Swat kats in Title/Summary

Client Mod v13 for SWAT 4X
This is the best mod ever created for SWAT 4. Stable, simple, without installation, rewarding! Changes include new weapons, overhauled AI and more. Note that this a patch - you'll need the full version for this to work. A large overhaul mod that changes pretty much every aspect of the game.
- Publisher: Gez
- Home page: www.gezmods.co.uk
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2012

SWAT Editor
SWATeditor is a companion software to ArcSWAT. SWATeditor reads the project database generated by ArcSWAT interface to edit swat input files, execute SWAT, perform sensitivity, autocalibration and uncertainty analysis. This is a standalone program and does not require ArcGIS.
- Publisher: Grassland, Soil & Water Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS
- Last updated: January 7th, 2010

Admin Mod v22 for SWAT 4
Admin Mod v22 is a mod specially created for Swat4. Main features: - Added kick ac gettempbans - Added time parameter for kick ac addban - Added time parameter for kick ac kickban - Added IgnoreSpammingAdmins variable - Added IgnoreSpammingSuperAdmins variable - Added OnlyAdminsKickForRoom variable - Added MaxPlayingClients variable
- Publisher: Gez
- Home page: www.gezmods.co.uk
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008
Swat kats in Description

KATS™ is the most robust and advanced standalone canine software on the market today. You do not need to own other products such as Microsoft Access in order use the system. In fact, not only is KATS™ the original K9 management database system, it has become the industry standard k9 software. Take the time to try our full working demo before you purchas
- Publisher: Eden Consulting Group
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Swat Downloader
The Swat Downloader is a custom built software which allows you to browse/download and install files from an online archive of Swat files and mods. Once you find the file you want, the software will then download and install it automatically for you. It also contains built in FTP software to allows mappers/modders to upload their own works.
- Publisher: VOWS Productions
- Home page: www.moddb.com
- Last updated: May 5th, 2009

MWSWAT is an interface to the Soil and Water Assessment tool SWAT. It allows you to set up and run SWAT from data freely available from the internet, or from your own data. MWSWAT comes as a plugin for MapWindow, an Open Source GIS system which runs under the Windows operating system.
- Publisher: WaterBase
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2015

Tom Clancys Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow is an action videogame, developed by Ubisoft. The first missions are maybe so difficult, becouse you can not use the lethal force to kill your enemies. So, you must pass unnoticed through houses full of guards. It is one of the attractions of the game, which unlike the other games of third person.
- Publisher: Ubisoft
- Home page: splintercell.uk.ubi.com
- Last updated: May 31st, 2008

SWATPlot and SWATGraph
SWATPlot and SWATGraph is a program that allows you to extract output data from SWAT runs. You can extract data from reach, sub-basin, pond and reservoir outputs, from the same or different runs of SWAT. You can also visualize the output from SWATPlot, displaying the data as histograms or line graphs.
- Publisher: WaterBase
- Last updated: August 19th, 2014
Additional Swat kats selection

Korea: SWAT Mission
This is a free first-person shooter in which you need to accomplish several missions involving shoot and kill enemy soldiers and snipers in different urban locations. The game has several disadvantages, though. Nevertheless, if youlike shooters, you may want to give it a try.
- Publisher: MyRealGames.com
- Home page: www.myrealgames.com
- Last updated: February 25th, 2012

Korea SWAT Mission
The SWAT mission has began. Your goal is to complete all of your missions, eliminating various enemies in North Korea. SWAT is a special-weapons-and-tactics paramilitary unit of a law-enforcement agency. Features: - 16 various missions - 4 weapon types - 100% pure action
- Publisher: My Real Games Ltd
- Home page: www.myrealgames.com
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

The ArcSWAT is a ArcGIS-ArcView extension and a graphical user input interface for the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. The model is physically based and computationally efficient, uses readily available inputs and enables users to study long-term impacts.
- Publisher: Swat,Soil & Water Research Laboratory
- Last updated: September 19th, 2014

Counter Strike Lite
Counter Strike Lite is a tiny flash game. It runs within the developer site itself. You have to shoot at moving targets to get the best scores with the least number of bullets. There are four backgrounds we can select. The high scores for all players would be listed in the site.
- Publisher: Best Games
- Last updated: June 15th, 2010

Door Kickers
Door Kickers is a highly appreciated real-time strategy game where you control a SWAT team in the attempt to successfully complete various missions and tactical interventions. Like in any other respectful strategy game, in Door Kickers planning is vital, even though it's a real-time strategy game.
- Publisher: Kill House Games
- Home page: inthekillhouse.com
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

MWSWAT 2012 is an interface to SWAT 2012 Editor that allows you to use the global weather data available from the SWAT website, including a special program for detecting and compensating for missing dates in the data. The program also offers support for data such as elevation maps, soil, landuse, river basins, and weather.
- Publisher: WaterBase
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2015

The Bankrobber
In The Bank Robber, you play an ex-convict that is putting together a team that will help you play out the crime of the century. You will be planning a massive bank heist that could possibly set you and your partners up for life! Whatever you do... don't get caught and end up in prison again!
- Publisher: Youdagames
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

11-99 Enhancement Mod
11-99 Enhancement Mod aims at reaching the full potential of Swat 4. AI levels has been completley overhauled to make them more intelligent and generally harder. Major improvements include: Additional weapons like: Kimber Custom CPD II ,Talon II, Guncrafter Industries GI50, Brettzies M4 alt 1 and 2.
- Publisher: Jaster_Mereel
- Home page: www.moddb.com
- Last updated: July 20th, 2012

Freelancer: Crossfire
Crossfire continues the epic adventures of Edison Trent. This mod is the unofficial sequel to Freelancer with the most stunning graphics and worlds you have ever seen.
- Publisher: SWAT Development
- Home page: www.crossfire.swat-portal.com
- Last updated: April 13th, 2016

Mosquito by Magic Things
A simple game, which appeals to many people. The aim is to catch, swat, burn, destroy as many mosquitoes as possible in a limited time. But it isn't always easy - the mosquito don't like to be swat, they prefer to bite you!
- Publisher: Magic Things
- Last updated: September 21st, 2008