Swf decompiler magic in Title/Summary

SWF Decompiler Magic
SWF Decompiler Magic will enable to perform many actions, such as converting files from SWF files to EXE files, edit SWF files with dynamic texts and images and much more. This software can be used for programmers who want to extract images, frames, shapes, sounds, text, fonts or anything that can be extracted from a SWF file.
- Publisher: Flash Decompiler Studio Ltd.
- Home page: www.flashdecompiler.us
- Last updated: January 31st, 2011

SWF Decompiler Premium
SWF Decompiler Premium allows you to convert between swf and exe format, besides, the powerful function supports edit the dynamic texts and replace images. The player window is innovatively separated from the main panel, which enables users to drag and drop the window wherever they want it to be.
- Publisher: AltraMedia Solution Inc.
- Home page: www.swfdecompiler.net
- Last updated: January 19th, 2011

Sothink SWF Decompiler
This program can help you decompile SWF files. Additionally, you can use it to modify existing SFW files, export them to other formats or extract resources. The application has a nicely designed interface, with a tabbed ribbon that automatically adapts to the current task, in the style of Office 97. It can be useful mostly to web designers and also to apprentices.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
- Home page: www.sothink.com
- Last updated: August 9th, 2012
Swf decompiler magic in Description

Sothink SWF Catcher
SWF is a type of Flash file used to enrich web pages with different types of media content. Unlike images, SWF files cannot be readily saved from your browser by using the right-click menu. Sothink SWF Catcher will help you grab SWF files so that you can re-use or view them offline.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
- Home page: www.sothink.com
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2012

AVCWare SWF Decompiler
AVCWare SWF Decompiler is the converting tool which enables you to convert Shockwave Flash movie (.swf) files to editable FLA files with original elements retained.You may want to convert flash between swf and exe formats; You may want to edit swf movies images and more.
- Publisher: AVCWare
- Home page: www.avcware.com
- Last updated: October 6th, 2011

Sothink Flash Downloader for Internet Explorer
With Sothink Flash Downloader you can download and save Flash from IE. Features:- Detect almost every Flash on remote web page. One click to download. - Help you to do any IE Flash download fast and easy. - Capture online SWF onto local machine or portables for view. - Free IE Flash downloader works as plugin for IE browser. - Advanced SWF Catcher is optional for capture all Flash around.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
- Home page: www.sothink.com
- Last updated: July 12th, 2012

JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler
JPEXS is an open-source Flash SWF decompiler and editor. It can be used to extract resources from Flash animation files. You can also use it to convert SWF to FLA format, edit ActionScript code, and replace images, sounds, texts, or fonts. Various output formats are available for saving the resources.
- Publisher: JPEXS
- Home page: github.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Magic Flash Decompiler
Magic Flash Decompiler is professional SWF decompiling software which offers a treasure trove of tools for those who want to extract elements from flash movies, edit dynamic texts and images of flash movies. You can effortlessly convert between EXE and SWF files.
- Publisher: Magic Video Software Inc.
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009
Additional Swf decompiler magic selection

Flash Decompiler Trillix
Flash Decompiler Trillix can generate an FLA file from an SWF. Since FLA is the format in which the source code of a Flash file is stored, this will allow you to modify a compiled SWF file, even when the original code is no longer available. This comes in especially handy when you are working on a project and lose the corresponding files but you still have the resulting SWF.
- Publisher: Eltima Software
- Home page: www.decompiler-swf.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2015

SWF Protection
Strong and easy to use Flash SWF encryption tool which helps you protect SWF files from all decompiler software on the market. Limit SWF files to be hosted on specified domains, thus prevent others from downloading your SWF files and uploading them to their own websites.
- Publisher: Magic Hills Pty Ltd.
- Home page: www.magichtml.com
- Last updated: February 13th, 2012

With SWiX you can open any SWF file in XML format, modify it with a handy preview mechanism and save it as SWF or SWiX file. For example, to debug of ActionScript compiler or Flash presentations/banners tuning. Main features: - Full support of Flash format version 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - Decompiling of SWF into SWiX-format XML
- Publisher: iSpring Solutions, Inc.
- Last updated: November 1st, 2015

SWF Protector
SWF Protector is a highly reliable encryption solution, which will thoroughly protect all your Flash files from all kinds of SWF decompilers. SWF Protector fully protects ActionScript code, so your artwork is impossible to steal. It uses protection algorithms that allow SWF file playback in Flash Player, but conceal the source code completely.
- Publisher: DComSoft
- Home page: www.dcomsoft.com
- Last updated: January 14th, 2013

SWFRIP is an open-sourced Flash editor that you can use to extract any of the resources available in a SWF file in a neat and easy way. The listed elements can be saved separately and, in some instances, converted into a different format. Shapes, images, texts, and frames can be exported separately and in various formats to allow you to edit images saved as SVG, or the text used for subtitling.
- Publisher: Wesley Hopper
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

FlashDigger Plus
Convert SWF to EXE format. Resulting EXE file can be launched on any computer even without Macromedia Flash ActiveX installed. Advanced features like fullscreen playback and EXE file customization are included. Create new SWF graphics (bitmap images) object and place it into SWF movie.
- Publisher: Openworld Learning, LLC
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

ilikesoft Flash Extractor
Ilikesoft Flash Extractor can extract out SWF file all image and sound resources,preview or playback resources and flash movie,grab high clear screenshot while playing flash movie. List all image resources with thumbnail.
- Publisher: ILikeSoft Organization
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Magic Morph
Magic Morph is a software making SWF, GIF, AVI animation between two still images. as a high performance morphing and warping software which used a lot of advanced recent "Morph" technologies, you can morph and warp images with astonishing
- Publisher: iTinySoft
- Home page: www.effectmatrix.com
- Last updated: October 28th, 2009

Magic Flare
Magic Flare is a Windows application that creates Flash text effects. MagicFlare® includes 101 different effects that you can use in texts on your web site, add a link, modify the colors, text, and size. You can also create a banner or an introductory page.
- Publisher: Epinoisis Software
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

Magic Pic2Ani
This program performs a single task: to glue several image files (bmp, gif, jpg, png, ico, tif, tiff, tfa, pcx, wbmp, wmf, emf) into a video file (AVI, SWF).
- Publisher: iTinySoft, Inc.
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008