Suetron electronic tswin in Title/Summary

TSwin .net (DE) + SP2
TSwin .net (DE) + SP2 provides user with a straightforward tool for programming buttons,indicators lights,password protectin,pictures, bars, input and output fields,text and text lists, and much more. The function for providing re-useable template files,which cand be used as basis for the creation of new projects, offers a high livel of convenience.
- Publisher: Suetron electronic GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 17th, 2011

Animation Plugin Electronic Signs 2
The Electronic Signs #2 plugin features twelve impossible-to-ignore sign styles, each supporting two or more sizes and over a dozen text effects. It's quick to learn, intuitive to use and creates surprisingly small animations. Put one of these signs at the top of your web page and people will read it even if they ignore everything else.
- Publisher: Alchemy Mindworks
- Home page:

Baldor Electronic Catalog
The new version 10.0 of the Baldor Electronic Catalog features a totally new and enhanced user interface with instant access to many features including: - Specifications, photos, performance data, and replacement parts list on over 6,000 Baldor products including Pow'r Gard Generators, Commercial motors, and Gear products.
- Publisher: Baldor Electric Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 15th, 2010
Suetron electronic tswin in Description

ProjectSpec simplifies the specification process by quickly creating a parts list with options, prices, and discounts. You can easily produce bids and proposals for customers. Create invoices and purchase orders and even export into various accounting systems. For manufacturers with electronic data interchange (EDI), send accurate, validated orders electronically.
- Publisher: ProjectMatrix
- Last updated: July 21st, 2012

SignPack works with signature pads to capture and secure your digital signature. Capture, secure and produce electronic signatures in a snap. SignPack electronic signature software supports major signature pad brands including Topaz signature pads.
- Publisher: InnoTechnix inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

AnyForm form software - creates new forms and fills out paper, preprinted and even PDF forms on PC easily - either manually or by data import from ODBC- databases. Convert paper forms into electronic forms Turn original paper forms into ready-fillable electronic forms by scanning them in or by importing jpg-, gif-, pga- or bmp-files of original forms
- Publisher: Smartform GmbH
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008

XolidoSign is a Windows Application for electronically sign and/or timestamp documents on your computer and for smart verification of received files on your computer. All kind of documents, like PDF (native Signature), Fast and easy. Full safety.
- Publisher: Xolido Systems, S.A.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

pVault Enterprise Content Manager
pVault Enterprise Content Manager centralizes your vital business content in one secure location. All electronic business records that are created or received during normal business transactions can be captured and organized for fast, easy, multi-user access and distribution.
- Publisher: Paperless Environments
- Last updated: May 27th, 2014
Additional Suetron electronic tswin selection

Electronic Piano
Electronic Piano is a freeware program that allows the user to play Musical Notes, Chords and Drums using the computer keyboard. Main features: - 128 Musical Instruments (General MIDI Standard). - Drums47 Drums sounds. - ChordsPlay 12 types of Chords by pressing a single key. - GuitarChords can be played simulating the 6 strings of a Guitar.
- Publisher: Maurيcio Antunes Oliveira
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 14th, 2015

EFASS - Electronic Flight Assistant
EFASS (short for Electronic Flight Assistant) is the ultimate Flight planning and Moving-Map tool for virtual pilots. EFASS lets you quickly export your flight plan to common Addons and is compatible to all common Flight Simulators like X-Plane, FSX, Prepar3d and FS2004.
- Publisher: Froom
- Last updated: February 6th, 2015

Electronic Service Control
Electronic Service Control, ESC, is a complete service management solution that lets service companies manage customers, work, and finances in an intuitive, easy-to-use environment. It has all the tools and features growing service companies need. dESCO has been making service software for 30 years for more than 50 industries.
- Publisher: dESCO, LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012

Electronic Calculator
Electronic Calculator 2 is the must have companion for anyone who works with electronics, whether experienced or novice, working on vintage sets or the most up to date of circuits. EC2 is far more than just another resistor calculator (although it does of course offer this facility)
- Publisher: B.E.C. Networks Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 7th, 2008

This software has been developed especially for Condition Monitoring applications. Additional to the HMGWIN 3000 functions, this software enables the reading out of measured values and configuration and setting up of Condition Monitoring Sensors (HLB 1300 / 1400, AS 1000, CS 1000) as well as Condition Monitoring devices (CMU 1000, CSI-F-10).
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2013

Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts offers mobile gamers an unmatched The EA Download Manager is a fast, easy, and secure new tool that lets you download purchased PC games straight from the EA Store onto your computer. It's the best way to get your game(s) up and running as quickly as possible.
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Last updated: February 24th, 2012

Electronic Children's Dictionary
Electronic Children's Dictionary is a free program that offers you translations and definitions from the Bhutan language to English. The program also offers the alphabetic characters of the Buthan language and it allows you to improve your pronunciation by providing you with audio content.
- Publisher: Dzongkha Development Commission
- Last updated: March 10th, 2013

Electronic Data Submittal Application
EDSA is an administrative and completeness checker that should be run on all Electronic Data Deliverables (EDD) prior to submission to SRP. LSRPs, on the behalf of the responsible party, should run this check to ensure all the basic required information is included and correct.
- Publisher: NJ Department of Environmental Protection
- Last updated: April 8th, 2011

M.E.L. Magnetrol Electronic Literature
Use the Magnetrol Product Selection Wizard to easily find the correct Magnetrol product for your specific needs. Address, Phone, and E-mail information for your local Magnetrol Sales Representative. Run the program directly from the CD, or install to a compatible Microsoft Windows computer.
- Publisher: Magnetrol International Inc.
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

Electronic Training Simulator
The Electronic Training Simulator software is Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 compatible. The program requires an Internet connection for license validation, and uses .NET Framework to perform calculations. If the appropriate .NET Framework version is not installed on your computer, the installation program will add it.
- Publisher: VisesTech
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012