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Swat 4 enhancement mod in Title/Summary

11-99 Enhancement Mod

11-99 Enhancement Mod

11-99 Enhancement Mod aims at reaching the full potential of Swat 4. AI levels has been completley overhauled to make them more intelligent and generally harder. Major improvements include: Additional weapons like: Kimber Custom CPD II ,Talon II, Guncrafter Industries GI50, Brettzies M4 alt 1 and 2.

  • Publisher: Jaster_Mereel
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2012
Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod

Diablo II SP Enhancement Mod

This mod Is a Single Player Enhancement Mod for Diablo II. It changes many factors and Increases Single Player Fun Value, and Makes the Single player Diablo II Ultimately Better. Major Change to Diablo II Enhancement Mod as of September 15,2010 Mod has been Updated to Version 1.4, See Description for Details. Mod has also been Revamped for PlugY Unity Support, to work in Union with PlugY,

Client Mod v13 for SWAT 4X

Client Mod v13 for SWAT 4X

This is the best mod ever created for SWAT 4. Stable, simple, without installation, rewarding! Changes include new weapons, overhauled AI and more. Note that this a patch - you'll need the full version for this to work. A large overhaul mod that changes pretty much every aspect of the game.

Swat 4 enhancement mod in Description

Command & Conquer Generals: ShockWave

Command & Conquer Generals: ShockWave

C&C Generals: Shockwave is an enhancement mod for C&C Generals: Zero Hour. The main goal of this mod is to make Zero Hour a more interesting game with more diversity between the generals, making you think twice before you select a certain general and overall provide more choices, diversity, and strategic freedom than in Zero Hour.

  • Publisher: SWR-Productions
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2014
Mark's Mod for TSS

Mark's Mod for TSS

The Mark Mod is developed for the game S.W.A.T. 4 Version 1.0 & Version 1.1 & The Stetchkov Syndicate. The Modification is entirely server sided, so there is no need for the gamers to download or install anything! The Mod is created and developed by MarkieBoy!

  • Publisher: |WM|MarkieBoy
  • Home page: www.markmods.com
  • Last updated: September 16th, 2011
Swat Downloader

Swat Downloader

The Swat Downloader is a custom built software which allows you to browse/download and install files from an online archive of Swat files and mods. Once you find the file you want, the software will then download and install it automatically for you. It also contains built in FTP software to allows mappers/modders to upload their own works.

  • Publisher: VOWS Productions
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2009


MWSWAT is an interface to the Soil and Water Assessment tool SWAT. It allows you to set up and run SWAT from data freely available from the internet, or from your own data. MWSWAT comes as a plugin for MapWindow, an Open Source GIS system which runs under the Windows operating system.

  • Publisher: WaterBase
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2015
SWAT Editor

SWAT Editor

SWATeditor is a companion software to ArcSWAT. SWATeditor reads the project database generated by ArcSWAT interface to edit swat input files, execute SWAT, perform sensitivity, autocalibration and uncertainty analysis. This is a standalone program and does not require ArcGIS.

  • Publisher: Grassland, Soil & Water Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS
  • Last updated: January 7th, 2010

Additional Swat 4 enhancement mod selection

Minecraft - Ultra Realista

Minecraft - Ultra Realista

This mod also adds dynamic movement to flora and fire. This mod was configured with a high-spec system in mind. If you run vanilla Minecraft with max view distance and fancy settings at around 100+ fps and most modern games at med-high to high settings, then this mod should run fine for you.

  • Publisher: Sonic Ether
  • Last updated: July 12th, 2012
Shell32 Details Pane Mod

Shell32 Details Pane Mod

Shell32 Details Pane Mod is a program that brings you the Details Pane on your desktop screen. It contains 4 Respatcher files that will patch your shell32.dll UI files to bring back the Windows 7 style Details pane to the bottom of your screen. It also offers you options to have the details pane at the top, also known as Topshell, and it can put the Folderband at the bottom.

Nexus Mod Manager

Nexus Mod Manager

The Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is a free and open source piece of software that allows you to download, install, update and manage your mods through an easy to use interface. It integrates with the Nexus sites to provide you with a fast, efficient and much less hassle free modding experience.

  • Publisher: Black Tree Gaming
  • Home page: www.nexusmods.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Admin Mod v22 for SWAT 4

Admin Mod v22 for SWAT 4

Admin Mod v22 is a mod specially created for Swat4. Main features: - Added kick ac gettempbans - Added time parameter for kick ac addban - Added time parameter for kick ac kickban - Added IgnoreSpammingAdmins variable - Added IgnoreSpammingSuperAdmins variable - Added OnlyAdminsKickForRoom variable - Added MaxPlayingClients variable

GTA San Andreas Powerful Mode Mod

GTA San Andreas Powerful Mode Mod

GTA San Andreas: Powerful Mode Mod gives you the ability to become a superhero (or supervillan) with just the push of some buttons. It gives CJ the ability to fly, run faster, swim faster, create fireballs and so much more. It really gives you a lot to do for such a small download.

  • Publisher: Rapier
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2008
Fallout Mod Manager

Fallout Mod Manager

Fallout Mod Manager 0.13.21

GO Contact Sync Mod

GO Contact Sync Mod

GO Contact Sync Mod is an open source tool to synchronize your Microsoft Outlook contacts with Google Mail. With this tool you do not need to enter your contact details more than once, always have the latest version everywhere: in Outlook and in Google. Contact categories are supported, as well as contact photos to make your contacts look exactly the same.

Korea: SWAT Mission

Korea: SWAT Mission

This is a free first-person shooter in which you need to accomplish several missions involving shoot and kill enemy soldiers and snipers in different urban locations. The game has several disadvantages, though. Nevertheless, if youlike shooters, you may want to give it a try.

Oblivion mod manager

Oblivion mod manager

This is a utility for managing plugins, and also for packing them for distribution. It can be used either as an enhanced version of the oblivion launcher's data files selector, or as a more advanced mod manager when mods are specially packed into omod files.

  • Publisher: niaht
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2009
Sonnox Oxford TransMod Native VST

Sonnox Oxford TransMod Native VST

The Transient Modulator is an application that allows dynamic level of signals to be modified by the transients in the programme material over time. The effect is to bring transient events in the programme forwards, or push them into to the background, such that the attacks of instruments can be accentuated or softened depending on settings.

  • Publisher: Team AiR 2007
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008