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Sun secure global desktop download in Title/Summary

Sun Secure Global Desktop Native Client

Sun Secure Global Desktop Native Client

You can access Secure Global Desktop using a separate, dedicated application - a Secure Global Desktop Native Client - instead of using a web browser. The Client is completely independent of the browser and the webtop. If the browser is closed, the Sun Secure Global Desktop Native Client continues to run. The Native Client can only be used to access the classic webtop.

  • Publisher: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2009
Oracle Secure Global Desktop

Oracle Secure Global Desktop

Oracle Secure Global Desktop is a program that provides secure access to centralized, server-hosted Windows, UNIX and legacy applications from a wide variety of client devices. The program is certified for web-based Oracle Applications and Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud.

  • Publisher: Oracle
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2013
desktop sun tracker

desktop sun tracker

This software displays two versions of the world map, a day, and a night version, and fades between them to show which portions of the world are in daylight, and which aren't. In other words, this is a dynamic wallpaper that updates based on where the sun is relative to the surface of the earth.

  • Publisher: here there software
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2009

Sun secure global desktop download in Description

Sun 3D Screensaver

Sun 3D Screensaver

The Sun is the most prominent feature in our Solar System. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. The Sun's outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has a temperature of 6,000°C (11,000°F). This layer has a mottled appearance due to the turbulent eruptions of energy at the surface… Features: Full 3D environment Photo-realistic colourful graphics Relaxing space music Digital Clock Digital Clock FPS counter Hear the call of the universe! Great variety of fascinating space scenes! Put the ultimate source of light and heat in our Solar System on your desktop!

1 Click & Lock

1 Click & Lock

1Click & Lock up is a system tray security utility you can use to secure your desktop when you step away from your PC. It's secure and very easy-to-use. Just define a password, and select Lock to hide and deny access to your desktop to anyone without

Download Manager

Download Manager

It guarantees you the fastest possible download , as it has speeding boosting technology such as automatically looking for the fast download sources and switching to mirror sites to make downloading even faster. And if that’s not fast enough, you can preview videos while they are still downloading

  • Publisher: IGN Entertainment, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2012
Outlook Express Repair Toolbox

Outlook Express Repair Toolbox

Outlook Express Repair Toolbox is the leading Microsoft Outlook Express DBX repair tool for restoring .DBX Microsoft outlook Express files. Easy to use, it will restore information from .DBX files for Outlook Express v.5, .v5.5 and v.6.

MySql Repair Toolbox

MySql Repair Toolbox

MySQL Repair Toolbox for fast and simple recovery of MySQL databases. A feature-rich solution which is the best solution for how to repair database in MySQL 2000 with MySQL repair tool exports data in SQL script format to separate files on disk!

Additional Sun secure global desktop download selection

VMware Workstation Player

VMware Workstation Player

VMware Player Pro is a streamlined desktop virtualization program designed for creating, running and evaluating operating systems and applications in a virtual machine on Windows. With VMware Player Pro, complete desktop environments including the operating system, applications and user configurations can be containerized in a virtual machine and easily shared.

  • Publisher: VMware, Inc.
  • Home page: www.vmware.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
Website Ripper Copier

Website Ripper Copier

Website Ripper Copier is a program designed for Windows PCs that provides you with a solution for offline browsing. This application helps you download entire websites directly to your local directories, extract webpage files of a certain size or kind, etc.

  • Publisher: Tensons Corporation
  • Home page: www.tensons.com
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2017


DeskSpace is an amazing program that will simulate a nice cube visual effect in your desktop, and will give you the possibility to work among many desktops, where you will be able to change from one to another in a 3D visual way, just pressing hotkeys or with your mouse, and even you will be able to drag and drop windows from one side to another.



FTPRush comes as a powerful alternative to other popular FTP clients like FileZilla. It efficiently handles file transfers on local networks, as well as on the Internet. This program can be easily used by beginners, but at the same time, it includes all the tools that are necessary to advanced users. It supports SFTP connections, as well as TFPT and SSH ones.

  • Publisher: IoRush Software
  • Home page: www.wftpserver.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021
Desktop Calendar Reminder

Desktop Calendar Reminder

Desktop Calendar Reminder is simple, compact and easy to use desktop calendar. It has digital clock, calendar and note's area for every day. There are options for changing calendar colors, fonts, style, and more. It is the best desktop calendar. Requirements: 1. PC with a Intel Pentium 133 MHz processor or higher ; 2. Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows 95/98/Millennium Edition/XP ;

  • Publisher: Softjournal
  • Last updated: August 22nd, 2010
NDrive Update Agent

NDrive Update Agent

Download this free updater for your desktop: - Maps, voices, aerial photography, TTS, funny voices - Better interface - Faster and easier NDrive - Safer backup to avoid loss of info - Deeper view on the status of your device - Clean and safe payment flow

  • Publisher: NDrive
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2011
Water Life

Water Life

Water Life Screensaver will take you to visit the underwater world. This beautiful screensaver will let you wear your diving equipment and take you on a journey to the depth of the ocean. Don’t be alarmed. The underwater world is not scary or menacing. On the contrary, it is a world of peace and beauty that you will definitely enjoy with this software.

  • Publisher: Rixane Screensavers
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2008
Game Vindicator

Game Vindicator

Game Vindicator 1.1 is a free software developed to avoid unfair gameplay in online multiplayer games. This software prevents other users from cheating, hacking, or using other unfair advantage over you while playing online games. By a proprietary cheat detection system, Game Vindicator uses ways of detecting and blocking illegal software, viruses, hacks or any other suspicious application.

McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention for Server

McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention for Server

McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention for Server is a program that proactively secures against known and new zero-day attacks. It boosts security and lowers costs by reducing the frequency and urgency of patching. It integrates with the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) platform for centralized reporting and management.

  • Publisher: Abbott Global Desktop Engineering and Automation
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2014
Cryptostorm Client

Cryptostorm Client

Cryptostorm Client is the quickest, least fiddly path onto the secure network. Simply download and run the self-installing package (Windows only; Mac build nearly ready for release), enter your token and you're connected. Everything is automated, and there's no drama.

  • Publisher: Cryptostorm
  • Home page: cryptostorm.is
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2015