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Sweet cams-home page in Title/Summary

Sweet Life Quick Page

Sweet Life Quick Page

Sweet Life Quick Page is an addon for My Memories suite software. Using My memories with this addon you can create stunning visual graphics projects. This addon is free to download and use for every project you make. You can create, edit, and transform it for your own pleasure.

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home is a management game where you must redesign and build rooms for 50 clients. Each client wants something different and it is up to you to deliver what he wants. The game is challenging yet fun and has a good gameflow. Very recommended for all types of gamers.

  • Publisher: Big Blue Bubble
  • Last updated: September 16th, 2008
Home Sweet Home Christmas Edition

Home Sweet Home Christmas Edition

The town of Good Tidings needs your help! Their Christmas spirit has faded away and it’s up to you and your expert team of builders to help them out. It’s going to take all of your New Tools and New Furniture to bring Style and Christmas Cheer to the Living Rooms, Offices, Basements, Kitchens, and Bathrooms of the townspeople.

  • Publisher: bbbarcade
  • Last updated: July 7th, 2011

Sweet cams-home page in Description

CLOTHER Hybrid for V4

CLOTHER Hybrid for V4

CLOTHER Hybrid is the easy way to get photorealistic clothes for your digital woman that actually FIT! CLOTHER Hybrid gives you the ability to use photorealistic clothing textures with your favourite skin texture without the need for advanced graphic programs and, more importantly, without losing your precious time.

  • Publisher: ZEW 3D
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2008
Sweet Pies Free Screensaver

Sweet Pies Free Screensaver

Sweet Pies is a slideshow-like screensaver with images of delicious desserts: mainly cakes and different types of pies with cream, fruit, meringue, caramel, and chocolate, to name but a few ingredients. All the images are of great quality and they occupy the whole screen, although some of them may look a bit stretched.

7art Sweet Love Clock

7art Sweet Love Clock

Delight your eyes with images of tender caress, warm embrace, delicate kiss. Feel your spirit refreshed! Sweet emotions which open our soul and fill our heart with music of love. Watch poetic lyrics flowing in harmony with the hands of the sensual clock!

1001 Jigsaw: Home Sweet Home

1001 Jigsaw: Home Sweet Home

After completing the puzzle you get trophies, gather all of them to enrich your collection! If you choose a complicated puzzle, solving it may be an undertaking, so several helpful tools are at your disposal. Use the Ghost to get a transparent view of the picture or Magnifying glass to examine all the details on a small piece of puzzle.



Tweak your scenery settings to maximize FPS and find that "sweet spot" or compromise between speed and quality. With TweakFPS you avoid the need for moving sliders and settings back and forth for different types of flying, IFR, VFR or for special scenery such as MegaScenery. You also cut out the need to continually edit the FSX.CFG manually, a tedious task at the best of times.

  • Publisher: TweakFS
  • Home page: www.tweakfs.com
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2009

Additional Sweet cams-home page selection

Sweet Home 3D

Sweet Home 3D

This program is aimed at people who want to design their interior quickly, whether they are moving or they just want to redesign their existing home. Numerous visual guides help you draw the plan of your home and layout furniture. You may draw the walls of your rooms upon the image of an existing plan, and then, drag and drop furniture onto the plan from a catalog organized by categories

Web Page Maker

Web Page Maker

Web Page Maker is a handy software tool that allows you to create professional-looking webpages very quickly and easily. You don't require any programming or HTML experience to use this tool effectively. Besides, the program includes multiple webpage templates that you can use as a starting point for your creations.

  • Publisher: Web Page Maker Software Company, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2010
AV Bros. Page Curl Pro

AV Bros. Page Curl Pro

This multi-purpose Adobe Photoshop and compatible hosts plug-in has the ALL NEW and unrivalled engine that lets you not only bend the image, using two type of bending (curling and folding), but also texturize it (using the bump maps), orient it in 3D space (including the perspective distortions) and obtain total control over the process of lighting the image (including the option of dropping inner shadows. List of Features: The ability to create both the turning page effect (Page Curl) and the folding page effect (Page Fold) (collectively – bends). The Multi-bend option: the ability to create several bends within the single session of the plug-in. The ability to orient the page in 3D space. The ability to specify the desired level of the perspective while orienting in 3D space. The ability to work with arbitrarily-shaped images (non-rectangular, with full or partial transparent areas, etc.) The total control over the process of creating the surface for a curled or a folded page by adjusting the following parameters of the surface: - Angle, Level, Radius, Obliquity, Torsion, Direction and the Limit of the turn (for page curling). - Angle, Level, Folding Angle and Direction (for page folding). Switching the direction (Upward or Downward) of page curling or folding. Adjusting the opacity of the whole page. Adjusting the cross-opacity of the page. The ability to specify various contents for either side of the page: - Content from the active layer. - Solid color (custom color, host's foreground or background colors). - Image from the file, which may be either tiled or resized to fit. - Content from any layer of the current document (This feature is available only for Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and higher.) The ability to flip the content of either side of the page. Swapping the content of the page's sides. The ability to choose between two lighting modes: the Simple and Advanced modes. Adjusting the level of the shading in the Simple Lighting mode. The total control over the process of lighting the page in the Advanced Lighting mode. This process includes: - Adding up to 25 light sources (Direct light sources.) for lighting both sides of the page. - Specifying the direction of either light source. - Specifying the parameters of the Diffuse Reflection of either light source, including the Color and Intensity of the Diffuse Reflection and the fact of its presence for either side of the page. - Specifying the parameters of the Specular Reflection of either light source, including the Color, Intensity and the Specular Exponent of the Specular Reflection and the fact of its presence for either side of the page. - Specifying the parameters of the Ambient Light, including its Color and Intensity for either side of the page. - Rendering Inner Shadows with adjustable Opacity and Size. (Inner Shadows are dropped by any existed Light Source upon your choice.) The ability to texturize either side of the page by using the grayscale images (called Bump Maps). As a Bump Map you can use either your document's channels or any file. The ability to adjust the existed Bump Map inside the plug-in. The following adjustments are available: Blur, Level, Flip Vertical and Horizontal. And you can also Invert (black to white and vice-versa) the existing Bump Map. The ability to make the bent part of the page to be outside the page's initial boundary. The ability to make the bent part of the page to be cut into the remaining part of the page. The ability to create the "non-complete" page curling effect by adjusting the turn Limit. The presence of a transparent area under the curled or folded part of the page. Multi-level Undo option. Supporting images in RGB, CMYK and Grayscale color modes. Specifying the quality of the surface rendering, including the Auto Mode. Exporting the result of the render as a PSD file. (Including current Color Profile provided by the host.) Fast and high-quality preview. Using various backdrops for the Main Preview area: - The standard checkerboard. - The custom solid color. - The content of the active layer of the current document. - The content of any layer of the current document. (This feature is available only for Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and higher.) Saving and loading settings of the plug-in. The ability to record scripting parameters and be automated by them (Scripting-aware).

  • Publisher: AV Bros
  • Home page: www.avbros.com
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008
Home Sweet Home 2 - Kitchens and Baths

Home Sweet Home 2 - Kitchens and Baths

Home Sweet Home 2 Kitchens and Baths is a funny and wonderful game that allows you to become a real Interior Designer. Your job in this game is to design kitchens and bathrooms and also manage the builders to finish the construction on time. First, your assistant will provide details about the owner's expectations and needs, or a brief personality description.

Send Page

Send Page

Send Page is is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to send a link of the current page as email. After installing, you will see a "Send this page..." option in the Chrome context menu. If you click on that, this application will copy the current URL and create an mail in your default email client.

  • Publisher: jacques.stadler
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2015
Sweet MIDI Player 32

Sweet MIDI Player 32

As you may already know, MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface, and it is basically a standard protocol for communication between musical instruments and computers. Sweet MIDI Player lets you play MIDI files and adjust different MIDI parameters. With this program, you will be able to audition all MIDI files and modify them in a very easy way.

  • Publisher: Roni Music
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2015
A-PDF Page Master

A-PDF Page Master

A-PDF Page Master is a simple, lightning-fast desktop utility program that lets you modify and organize your PDF document Pages. You can master your pages: -Insert and delete PDF pages -Clone PDF pages -Extract and replace PDF pages -Rotate PDF pages -Reorder, move or rearrange PDF pages -Assemble PDF pages -Resize pages -Extract pages as a new file

  • Publisher: A-PDF Solution
  • Home page: www.a-pdf.com
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2021
A-PDF Page Cut

A-PDF Page Cut

A-PDF Page Cut is a simple, lightning-fast desktop utility program that lets you break PDF document Pages into smaller pages. It provide visual cut marks editor to cut PDF pages more conveniently.

  • Publisher: A-PDF.com
  • Home page: www.a-pdf.com
  • Last updated: July 10th, 2014
Free Page Flip Book Maker

Free Page Flip Book Maker

Free Page Flip Book Maker is a simple tool meant to help you create flipbooks, magazines, interactive catalogues, brochures, and other similar materials. It can create these materials by importing and converting files of other types. More precisely, it imports and transforms text TXT files.

  • Publisher: Flip PDF Studio
  • Last updated: January 8th, 2012
Xara Page & Layout Designer

Xara Page & Layout Designer

Xara Page & Layout Designer is a program that combines all the text and page layout features of typical word processor and DTP packages with the image editing power, to produce a fully integrated, flexible and powerful document processor. You can enhance all your documents with high-quality 3D objects.

  • Publisher: Xara Group Limited
  • Home page: www.xara.com
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2015