Swifttec stopwatch in Title/Summary

SwiftTec Stopwatch
SwiftTec Stopwatch is a fun, simple and easy to use digital stopwatch. This watch works in two modes: Stopwatch mode that counts up from zero and Countdown mode that counts down from a preset time to zero. This watch will measure time in hours, minutes, seconds and hundreths of seconds.
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Last updated: August 1st, 2011

SwiftTec AutoClub
SwiftTec AutoClub is designed especially for small to medium-sized business (up to 10,000 customers). With its intuitive and easy-to-use interface you can add, edit or view customers, edit and view vehicles, you can, also create customizable customer cards with photo, backgrounds, logos (can be based on customer type) and integrated bar-codes.
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Home page: www.swifttec.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

SwiftTec Clapometer
SwiftTec Clapometer is a fun, simple and easy to use clapometer which includes a league table of competitors. This program is great for parties and informal talent competitions. The "applause level" of this tool is controlled by the computer operator by the simple but subtle use of the space bar.
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Swifttec stopwatch in Description

SwiftTec ReportViewer
SwiftTec ReportViewer is a free utility that helps the user to view saved reports generated by SwiftTec applications. SwiftTec use a special format for reports generated in their products. This ReportViewer can be found as bundled for free with other products, but can also be run as a standalone application.
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Last updated: November 28th, 2013

Multitrack Stopwatch
MultiTrack Stopwatch is a classical stopwatch, but it has 10 counters which measure time separately, or they can act as holders of different laps. The results of the measurements can be saved in a file or to the clipboard. All timers can be stopped, started and reset at the same moment or independently from one another.
- Publisher: MORIMOTO Shouji
- Home page: morimosoft.com
- Last updated: February 15th, 2013

XNote Stopwatch
With XNote Stopwatch, you actually get three different applications: a digital clock, a countdown timer, and also a stopwatch. This piece of software is well built and offers users access to a large number of settings and configurations. Also, its developers claim that this program enables you to run multiple stopwatches, each one having their independent settings.
- Publisher: dnSoft Research Group
- Home page: xnotestopwatch.com
- Last updated: August 14th, 2014

Free Stopwatch
As its name clearly suggests, Free Stopwatch is nothing else but a simple and straightforward stopwatch application provided completely for free. It will help you every time you need to count laps or count shorts amounts of time for various purposes.
- Publisher: Comfort Software Group
- Home page: free-stopwatch.com
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022

Exsense GoStop
Exsense GoStop is a very lite and little stopwatch program. You can press the buttons Start, Stop, Reset StopWatch. At the same time, you can add your stopwatch to storage and so save the storage. The application also allows you to set stopwatch and timer interval.
- Publisher: Exsense Software
- Last updated: October 14th, 2011
Additional Swifttec stopwatch selection

SwiftTec Club Membership System
The SwiftTec Club Membership System is designed to meet the requirements of a club which needs to maintain a membership database and track member activity at the club facilities. It has a comprehensive set of features which can be enabled to meet the needs of clubs of all sizes.
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2017

SwiftTec SwiftBackup
There are plenty of software programs already available that will do full backup of your entire system, including the ones provided by Microsoft with some versions of Windows. We wanted to create a piece of software that makes it easy for the average user to quickly and easily backup their computer without having to do lots of configuration.
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Home page: www.swifttec.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

SwiftTec DMX LightShow
A family of programs designed to run DMX controller equipment such as theatre or stage lighting, DJ lights, etc. Supports mulitple DMX controllers (some products have built-in limits as to the number of active universes, e.g. DMXconsole will only control a single DMX universe).
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Home page: www.swifttec.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Virtual Stopwatch Pro
Virtual Stopwatch Pro is a feature packed clock program for Windows 9x, NT, 2000, or XP. It functions as a stopwatch, a timer, or a clock. It features a time logging system, user defined alarms, and a configurable graphic analog/digital display.
- Publisher: Spring Creek Software Company
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

Virtual Stopwatch
This program is a digital version of a real stopwatch and, thus, you can use it in the same manner as you would do with the stopwatch in your wristwatch. The program has many customizable features. Nevertheless, they add little advantage to the use of the program. Also, there are free programs with the same functions, so you may want to try any of these options.
- Publisher: Spring Creek Software Company
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

HotBounce Quit Smoking Stopwatch
Quit Smoking Stopwatch counts the number of days since you quit smoking. It also counts how much money you save every second you don't smoke.If you'll be persistent, your success in being a non smoker will be awarded with medals!More, If you get all 6 medals you can consider yourself a strong character willing to lead a successful and healthy lifestyle!
- Publisher: HotBounce programming & development
- Last updated: November 8th, 2009

TimeMe Timer Stopwatch CL
Timer Stopwatch CL let you count up or down, with or without alarms, in a loop or not, and in various display colors and sizes. Works with Windows 7, Vista, XP, NT, 2000, ME & 98 PC's. Timer Stopwatch CL is simple and intuitive to use. After you downloaded it, you can install it on as many of your computers as you want.
- Publisher: TimeMe
- Last updated: December 9th, 2012

SwiftTec Loyalty Tracking System
The SwiftTec Loyalty Tracking System is designed for shops and clubs that wish to keep a database of their members and track the collections and redemption of loyalty points by club members. It produces membership cards with barcodes for use with a barcode scanner.
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

RJH Stopwatch Download
The stopwatch Conversion Program can load data from over 15 different makes of stopwatch (both real stopwatches and smartphone apps), and save the times into a CSV file (which can be loaded into Microsoft Excel and Race Management software), or a Parkrun_Timer file that can be loaded into parkrun's WebFMS system.
- Publisher: Roger Hardiman
- Home page: www.rjh.org.uk
- Last updated: February 8th, 2016

SwiftTec Song Management System
Song Manager was designed especially for worship teams in churches where the worship leader, band and words projection all need to stay in sync; it links these three roles together using networking. The leader and presenter modules can be used in networked mode and in standalone mode, making the software quite flexible.
- Publisher: SwiftTec
- Home page: www.songmanager.co.uk
- Last updated: January 31st, 2016