Syx to sf2 in Title/Summary

SF2 Splitter
SF2 Splitter is a simple tool that extracts instruments from SoundFont files and saves them to separate SoundFont files. Each new SoundFont file contains only one instrument from the original SoundFont file that has been split. SF2 Splitter is based on Creative's SoundFont SDK and uses its API interfaces to access the SoundFont file handling functions.
- Publisher: Tsvetozar
- Last updated: December 13th, 2008

Polyphone is a free tool for editing soundfonts in format sf2.Main features: - support for sf2 (including 16- or 24-bit samples) and sfArk formats. - sf3, sfz import / export. - support for jack and asio audio servers. - built-in synthesizer, controlled by a virtual keyboard or midi signals. - analysis of frequency peaks and estimation of sample pitch.
- Publisher: Davy Triponney
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019
Syx to sf2 in Description

SyxLibEd is a Sysex files manager and database that allows you to archive patches of any MIDI device that supports System Exclusive. Main features: - Send .syx files to MIDI devices - Record all Sysex messages coming from a MIDI port - Store .syx files or Sysex messages in a local database - Browse the database to find out your device's massage
- Publisher: October 28
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008

Editor + Librarian for ALL XG gears especially SW1000XG, but also ideal for Yamaha's MUxx, QYxx, CSxx, PSR, CVP series etc. It supports PLG boards, Audio parts and up to 32 XG parts. MIDI player, Remote Control Interface, XG-Mapper and much more...
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Delta SP
Delta SP is a multi-track sequencer with synthesizer, sampler and wave editor. Synthesizer supports internal and VST plugins. Complete modular synthesizer with one sample feedback included which can be used to make VST plugins. Sampler has multi-layered instruments similar to SF2 format, and can import SF2 files. Synth loads +50 native plugins ranging from standard effects like delay and chorus to big analog style synths and FM synths. Most native plugin synths include 7 out effects, 2 mod matrixes and also 2 arpeggiators or step sequencers.
- Publisher: Rocktave
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2008

CD Sequencer
CD Sequencer is a tool that makes it possible to record extra MIDI instruments in the CD tracks of your favourite CD's. Synchronisation of the MIDI tracks and the CD player is checked and corrected continuously while playing.
- Publisher: Jos
- Last updated: October 4th, 2010

PSRMIDI is a tool that scans GM, GM2, XG and XF MIDI-files of format 0 or 1, style-files for Yamaha-keyboards and Cakewalk XG-SysEx bank-files. You will get an interpretation of all elementary midi-events included. The program has been developped to get knowledge about the interior of the songs which are produced by the Yamaha keyboards.
- Publisher: hpmusic
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2010
Additional Syx to sf2 selection

Wave Xtractor
Wave Xtractor is a handy audio tool which lets you extract .Wav sample data from popular file formats within the Music industry: KORG, Yamaha, Reason Studios; (PCM/KMP/TVN/UVN/UVD/PPF/SF2/REX).
- Publisher: Wave Xtractor
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Speedsoft VSampler
Speedsoft VSampler 3.5 is a program that turns your PC into a polyphonic sampler. You will be able to use any recorded sound as a musical instrument, through this 255 voices sampler. When you start VSampler for the first time, it will allow you to perform a scan for installed plug-ins. You will then have to specify the interface, driver and audio rate you want to use to play the sounds.
- Publisher: SpeedSoft
- Last updated: June 17th, 2008

Designed for musicians who want to manage and convert their sampler libraries. Use it to browse your sampler CD-ROMs directly on your PC, navigate through the CD-ROM, and listen to any sound by clicking on it. CDxtract also displays detailed informat...
- Publisher: CDXTRACT.COM
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

SFPack is the ultimate solution in SoundFont packing, unrivaled in compression ratio and easiness of use. It beats hands down any other product (like sfArk, WaveZip, WinRar or WinZip). SFPack generally compresses files between 30% and 70% of the original file size, depending on the nature of the sound data stored in the soundfont.
- Publisher: Megota Software
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

discoDSP Discovery Pro
discoDSP Discovery Pro is a virtual analog synthesizer plus sampler. Main features: - 32/64-bit audio units/VST. - Dual/four octave key split. - 4 layers/12 oscillators with Sync/FM. - WAV/SoundFont (SF2) support. - PADSynth re-synthesis. - Graphic envelope modulation. - 2X oversampling/undersampling. - Built-in arpeggiator.
- Publisher: discoDSP
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

MeowMidi2Mp3 is a midi to wav/mp3 converter. It uses sf2 files (soundfonts) and is much more faster and easier to use than MidiMeow. With MeowMidi2Mp3 you can also read Kar files. MidiMeow is a small, simple and easy-to-use tool that rips midi files "on the fly"
- Publisher: MeowProd
- Last updated: December 16th, 2012

Fast Midi To Mp3 KARAOKE
Fast MIDI to MP3 KARAOKE is a software able to convert VERY QUICKLY midifiles into MP3 Wave without need of a sound card using virtual soundfonts like SF2 and thanks to this particularity you will obtain an excellent quality audio-file independently of the sound card and in very short time and you don’t need to listen to the whole song.
- Last updated: July 19th, 2010

Fast Midi To Mp3 KARAOKE MUltiSF2
Fast Midi To Mp3 KARAOKE MUltiSF2 is an application that allows you to convert your MIDI files to MP3 format. Also with this app you can edit the audio files.
- Publisher: Recwon SRL
- Last updated: December 17th, 2011

With the Expresseur, experience the pleasure of playing music, without having to worry about the complex problem of notes. Go directly to the world of musical interpretation, and share the pleasure of playing with other musicians, friends or family. Needless to read the notes of music: just a desire to play, and musical feeling.
- Publisher: expresseur
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 29th, 2011

Motif Waveform Editor
Motif Waveform Editor is a powerful and easy to use editor that helps you create and edit User Waveforms for the Motif XF, MOXF and Motif XS in the most convenient way. You can import instruments from several sources as Waveforms: SoundFont (SF2) files, GigaStudio (GIG), AKAI (AKP), AIFF, WAV, MP3, WMA, FLAC and OGG Vorbis files are supported.
- Publisher: John Melas Software
- Last updated: December 10th, 2015