Swish max page flip effect in Title/Summary

Boxoft Free Page Flip Software
Boxoft Free Page Flip Software allows you to build a flash book with page flip effect. With this tool, you can create 3D interactive page flip book with page turning effect without any program skills. You can customize the appearance of the flipping book with pre-designed templates and rich feature setting.
- Publisher: Boxoft Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.boxoft.com
- Last updated: September 21st, 2017

SWiSH Max2 2008.3 is a program to create flash movies and sites. It includes 250 Preset Effects and Many Ready-to-use Components. It´s capable of importing images, graphics, sound and video from all popular formats. With this program you can export presentations to Flash, Video, GIF Animation or Image Sequence.
- Publisher: SWiSHzone.com Pty Ltd
- Home page: www.swishzone.com
- Last updated: October 5th, 2011

Free Page Flip Book Maker
Free Page Flip Book Maker is a simple tool meant to help you create flipbooks, magazines, interactive catalogues, brochures, and other similar materials. It can create these materials by importing and converting files of other types. More precisely, it imports and transforms text TXT files.
- Publisher: Flip PDF Studio
- Last updated: January 8th, 2012
Swish max page flip effect in Description

PDF to Flipping Book 3D
This excellent tool allows you to convert your PDF documents into virtual books with a 3D page-flip effect. It allows you to save your resulting books in different formats, such as HTML, EXE, and ZIP; and also create versions for mobile devices. It also includes a module for converting many PDF documents into e-books in batches.
- Publisher: flashflipbook3d Solution
- Home page: www.flashflipbook3d.com
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2012

Free Online Flipbook Software
To attract visitors and readers to your online digital publications, you should maximize your effort for search engine optimization. However, how to make them read through your publication and increase conversion rate is another challenge facing you.
- Publisher: FlashFlipBook3D Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: fliphtml5.com
- Last updated: May 13th, 2014

3D PageFlip for PowerPoint
3D PageFlip for PowerPoint is 3DPageFlip Software’s solution to your need for a flexible PowerPoint to e-book conversion tool. You can use any version of PowerPoint presentation or a set of image files for the input, and create a dynamic and pro-looking e-book or e-magazine with a stunning three-dimensional page-flip effect.
- Publisher: 3DPageFlip Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.3dpageflip.com
- Last updated: August 11th, 2011

PDF to Flash Magazine
PDF to Flash Magazine is all you need to produce professional and full-featured e-magazines – complete with a high-quality page flip effect – using a PDF document as source. Despite the numerous possibilities and the wide range of customization settings provided, the program’s wizard-like interface will guide you through the entire creation process.
- Publisher: eMagMaker Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.emagmaker.com
- Last updated: November 15th, 2012

3D PageFlip Writer
3D PageFlip Writer is an all-in-one flippingbook authoring application that combines word processing, graphics, PDF, and Flash flippingbook. With this program, you can create flash-based interactive flippingbook with 3D page flip effect. It offers a time-saving way to create rich-media 3D interactive flash book for easy publishing and online sharing.
- Publisher: 3DPageFlip Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.3dpageflip.com
- Last updated: October 17th, 2011
Additional Swish max page flip effect selection

FlipHtml5 lets you create interactive digital flip-books using your documents, photos, videos, and audio clips. You can also publish your books on a custom domain name. Books created by FlipHTML5 work on all modern web browsers, mobile devices, and desktop.
- Publisher: Wonder Idea Technology Co. Ltd.
- Home page: www.fliphtml5.com
- Last updated: July 12th, 2021

free PDF Page Flip Reader
It allows you to read PDF documents in a user friendly interface with flipping book effect.PDF Page flip reader is a 3D Page-Flipping Digital Publication Reader that allows readers to view PDF documents. It supports page flipping, highlighting, and note taking as a real book.
- Publisher: Flip PDF Studio
- Home page: www.flippdf.com
- Last updated: December 21st, 2011

Flip Writer
Flip Writer is easy to use Flash Flipping Book Creator software that will help you create professional online eBooks, flash page flip brochures, Christmas flipbook magazine, wedding page flip book etc with page flip effect. With Flip Writer, you don't need any flash skills, just write your book content with WYSIWYG word processing editor.
- Publisher: Flipbuilder Solution
- Home page: www.flipbuilder.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2011

PPT to FlipBook
This tool enables you to create automatic flipping page generation magazines, catalogues from a Powerpoint. With PPT to FlipBook, you can create Pageflip eMags by importing your Powerpoint, and then choose the theme templates from a variety of presets.
- Publisher: flippagemaker Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.flippagemaker.com
- Last updated: December 16th, 2012

Free Flash eBook Maker
Free Flash eBook Maker is a program that enables you to turn a common text document into a stunning flash effect. You can add beautiful colors to make plain text more eye-catching, add security to protect your document, apply free templates and themes to quickly customize your eBook.
- Publisher: flippagemaker Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.flippagemaker.com
- Last updated: November 28th, 2013

PDF to FlashBook Standard
FlashBookMaker’s PDF To FlashBook wisely combines simplicity with an extensive range of customization options. If you are looking for a simple and fast PDF to Flash e-book conversion, all you need to do is follow the program’s three-step wizard-like interface. Alternatively, you can take some time to personalize the look and feel of your e-book and its playback functionality.
- Publisher: FlashBookMaker Solution
- Last updated: June 13th, 2012

3DPageFlip Free Page Flip Software
3DPageFlip Free Page Flip Software is a program that enables you to make your own online publication. It offers you attractive flash page turning animation, plenty of customization features, real-time preview of the final result and three optional formats: EXE, HTML and ZIP.
- Publisher: 3DPageFlip Solution
- Home page: www.3dpageflip.com
- Last updated: April 17th, 2014

aXmag Professional
Creates e-books and e-magazines with page flip effect from PDF files. If you need to convert you PDF file into a Flash e-book that you can publish on your website, or you simply want to read it in an animated way, you can use aXmag Professional to achieve it. This is an easy-to-use software tool that basically converts any PDF file into a SWF Flash animation and embeds it on a blank web page.
- Publisher: aXmag
- Home page: www.axmag.com
- Last updated: November 6th, 2014

Flip PDF
Flip PDF allows you to build professional flash flip Books from PDF with the "page turning" effect for both online and offline use in minutes.
- Publisher: FlipBuilder
- Home page: www.flipbuilder.com
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021

AV Bros. Page Curl Pro
This multi-purpose Adobe Photoshop and compatible hosts plug-in has the ALL NEW and unrivalled engine that lets you not only bend the image, using two type of bending (curling and folding), but also texturize it (using the bump maps), orient it in 3D space (including the perspective distortions) and obtain total control over the process of lighting the image (including the option of dropping inner shadows. List of Features: The ability to create both the turning page effect (Page Curl) and the folding page effect (Page Fold) (collectively â bends). The Multi-bend option: the ability to create several bends within the single session of the plug-in. The ability to orient the page in 3D space. The ability to specify the desired level of the perspective while orienting in 3D space. The ability to work with arbitrarily-shaped images (non-rectangular, with full or partial transparent areas, etc.) The total control over the process of creating the surface for a curled or a folded page by adjusting the following parameters of the surface: - Angle, Level, Radius, Obliquity, Torsion, Direction and the Limit of the turn (for page curling). - Angle, Level, Folding Angle and Direction (for page folding). Switching the direction (Upward or Downward) of page curling or folding. Adjusting the opacity of the whole page. Adjusting the cross-opacity of the page. The ability to specify various contents for either side of the page: - Content from the active layer. - Solid color (custom color, host's foreground or background colors). - Image from the file, which may be either tiled or resized to fit. - Content from any layer of the current document (This feature is available only for Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and higher.) The ability to flip the content of either side of the page. Swapping the content of the page's sides. The ability to choose between two lighting modes: the Simple and Advanced modes. Adjusting the level of the shading in the Simple Lighting mode. The total control over the process of lighting the page in the Advanced Lighting mode. This process includes: - Adding up to 25 light sources (Direct light sources.) for lighting both sides of the page. - Specifying the direction of either light source. - Specifying the parameters of the Diffuse Reflection of either light source, including the Color and Intensity of the Diffuse Reflection and the fact of its presence for either side of the page. - Specifying the parameters of the Specular Reflection of either light source, including the Color, Intensity and the Specular Exponent of the Specular Reflection and the fact of its presence for either side of the page. - Specifying the parameters of the Ambient Light, including its Color and Intensity for either side of the page. - Rendering Inner Shadows with adjustable Opacity and Size. (Inner Shadows are dropped by any existed Light Source upon your choice.) The ability to texturize either side of the page by using the grayscale images (called Bump Maps). As a Bump Map you can use either your document's channels or any file. The ability to adjust the existed Bump Map inside the plug-in. The following adjustments are available: Blur, Level, Flip Vertical and Horizontal. And you can also Invert (black to white and vice-versa) the existing Bump Map. The ability to make the bent part of the page to be outside the page's initial boundary. The ability to make the bent part of the page to be cut into the remaining part of the page. The ability to create the "non-complete" page curling effect by adjusting the turn Limit. The presence of a transparent area under the curled or folded part of the page. Multi-level Undo option. Supporting images in RGB, CMYK and Grayscale color modes. Specifying the quality of the surface rendering, including the Auto Mode. Exporting the result of the render as a PSD file. (Including current Color Profile provided by the host.) Fast and high-quality preview. Using various backdrops for the Main Preview area: - The standard checkerboard. - The custom solid color. - The content of the active layer of the current document. - The content of any layer of the current document. (This feature is available only for Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and higher.) Saving and loading settings of the plug-in. The ability to record scripting parameters and be automated by them (Scripting-aware).
- Publisher: AV Bros
- Home page: www.avbros.com
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008