focused on the Battle of Iwo Jima, also known as Operation Detachment, which took place in 1945. This battle of United States against the Japanese Empire remained in the history books as one of the fiercest fight from the World War 2.

  • Publisher: Fireglow Games
  • Home page: sites.google.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2012
Red Orchestra Unreal Tournament 2004 mod

Red Orchestra Unreal Tournament 2004 mod

Red Orchestra Unreal Tournament 2004 mod is a program that pits players in scale combat of the most intense and grueling warfare in history- the Eastern Front conflict of World War II. You can experience real missions set in real scale settings -- elite tactical units vieing for control of strategic industrial assets in close quarter combat.

  • Publisher: [RO]Jeremy
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2012


Battlefield 1918 is a total conversion modification for Battlefield 1942. The mod takes Battlefield 1942 into a whole new scenario, the first world war. Next to historically correct equipments and vehicles, we try to recreate the atmosphere of these WW1 battlefields as close as we can, keeping in mind the game we're working with.

  • Publisher: inside1918
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2008

Additional Sudden strike eastern front mod selection

Sudden Strike Crimea

Sudden Strike Crimea

Sudden Strike Crimea is a strategy game in which you need to move your troops through an occupied region to battle against the German army in order to liberate the city. The game is not easy to play unless you are familiar with this type of games. Nevertheless, it has good graphics and sounds, and, in general, it is an entertaining game, so if you enjoy strategy games, then you may like this one.

  • Publisher: Fireglow Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2012
Real Warfare Mod

Real Warfare Mod

Real Warfare Mod is a World War 2 Mod for the popular Real Time Strategy game Sudden Strike 2 by Fireglow. The mod applies several good features to the game like: Sounds, Graphics, Playability and Realism. This comes free of charge and improves the game.

Red Orchestra

Red Orchestra

Fight in the theatre of war that changed the world forever. Battle alongside your compatriots on some of the most inhospitable environments of the Eastern Front in Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 RO places you in the most realistic WWII first-person multi-player combat to date on the PC, allowing the player to fight through some of the most intense combat of the war.

  • Publisher: Tripwire Interactive, LLC
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008
Battlegroup Frontlines Mod

Battlegroup Frontlines Mod

Battlegroup Frontlines is a Battlefield 2 mod that shifts the players back to the Eastern Front of the Second World War. It features historically-accurate vehicles, aircraft, and weapons; realistic and accurate sounds; realistic weapon aiming and firing physics; famous battlefields, and more.

Close Combat Cross of Iron

Close Combat Cross of Iron

Close Combat Cross of Iron 1.0 is a software tactical multiplayer simulation war game based on the classic Atomic Games series of games and this one emulates the battles of the Eastern Front of WWII challenging the tactical game ability of users. The game features an enhanced scenario editor which allows players to create their own scenarios.

  • Publisher: Matrix Games
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2008
Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear

Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear

Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear includes an AI opponent as well as full multiplayer support with an integrated forum and game lobby. To remain true to the core gameplay of the board game, the PC version is designed to be fun, fast and easy to play, though hard to master.



Counter-Strike 1.6 is one of the most famous shooting games that can be played over internet o a normal LAN. It is a MOD(ification) of Half-Life that is set in a teamplay, you can choose to be a terrorist or a counter-terrorist. Warning: this great game is very addictive! You’ll download it in a few minutes and you’ll be playing it in less!

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

With its extensive Tour of Duty career, a limited number of skirmish modes, updates and new features for Counter-Strike's award-winning multiplayer online gameplay, plus over 12 bonus single player missions, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is a tremendous offering of single and multiplayer content.

Soldier Front

Soldier Front

Soldier Front is a massive multi-player online shooter. The game is based in games like Counter-Strike, but with an MMO element. You can create and customize your own special forces operative and buy equipment so you can use it. The game also features experience points and ranks. These elements make Soldier Front an interesting choice for FPS fans.

  • Publisher: Dragonfly Game
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011


The year is 2010. The war in Middle Eastern that was started in the late 20th century has finally come to an end. Many of the international power involved in the war can no longer continue to fund the expenses for a long drawn out war for oil reserves. The major international powers decided to finally empower the U.N. (United Nations) with military force and resources, thus forming the UGF (United Great Force)...

  • Publisher: СJ Internet Corp. & GameHi
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2012