Sunrise mtt reporter in Title/Summary

Sunrise MTT Reporter
The application downloads results and manages profiles for SunSet MTT. The visual editor has pre-made forms that can be filled with information acquired automatically.
- Publisher: Sunrise Telecom, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 16th, 2013

SunSet MTT Reporter
Sunrise Telecom is a leading provider of testing and monitoring solutions for digital multimedia, metro Ethernet, and VoIP networks. Founded in 1991 to enable telecom providers to deliver services quickly, seamlessly and profitably, Sunrise Telecom soon became a pioneer in DSL testing.
- Publisher: LAMBDA
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

TrackMania Sunrise
The high octane, free wheeling insanity that is Trackmania returns to PC CDROM. Trackmania Sunrise takes everything that made the original an instant online classic – amazing speed, ultra competitive multiplayer races and easily accessible tools to create and distribute outrageous tracks – and still manages to add more and more.
- Publisher: Nadeo
- Last updated: November 19th, 2010
Sunrise mtt reporter in Description

ICMIZER is a powerful preflop Nash ICM Calculator for finding optimal plays in any situations in SNG and MTT tournaments. Utilizing poker ICM theory, cutting edge FGS model, and a basic ChipEV model, it offers a wide range of tools for optimizing your preflop Push/Fold playing strategy.
- Publisher: ICMIZER
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2017

SSW Access Reporter
Get your Access reports on the web with SSW Access Reporter. The SSW Access Reporter utility is comprised of two primary components: the Report Server and the Report Client. The Report Server can run on any machine and receives requests from the Report Client.
- Publisher: Superior Software for Windows
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 28th, 2012

Microsoft Exchange Server Reporting and Email Traffic Tracking Tool - ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus
Exchange Reporter Plus is a web-based analysis and reporting solution for Microsoft Exchange Servers. It is comprehensive and complete MS Exchange reporting software that provides over 100 different reports on every aspect of MS Exchange Server.
- Publisher: ZOHO Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 18th, 2013

AstroLoka Basic
AstroLoka Basic is a complete application for creating personal horoscopes based on the only very basic features. The program includes important Horoscope details: planets position, Rasi, Ashta Vargas, Navamsa, Bhava, Vargas and Vimshothari Dasa. The available preferences include South, East and North India chart styles. All planets name come in both languages: English and Sanskrit.
- Publisher: AstroLoka Technologies Pvt Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

Veeam Reporter
When it comes to documenting and reporting on your VMware virtual infrastructure, Veeam Reporter™ does it all. Now you can experience the power of enterprise reporting, change management and capacity planning with Veeam Reporter at absolutely no charge – with Veeam Reporter Free Edition.
- Publisher: Veeam
- Last updated: September 25th, 2012
Additional Sunrise mtt reporter selection

Query Reporter
Query Reporter is an easy-to-use freeware tool to create and run HTML reports from the results of a SQL query against an Oracle database. You can refine the layout by specifying colors, fonts, alignment, formats, sums, headers, backround, margins and so on. From a simple query, you can define tabular, break, and master/detail reports.
- Publisher: Allround Automations
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 14th, 2015

The Complete Genealogy Reporter
The Complete Genealogy Reporter uses the GEDCOM data exported from any genealogy data management program to create comprehensive genealogy reports, books, or websites. These may be configured to include fully cross-referenced narrative text, notes, sources, pictures, ancestor and descendant charts, family tree diagrams, and indexes of occupations, places and more.
- Publisher: Nigel Bufton Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Reporter Viewer
Want to show your Active Data Document to a friend or test data user who doesn't have I-deas Reporter? Download Report Viewer. The Reporter Viewers can be used to view Microsoft Office documents with active content created using Test for I-deas: Reporter. The Viewers are also used to display interactive content in the I-deas Interactive Real Time displays.
- Publisher: Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

FLIR Reporter
FLIR Reporter is a powerful program for creating compelling, professional, fully customized, easy-to-interpret maintenance reports. The Report Wizard guides you step-by-step in combining all IR inspection data - infrared and visual images, temperature measurements and text notes.
- Publisher: FLIR Systems, inc.
- Last updated: July 12th, 2016

Activity Reporter
Activity Reporter has proved to be an effective, robust and user friendly software. In today's scenario, Data Security is a major concern for all Corporates to keep competitors at bay so that they should not be able to get hold of any critical information which would bring all the hard efforts to naught. You can use this software to monitor the activities of the computer.
- Publisher: Unistal Systems Pvt. Ltd
- Last updated: August 17th, 2012

Space Sunrise 3D Screensaver
Space Sunrise 3D Screensaver brings for you the exotic beauty of the unseen world right to your desktop. This exotic space screensaver built in a 3D environment will take you to a different world altogether. Taking you amidst the breathtaking space scenes you can relish the beauty of strength of nature.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2018

NTFS Permissions Reporter
NTFS Permissions Reporter is a modern user friendly tool for reporting on directory permissions on your Windows file servers. It lets you quickly see which groups and users have access to which directories and allows you to export this information to file for further reviewing.
- Publisher: Cjwdev
- Last updated: November 12th, 2015

NetWrix User Activity Video Reporter
Netwrix User Activity Video Reporter records dynamic screen activity, providing necessary auditing visibility to critical systems and applications that don't provide logs and therefore are not accessible through traditional auditing solutions.
- Publisher: NetWrix Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2021

Policy Reporter
It reformats the log provided in %systemRoot%\Debug\UserMode to give a more meaningful display. This latest version also displays the logs created when processing Preferences. It provides a tree structure on the left which shows major events reported in the Log. Selecting an entry in the tree structure displays that section of the log in the view window.
- Publisher: SYSPRO
- Last updated: June 28th, 2010

Domain Status Reporter
Domain Name Status Reporter is a very small sized but powerful program, which helps web enthusiasts in searching for availability of a particular Domain name on the Internet. It is capable of reporting as many as 21 of the most popular domain extensions available on the Internet. The program has a very intuitive and user-friendly interface.
- Publisher: Softnik Technologies
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008