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Surpac input data in Title/Summary



The software delivers efficiency and accuracy through ease-of-use, powerful 3D graphics and workflow automation that can be aligned to company-specific processes and data flows. Surpac addresses all the requirements of geologists, surveyors, and mining engineers in the resource sector and is flexible enough to be suitable for every commodity, orebody and mining method.

  • Publisher: Gemcom Software International Inc
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2012
SURPAC for Windows

SURPAC for Windows

SURPAC Surveying Software consists of eight Modules, whose applications are accessed via seven pull-down Menus.The SURPAC "Lite" Module consisting of the General Menu applications, plus certain applications from other Menus. Least Squares Module consisting of the Least Squares Menu applications.

  • Publisher: Keith W. Young
  • Home page: www.surpac.co.za
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2012
Surpac UnderGround Design

Surpac UnderGround Design

Surpac UnderGround Design a complete, automated mine design system that maximises the overall economic benefit of the ore reserve while ensuring mine safety. It delivers improvements in the planning process by freeing mine planners from time consuming and tedious tasks, creating auditable designs.

  • Publisher: MineSmart
  • Last updated: September 3rd, 2010

Surpac input data in Description



EUGene is a program designed primarily for political scientists. It has 2 purposes. First, EUGene generates data for variables used to test Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and colleagues’ version of an expected utility theory of war and dispute initiation (Bueno de Mesquita, 1981, 1985; Bueno de Mesquita and Lalman, 1992).

  • Publisher: Scott Bennett / Allan Stam
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2011
Block Load

Block Load

Carrier's Block Load program is a powerful, fully featured HVAC load estimating program suitable for commercial buildings of any size. Block Load is a tool for consulting engineers, design/build contractors, HVAC contractors, facility engineers and other professionals involved in the design, analysis or installation of commercial building HVAC systems.



TransistorAmp 2 is a free software for the design of transistor amplifiers with one bipolar juction transistor. With the software you can design a transistor amplifier in common-base, common-emitter, or common-collector configuration. TransistorAmp 2 has a Spice call-interface which can be used to test the designed circuit with a circuit simulation program, e.g. LTSpice.

  • Publisher: Stefan Bayer and Jessica Sarnecki
  • Home page: www.transistoramp.com
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2013
KonSi Malmquist Index SoftWare

KonSi Malmquist Index SoftWare

KonSi Malmquist Index SoftWare Data Envelopment Analysis Models is a tool for research of Malmquist Index and its components. The program calculates Fixed Malmquist Index, Adjacent Malmquist Index, Seasonal Malmquist Index etc.

  • Publisher: KonSi Ltd
  • Last updated: December 1st, 2017
Fibonacci Calculator

Fibonacci Calculator

The Fibonacci Calculator calculates Retracement and Expansion Levels presenting result not only in numeric form but in graphical one as well. You don't need an additional charting software to determine input data for Fibonacci Numbers calculation. The Calculator downloads historical data for a security of your choice and draws the security's chart. You do not need to subscribe to historical data provider, it's free! You can build historical chart of three types: Line, Bar and Candlestick. Historical data available is up to: 24 months for daily charts; 4 years for weekly charts; 10 years for monthly charts. And again: you don't need to pay for that data feed! Once the historical chart built you can simply drag-and-drop data from the chart into input fields for further calculation. Depending on the trend (up or down) the Calculator grabs High or Low of the specific date and uses that data for further calculation. That insures the most precise result and prevents user error. When the Fibonacci Numbers calculated Retracement and Expansion Levels will be drawn over the chart providing you with the most convenient output. You can draw a specific Level or all the Levels. You can download fully functional trial version of the Fibonacci Calculator. You will be able to run the application 10 times. If you decide to keep using it, you will need to purchase the license.

  • Publisher: Trader Software
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Additional Surpac input data selection

Hourly Analysis Program

Hourly Analysis Program

Carrier's Hourly Analysis Program is two powerful tools in one package. HAP provides versatile features for designing HVAC systems for commercial buildings. It also offers powerful energy analysis capabilities for comparing energy consumption and operating costs of design alternatives. By combining both tools in one package significant time savings are achieved.

  • Publisher: National Institute of Building Sciences
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2017
Recovery Toolbox for CD

Recovery Toolbox for CD

The utility repairs the content of damaged optical discs for the most popular media formats: CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. It quickly scans the surface of selected disc and retrieves affected data when possible. Recovery Toolbox for CD Free is freeware.

  • Publisher: Recovery Toolbox, Inc.
  • Home page: recoverytoolbox.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


Expresso 3.0 is a free .NET regular expression development tool. By using this program, you will be able to build complex regular expressions just by selecting its different components from a menu. Then, you can test the created expressions entering values to them. The program will also assist you in creating a replacement string for a given expression.

  • Publisher: Ultrapico
  • Home page: www.ultrapico.com
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2012


Fast calculator to compute hash, checksum, HMAC values for file, text and hex string. Supports MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RIPEMD160, PANAMA, TIGER, CRC32, ADLER32 algorithms and the hash used in eMule and eDonkey (eDonkey2000, ed2k) tools.

  • Publisher: SlavaSoft Inc.
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2007
Personal Backup

Personal Backup

Personal Backup allows you to create and run file backup operations. Backups can be done manually or automatically at scheduled times. This program uses Windows Task Scheduler to configure backups. Differential and incremental backup modes can save time by backing up on the files that have changed since last backup.



The EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model used for single event or long-term (continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban areas. The runoff component of SWMM operates on a collection of subcatchment areas that receive precipitation and generate runoff and pollutant loads.

  • Publisher: US EPA
  • Last updated: December 29th, 2011


GNU PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It can perform descriptive statistics, T-tests, anova, linear and logistic regression, measures of association, cluster analysis, reliability and factor analysis, non-parametric tests, etc.

  • Publisher: Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  • Home page: www.gnu.org
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2023
Batch Word to PDF Converter

Batch Word to PDF Converter

This utility does exactly what its name suggests: converts multiple Word documents to the PDF format. The program features a user-friendly interface where all you need to do is to provide the input data, choose a destination directory, and click the "Convert" button.

  • Publisher: Batchwork Software
  • Home page: batchwork.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Advanced Serial Data Logger

Advanced Serial Data Logger

This program inputs RS232 data directly into file, Excel, Access, or any Windows application. The program has the capability to log multiple serial (RS232,RS485,RS422) ports in the same time. It handles the RTS signal and control the direction of data flow.

  • Publisher: AGG Software
  • Home page: www.aggsoft.com
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023
CLC Sequence Viewer

CLC Sequence Viewer

CLC Sequence Viewer features Full integration of data input, data management, calculations results, and data export. This eliminates time spent on manual data transfers between different programs and databases, all types of files can be saved in local projects and launched from the program, etc.

  • Publisher: QIAGEN
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2017