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Tamil bible projector software in Title/Summary

Tamil Bible

Tamil Bible

This Tamil Bible module for theWord Bible Software is completely free of cost. You can download it freely and you can redistribute freely. Please dont make money of this application. Word Of God says "Freely you have received, freely give - Matthew 10:8". Let every one make use of "Word Of God".

  • Publisher: Word Of God Team
  • Home page: www.wordofgod.in
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2008
Excel Convert Files From English To Tamil and Tamil To English Software

Excel Convert Files From English To Tamil and Tamil To English Software

This software offers a solution for users who want to convert Excel files from English to Tamil and Tamil to English.

Bible Search Software

Bible Search Software

Search Bible verses by keyword or subject.

Tamil bible projector software in Description

The Holy Bible - Tamil-English

The Holy Bible - Tamil-English

This free program features the Christian Bible both in English and Tamil. It has search capabilities, as well as several customizable options, such as color schemes, verse styles, and more. Also, it can show the Tamil and English versions of the Bible separately, or interlineally for comparison purposes.

Tamil Unicode Bible for e-Sword Bible Software

Tamil Unicode Bible for e-Sword Bible Software

What is special in unicode version? 1. You can copy the verse or notes into your websites,emails,blogs,etc. 2. You can directly type in tamil in search, notes, etc 3. Enhanced search facility. ou need to install e-Sword Bible Software to use this Bible Module. Without e-Sword Bible Software this bible module will not work.

  • Publisher: Word Of God Ministries
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2012
BibleMax Darby Bible

BibleMax Darby Bible

BibleMax add in featuring John Darby's translation of the Holy Bible. Darby's translation was made from Greek and Hebrew texts, so it is one of the most authoritative versions of the Scriptures. This software will be very useful for scolars, clerics or laypersons interested in the study of the Holy Bible.

In the beginning was The Word

In the beginning was The Word

theWord was created in order to be a valuable, everyday tool for every Christian that wishes to read and study the Bible, the Word of God. We believe that theWord Bible Software is one of the very best Bible study software programs available, commercial or otherwise. theWord is comparable to and in many cases, if not most, better than its commercial counterparts.

  • Publisher: Costas Stergiou
  • Home page: www.theword.net
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2012
BibleMax Good News Translation Bible

BibleMax Good News Translation Bible

The Good News Translation Bible is a version of the Holy Scriptures for using with BibleMax software. It features many interesting characteristics, such as commentaries and additional texts in separate windows. Also, you can jump easily to any chapter only by clicking on its number. Bible Max is expandable, letting you to download many Bilbe versions and extra files.

Additional Tamil bible projector software selection

DivineCoders Bible Code Software

DivineCoders Bible Code Software

DivineCoders Bible Code Software allows you to search a biblical term in a large book database. Main Features: - New algorithms. - Search through 39 biblical texts. - Perform as many as 2 phases of search. - Statistical significance testing. - Share your discoveries.

Bible Analyzer

Bible Analyzer

Bible Analyzer is a free, cross-platform, Bible study software program developed to aid Believers in the reading, study, and defense of the Holy Scriptures. The program allows you to easily search for a word, words, or phrase with a handy suggestion box, plus several advanced searching capabilities.

Audio Bible Download Manager

Audio Bible Download Manager

Audio Bible Download Manager 3.0



BibleDesktop is a program for reading and studying the Bible and other Christian or Bible-related texts. This new version is faster than the previous ones, and there are many more Bible modules in different languages for downloading. If you are a Bible scholar, cleric or layperson seriously interested in studying the Scriptures, then you may like to try this program.

  • Publisher: Crosswire Bible Society
  • Home page: www.crosswire.org
  • Last updated: August 21st, 2008
EveningDew Bible

EveningDew Bible

EveningDew Bible 3.2.0 is a very useful program that provides a quick access to a simple electronic form of Bible to the user, in a very compact form. The application has a pretty controlled and intuitive user interface, and the user doesn’t need to struggle even slightly, while using this interesting product.

  • Publisher: EveningDew Software
  • Home page: www.live4god.org
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2014
Cebuano Bible

Cebuano Bible

This Biblica translation of the New Testament is for the Cebuano language, which is primarily used in Philippines. This translation uses an informal language style and applies a meaning-based translation philosophy. It is translated consulting the biblical languages and was completed in 1988.

  • Publisher: BibleStudyPro
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2010
Prayers from the Bible

Prayers from the Bible

Prayers from the Bible is a great program for anyone who wants to study the Bible in more detail. With this program you can study the prayers of the Bible and also have an easy way to memorize your favorite prayers. If you are looking for other ways to read and study the Bible then this program is for you!

  • Publisher: CIL Software
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2010
Indonesian Terjemahan Baru Bible

Indonesian Terjemahan Baru Bible

Indonesian Terjemahan Baru Bible is about the Indonesian dominant religion. The first Christians to have arrived at the archipielago currently known as the Republic of Indonesia were Portuguese traders, who arrived there in 1512. But Christianity was established more firmly during the Dutch Colonial period.

  • Publisher: BibleStudyPro
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2010
TamilBible Font

TamilBible Font

You may easily install fonts onto the computer by clicking with the right mouse button on the downloaded (unzipped) file and select 'install' or: by opening the fonts folder through Windows Explorer. Usually this folder is either C:\WINDOWS/Fonts or C:\WINNT\FONTS. Once this folder is open, select the fonts you wish to install from an alternate folder and copy and paste them into the fonts folder

  • Publisher: TamilChristian
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Pocket e-Sword (2005)

Pocket e-Sword (2005)

The files must be downloaded onto a PC and installed onto the PDA using Microsoft ActiveSync. These files are free Bible study software for the Pocket PC. The web version can display Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Lexicons, and Topical Bibles. The program allows the user to view the text of the Bible.

  • Publisher: Rick Meyers
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008