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Swf maestro exe portable in Title/Summary



Are you a multimedia designer? Do you work on Flash format projects? Are you looking for a professional solution to convert your flash projects into standalone applications for distributing them? Then SWF Maestro EXE PRO is what you are looking for. This great application will help you to compile your flash projects into an exe file which can be executed in any PC with Windows OS running.

  • Publisher: SWFMaestro.com
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2008
SWF Maestro EXE

SWF Maestro EXE

Create enhanced SWF projectors, games or presentations and protect your SWF project by compiling it into a single executable file. Impress your target audience with translucent visual effects and protect your SWF project against decompilation.

  • Publisher: SWFMaestro.com
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2008
SWF Maestro SCR

SWF Maestro SCR

Create a colorful screen saver with great visual effects from any SWF project. Make a statement about your company or promote your services with a custom screen saver. Protect your work and distribute your SWF animation to as many viewers as possible

  • Publisher: SWFMaestro.com
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2007

Swf maestro exe portable in Description



Creates Screensaver files (.SCR) from Adobe Flash files (.SWF). SWF Maestro SCR PRO is a handy application designed to produce screensavers - usually carrying the .SCR extension - from previously existing Flash animations. This program allows you to attach version information to your screensaver with great detail. You can also create a trial version of your screensaver and define its limitations.

  • Publisher: SWFMaestro
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2009
VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter

VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter

VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter is an application that will help you convert Flash SWF file to self-running EXE file.VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter can help you generate Personalized output exe file. You can encrypt the original SWF file, the output EXE files get the SWF data through memory stream, so your users cannot get it in his/her computer hard disk

  • Publisher: VaySoft Ltd.
  • Home page: www.vaysoft.com
  • Last updated: July 8th, 2011
Fox Flash Decompiler

Fox Flash Decompiler

Fox Flash Decompiler Convert SWF to EXE in seconds! Fox Flash Decompiler is the only application that is capable of converting SWF to EXE with high speed and high quality. With Fox Flash Decompiler you can turn any of your SWF movies into their source EXE format. SWF to EXE converting has never been easier!

  • Publisher: FoxEasy Inc.
  • Home page: www.foxeasy.com
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2009
VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter Pro

VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter Pro

VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter Pro is an application that will help you convert Flash SWF files and related files to self-running .exe files. The program can help you generate personalized output .exe files. For example, you can set private icon images for an output .exe file and configure your picture images before or after playing the SWF.

  • Publisher: VaySoft Ltd.
  • Home page: www.vaysoft.com
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2017
FlashDigger Plus

FlashDigger Plus

Convert SWF to EXE format. Resulting EXE file can be launched on any computer even without Macromedia Flash ActiveX installed. Advanced features like fullscreen playback and EXE file customization are included. Create new SWF graphics (bitmap images) object and place it into SWF movie.

  • Publisher: Openworld Learning, LLC
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Additional Swf maestro exe portable selection

Bullrushsoft SWF to EXE Convertor

Bullrushsoft SWF to EXE Convertor

Bullrushsoft SWF to EXE Converter is a smart and easy-to-use wizard-like tool that enables the creation of executable files from SWF Flash files. With Bullrushsoft SWF to EXE Converter you may easily compile licensed, stand-alone executable of any SWF file.

  • Publisher: Bullrush Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.bullrushsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2012
Flash Player Pro

Flash Player Pro

Flash Player Pro is a handy flash tool kit designed as Adobe flash player and manager . It has several powerful flash tools: download flash movies from the Internet, preview and browse flash movie, capture flash image and set it as wallpaper, create flash screensaver with ease, make conversion between SWF and EXE flash movies etc.

Sothink SWF Quicker

Sothink SWF Quicker

Sothink SWF Quicker is a Flash animator. Its interface is actually quite similar to that of Adobe Flash; therefore, if you are already familiar with this leading application, you are unlikely to have any serious difficulties while using SWF Quicker. Although its interface is intuitive, this program is not intended for beginners.

  • Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2012
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

JPEXS is an open-source Flash SWF decompiler and editor. It can be used to extract resources from Flash animation files. You can also use it to convert SWF to FLA format, edit ActionScript code, and replace images, sounds, texts, or fonts. Various output formats are available for saving the resources.

  • Publisher: JPEXS
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
SWF Decompiler Premium

SWF Decompiler Premium

SWF Decompiler Premium allows you to convert between swf and exe format, besides, the powerful function supports edit the dynamic texts and replace images. The player window is innovatively separated from the main panel, which enables users to drag and drop the window wherever they want it to be.

SWF Decompiler Magic

SWF Decompiler Magic

SWF Decompiler Magic will enable to perform many actions, such as converting files from SWF files to EXE files, edit SWF files with dynamic texts and images and much more. This software can be used for programmers who want to extract images, frames, shapes, sounds, text, fonts or anything that can be extracted from a SWF file.

Quick Flash Player

Quick Flash Player

Quick Flash Player is a useful application that will let you play SWF files and get them converted to EXE. By right-clicking on any file you can advance to the next frame or simply zoom in or zoom out. The program supports full screen mode. Using this software, you can create your own playlist and watch all of your SWF files.

iPixSoft Flash Gallery Factory

iPixSoft Flash Gallery Factory

iPixSoft Flash Gallery Factory is a best flash gallery software helps to make professional flash gallery from photos,video clips and music using transition effects,funny cliparts and rich custom functions designed flash gallery templates. With it you can easily present photo/video in gallery mode and output as SWF flash, Exe file, html5 video or common video format file.

  • Publisher: iPixSoft Studio
  • Home page: www.ipixsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Flash Decompiler Gold

Flash Decompiler Gold

Free Flash Decompiler Gold is a powerful and reliable flash extractor. It allows exporting all resources such as images, shapes, sounds, fonts, dynamic texts, buttons, sprites, scripts, and frames from any SWF file. Moreover, those resources can be exported as FLA format. With one click, you can effortlessly convert files to (*.swf) or (*.exe) format.

  • Publisher: Metrix Media Software Inc.
  • Last updated: January 26th, 2011
FLV to AVI Converter

FLV to AVI Converter

FLV to AVI Converter is the most feature-rich FLV conversion utility on the web, which provides a list of ways to manipulate Flash video to fit user needs. It converts FLV video into other popular formats and makes animations load faster.

  • Publisher: SWF Kit Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020