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Sureshot stock trend change finder in Title/Summary

Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software

Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software

Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software catches stock trend change signal and alerts stock buy sell signal when stock trend is changing. You know when to buy or sell stocks from 4T stock trading strategy.

  • Publisher: Invest4y.com
  • Home page: www.invest4y.com
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2008
Trend Day Finder

Trend Day Finder

Trend Day Finder (TDF) locates and analyzes trend days - those days that comprise major moves in the market. Some of the world's best traders, including Linda Bradford Raschke and Tony Crabel, have cited the importance of capturing trend days.

TTM Trend

TTM Trend

The TTM Trend indicator can be applied to the stock trading, options trading, futures trading and Forex trading markets. The TTM Trend indicator works in conjunction with Tradestation, eSignal, Sierra Charts, and now Ninja Trader! Main features: - is a visual technique that eliminates irregularities from a normal chart - offers a better picture of trends and consolidations

Sureshot stock trend change finder in Description



Start using Stockalyze just after installation. Technical analysis of stocks from more than 50 stock exchanges are supported. Stockalyze LITE is completely free, just that few advanced features are available for evaluation purpose only.

  • Publisher: Lunetek Software
  • Home page: stockalyze.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Stock Predictor

Stock Predictor

Stock Predictor is a stock charting and investment strategy performance analysis software that displays technical indicators for a single security on the same chart, maintains predefined lists of securities and lets you backtest your investment strategies.

  • Publisher: Ashkon Technology LLC
  • Home page: www.ashkon.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
AnyStock Stock and Financial JS Charts

AnyStock Stock and Financial JS Charts

AnyStock Stock and Financial JS Charts is a flexible JavaScript charting library to visualizing large data sets in interactive HTML5 charts. Designed to display date/time information it offers various chart types, drawing tools, technical indicators.

  • Publisher: AnyChart JavaScript Charts
  • Home page: www.anychart.com
  • Last updated: September 3rd, 2019
Dynamic Trend Profile

Dynamic Trend Profile

ynamic Trend Profile : Real Time Comparison against overall market direction and Industry Group direction One of the major strengths of our software is the ability to compare (in real time) any stock against the overall market direction prior to initiating trades. Since 3 out of 4 stocks trade with the market, this technique provides the check and balance most traders lack.

  • Publisher: Dynamic Trend, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 21st, 2011
Adaptive RSI Forex indicator for MT4

Adaptive RSI Forex indicator for MT4

Adaptive RSI is an advanced Relative Strength Index technical indicator for MT4 Forex trading. Adaptive RSI can change the look back period dynamically based on current Forex market condition.

  • Publisher: Wang Qi
  • Home page: www.kbasm.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2015

Additional Sureshot stock trend change finder selection

Best Choice

Best Choice

Best Choice shows you everything you need to know about a stock and its history to make a well-informed decision. Best Choice stock market application looks for repeating stock price movements. If a stock moves the same direction, at the same time every year, there is a high probability it will do it again. This stock trend is called seasonality.

  • Publisher: Best Choice Software
  • Last updated: September 1st, 2010
Option Wizard Scan

Option Wizard Scan

Scan Wizard is a nice and easy to use software with many features. Main features: - finds breakout trend change - in Force Index (price-volume technical indicator) - scans data from Internet servers (you don’t maintain data files on your drive) - scans any ticker list or ticker symbol for buy-sell signals

  • Publisher: Sarkett & Associates, Inc.
Microsoft Location Finder

Microsoft Location Finder

It is a useful tool that, using the current location of the PC, generates orientation maps, distances and optimal routes between two cities, and 3D visual tours. The program requires detecting Wi-Fi signals in the area near the PC, but the PC can use any type of Internet connection. It runs on Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

SterJo Facebook Password Finder

SterJo Facebook Password Finder

SterJo Facebook Password Finder can help you regain access to your Facebook account in case you have forgotten the access password. The utility is extremely small and easy to use. In fact, there is not much to do to get your password back. Luckily, it supports various interface languages.

Trend Micro Internet Security Pro

Trend Micro Internet Security Pro

Trend Micro Internet Security Pro is a complete security solution for your computer with all the security tools like, Anti virus, spam filter, firewall and parental control. Trend Micro Internet Security Pro enables you to browse the web safely and also keeps your identity and private data safe.

  • Publisher: Trend Micro Inc.
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2010
Stock Screener Lite

Stock Screener Lite

Stock Screener Lite is a freeware software that scan, filter, and screen stocks that meet a predefined set of rule(s). It also can plot, print graph, display Technical Indicators and also various chart format (Line, Candlestick and etc.). The rule(s) that is being used can either be of a Technical Analysis (TA) background, Candlestick Pattern or both.

  • Publisher: Zeebob Software
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008
TruVision Device Finder

TruVision Device Finder

The TruVision Device Finder allows you to search your local network for TruVision Devices and change their IP addresses. Please note that this application does not include the TVR-30 or the TVN-40. It is easy to install and easy to manipulate. It is really a helpful tool.

  • Publisher: UTC Fire & Security
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2019
SongsPK Mp3 Finder

SongsPK Mp3 Finder

The application lets you find MP3 songs and download them. The program has a simple interface with a search-bar and forward/backward buttons. It also shows the most popular search queries. You can thus know of the present trend. It can also be used as an MP3 player.

  • Publisher: SPM
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2014
Easy Proxy Finder

Easy Proxy Finder

Easy Proxy Finder provides thousand of fresh and free proxy server list with port, country, speed, connection time, proxy type features. Using these servers you can surf anonymously on the internet. Using Easy Proxy Finder you can create proxy chains, change proxies per time, etc.

  • Publisher: Easytech Software Solutions
  • Home page: www.easytechsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2014
Sound Forge Pro

Sound Forge Pro

Sony Sound Forge is, basically, the Swiss Army Knife for audio. It has a built-in recording tool allowing for quick and efficient setup of recording options, adjusting the software to the hardware available. Another main feature is the gigantic set of tools Sound Forge has for adjusting, trimming, cropping, cutting and enhancing the captured audio.