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Swf files date and time in Title/Summary

Date and Time Calculator

Date and Time Calculator

Date and Time Calculator will let you easily add and subtract dates and time intervals. It features common date-related calculations, detailed date information, moon phase information, birth date calculator, due date calculator, and much more!

  • Publisher: Diplodock
  • Home page: www.diplodock.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2008
Join Multiple SWF Files Into One Software

Join Multiple SWF Files Into One Software

Join Multiple SWF Files Into One Software is an efficient, powerful and lightweight application that helps you, with only a few clicks, join multiple SWF files into a single files. This neat tool comes with a useful feature that enables you to add a folder full with SWF file, instead of adding one by one.

Extract Date Modified, Created & Accessed From Multiple Files Software

Extract Date Modified, Created & Accessed From Multiple Files Software

This software offers a solution for users who want to retrieve the date and time data of multiple files. The user simply adds files or an entire folder, checks the required boxes for date modified, created and accessed before starting the extraction.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2014

Swf files date and time in Description

SWF Toolbox

SWF Toolbox

SWF Toolbox by Eltima Software lets you convert Macromedia Flash Files (SWF) into most popular graphic formats such as Projector EXE, AVI, animated GIF and frame-by-frame JPEG/GIF/BMP image series targeting almost any potential customer. Now users don't need to install Flash player into theirs systems since Advanced Projector, which is the key feature of SWF Toolbox, is bundled with necessary library which enables users to view SWF movies even without installing Flash OCX into their systems. Advanced Projector, that can be created with SWF Toolbox, offers more features to control the movie, among them: defining window size and style, enabling or disabling mouse/keyboard activity, setting expiration date, setting versatile tooltips, additional information, adding advanced movie controls and many more. One of the unique features presented by SWF Toolbox is zoom window which makes it possible to select specific part of the movie window to zoom in, and, as the result, endowing you with greater control over resulting movie. SWF Toolbox provides in-depth compression and unique storing algorithms. These, along with a variety of options, make SWF Toolbox the best choice for creation of Advanced Projector files and implementing a list of other conversions. With SWF Toolbox you may convert Macromedia Flash files into series of JPEG, GIF or BMP images saving every frame into a separate file adjusting images size and quality. Alternatively, you may save whole SWF file into a single animated GIF and publish it on the web instead. AVI movie format conversion offers flexible way for selecting necessary movie codec, compression quality and pixels format, finally you can get compressed movies out of your SWF files in several clicks! Onscreen SWF file preview, convenient settings, on-the-fly help and user-friendly interface make SWF Toolbox a pleasure to work with.

  • Publisher: Eltima Software
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
SWF Image Creator

SWF Image Creator

XYZ Software is an internet solutions company, developing number of software products. XYZ software has created one product called SWF Image Creator. SWF Image Creator is not a simple SWF file creator but it can also create compressed and optimized animation SWF files. SWF Image Creator would take all the gifs,

  • Publisher: XYZSoftware Corporation
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2008


SWF to GIF is an SWF to GIF converter, which can change the file format of flash from SWF into GIF. It will be more suitable for transmission, using chat tools to release dynamic picture and any situations which can not use flash document.

  • Publisher: Watermark Software
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2013
Sothink SWF Catcher

Sothink SWF Catcher

SWF is a type of Flash file used to enrich web pages with different types of media content. Unlike images, SWF files cannot be readily saved from your browser by using the right-click menu. Sothink SWF Catcher will help you grab SWF files so that you can re-use or view them offline.

  • Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
  • Home page: www.sothink.com
  • Last updated: August 3rd, 2012
SWF Media Browser

SWF Media Browser

SWF Media Browser is intended to help you deal with Flash media files. In this respect, it is very similar to file commander allowing you to copy, rename, delete or move SWF files. However, it does much more than that. Behind a very intuitive interface, there is a very powerful application offering lots of other functions.

  • Publisher: Swishsoft
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2012

Additional Swf files date and time selection

Duplicate File Remover

Duplicate File Remover

Sooner or later, we all end up storing duplicate media files and duplicate documents on our computers inadvertently. Duplicate File Remover is a robust and easy-to-use tool to help us get rid of all those unnecessary files in just 6 easy steps. Its wizard-driven interface is suitable for all kinds of users, and all searches can be easily customized to fit our specific needs and preferences.

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE

Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Internet Explorer allows you to play Flash video, animation, and games in the Internet Explorer browser. Flash contents are used in almost all websites to display advertisements and video. This plugin is required to be installed in IE for accessing YouTube.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2020
Sothink SWF Editor

Sothink SWF Editor

SWF (small web format) is the extension used by Flash files. These files are small enough to be published in the Web as animations or applets with different functions and interactivity levels. Sothink SWF Editor is aimed to help you edit SWF files. This application is intended for designers and programmers.

  • Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., Ltd.
  • Home page: www.sothink.com
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2012
Free WMA to MP3 Converter

Free WMA to MP3 Converter

Free WMA to MP3 Converter is a completely free Windows media converter to MP3 format. Audio and Video are converted to MP3 in a single click, so they can be played on an MP3 player. The program shows the process like a wizard tutorial, and guides the user window by window through the conversion task.

  • Publisher: Jodix Technologies Ltd.
  • Home page: www.Jodix.com
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2011
SWF Opener

SWF Opener

SWF Opener 1.3 is a free utility to view and play .SWF files. This files are the type generated by Adobe Flash CS3 or any flash generator. You can download them from lots of flash websites. If you needed any time to see what´s in an .SWF file, SWF Opener 1.3 will be a great help.

  • Publisher: UnH Solutions
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2008


SendBlaster is a powerful tool that allows you to send bulk e-mails to thousands of recipients very easily. Thanks to SendBlaster, you can create professional-looking e-mail marketing campaigns, even if you do not have much knowledge of design, marketing, or e-mail technology. The program includes around 250 free templates that you can use to create flamboyant newsletters both quickly and easily.

Sothink SWF Decompiler

Sothink SWF Decompiler

This program can help you decompile SWF files. Additionally, you can use it to modify existing SFW files, export them to other formats or extract resources. The application has a nicely designed interface, with a tabbed ribbon that automatically adapts to the current task, in the style of Office 97. It can be useful mostly to web designers and also to apprentices.

  • Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
  • Home page: www.sothink.com
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2012
Swiff Player

Swiff Player

Swiff Player is an application designed to play SWF files, which is a format for streaming Internet content. Only SWF files can be played. No other video formats are supported. The program is absolutely free and it can play your SWF files (Flash movies) in a reduced window or using the full screen mode.

  • Publisher: GlobFX Technologies
  • Home page: www.globfx.com
  • Last updated: September 24th, 2010
Auto Power-on & Shut-down

Auto Power-on & Shut-down

As you can easily deduce from its name, this program allows you to schedule automatic power-on and shutdown events for your PC. However, you can also schedule other similar events, such as restart, shutdown, log off, lock session, and hibernation. Besides, this tool can also launch programs, terminate processes, open files or web pages, or simply show text messages at the specified date and time.

  • Publisher: LifSoft
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2017
Sothink SWF Quicker

Sothink SWF Quicker

Sothink SWF Quicker is a Flash animator. Its interface is actually quite similar to that of Adobe Flash; therefore, if you are already familiar with this leading application, you are unlikely to have any serious difficulties while using SWF Quicker. Although its interface is intuitive, this program is not intended for beginners.

  • Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2012