Tapi server app in Title/Summary

This program is an application to share the lines of the 3rd party TAPI driver of a PBX system easily to the network. So every network client is able to include all TAPI functions of the driver in the local applications with a remote TAPI driver. You also get an "occupied" display in which you can recognize if users are calling or absent.
- Publisher: ESTOS GmbH

App Runner Server
App Runner - Remote software launcher Launch or Stop any software on the server/gateway computer by just being on the client computer, without being physically present on the server computer. App Runner enables you to run/stop any program on the remote computer. Using App Runner Client software on the client machines in the network you can launch or stop any program on the server .
- Publisher: ppp infotech Ltd
- Home page: www.pppindia.com

WiDroid Server
WiDroid is a Free Android App which lets you use your Android device as a wireless Touchpad, Keyboard, Game controller, Steering controller, Powerpoint presentation controller and Mediaplayer controller. Features: Wireless Touchpad Wireless Keyboard Wireless Game controller Wireless Steering controller Wireless Presentation controller Wireless Media player controller
- Publisher: Team WiDroid
- Home page: widroid.blogspot.com
- Last updated: June 17th, 2013
Tapi server app in Description

DAEMON Sync lets you synchronize and share files between your PC and mobile devices. Using this app, you will no longer need to connect your phone via USB to upload a file to your computer. Instead, using your local wireless connection, you can quickly share photos, music, and videos among your devices without uploading them to the web.
- Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2015

- Want to know who is or owns an ip address or domain? - Search worldwide for interesting domains. - Hear when a line breaks down/is up. - Know why you can not reach a domain. - Solve internet problems from your desk.
- Publisher: dbSoft
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2009

Nestopia is a portable emulator for the Famicom and NES. It is an open-source project able to simulate the game consoles that were so popular back in the 80's and early 90's. It offers an array of advanced options to make the experience as smooth and close (or even better) to the real thing as possible.
- Publisher: Martin Freij
- Last updated: April 19th, 2009

PushDoc is a client/server app for Android which lets you drag and drop stuff from your desktop to your phone. It allows to transfer and convert data to/from your desktop and your android device over Wifi. Transfer web article from your desktop to your phone/tablet just selecting the text/article from any desktop web browser and drag n drop to the phone.
- Publisher: Angelo Schiavone
- Home page: www.angeloschiavone.com
- Last updated: May 29th, 2012

Incoming and outgoing phone calls are recorded. For every phonecall the dialed number, the calling party, start and end time are stored. You can easily export the records for further processing. Astice-Tapi-Monitor can be used on a standalone personal computer as well as in a local area network where one computer acts as server and other computers are connected as clients.
- Publisher: ASTICE-SRL
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2010
Additional Tapi server app selection

Xmanager is a PC X server that brings the power of X applications to a Windows environment. With Xmanager, X applications installed on remote UNIX based machines run seamlessly with Windows application side by side. It provides a powerful session management console, easy-to-use X application launcher, X server profile management tool, SSH module and a high performance PC X server.
- Publisher: NetSarang Computer, Inc.
- Home page: www.netsarang.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

AMPPS is a software stack of Apache, Mysql, PHP, Perl, Python, and Softaculous auto-installer that can be used on Desktops and office servers. It provides domain management, database management, and various open source web applications in a secure environment to ease your development.
- Publisher: Softaculous Ltd.
- Home page: www.ampps.com
- Last updated: January 6th, 2023

Air Media Server
Air Media Center is smarter than smart. It will automatically transcode your media to match the playback capabilities of your device. You don't have to worry about codecs or file conversions. Just tap on the video, and enjoy the show! Air Media Center supports most music, videos and photo formats out there!
- Publisher: App Dynamic
- Home page: www.airmediacenter.com
- Last updated: April 22nd, 2012

SSH Tectia Client
The Tectia Client/Server solution secures data-in-transit without the need for any modification to applications, infrastructure, and with no disruptions to the experience. Fast-track to cost-effective security and compliance An intuitive GUI allows for easy local configuration of secure terminal access, file transfer, application tunneling, authentication, etc,
- Publisher: SSH Communications Security
- Last updated: August 26th, 2022

Air Mouse Server
Air Mouse instantly transforms your iPhone or iPod touch into an in air, wireless mouse for your computer. In addition to installing the iPhone app, you also must install a server app on your computer so that the Air Mouse iPhone app can connect to it.
- Publisher: RPA Tech, Inc.
- Home page: www.mobileairmouse.com
- Last updated: January 15th, 2010

WaveRoom Server
The BlackBerry app needs to know where your music is. WaveRoom Server allows you to specify the folders which contain your music. It also communicates with the app, sending it folder, file and audio data. WaveRoom Server must be running and have atleast one folder containing music for the app to work.
- Publisher: Chonk
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

UPSmon is a multiplatform client-server software tool that enables remote monitoring of the UPS with SNMP, HTTP, and UDP. It features: local and remote shutdown, cascade monitoring and cross-platform interoperability with other servers, UDP communication with client software, HTTP communication with standard internet browsers, and more.
- Publisher: UpsTechnet
- Home page: www.ups-technet.com
- Last updated: October 30th, 2015

Parallels Management Console
Parallels Management Console (PMC, formerly Virtuozzo Management Console, VZMC) is a powerful graphical management console for administrators to manage Parallels Virtuozzo Containers servers. Parallels Management Console empowers IT professionals to effectively manage individual servers with hundreds of containers with Parallels Management Console tools.
- Publisher: Parallels
- Home page: www.parallels.com
- Last updated: June 17th, 2010

MySQL Community Server
MySQL Community Server is an open-source relational database management system. You can tune the application code, database schemas and dynamic queries fast and easy. You can monitor and adjust MySQL settings that will tune, scale and maintain performance.
- Publisher: Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates
- Last updated: January 21st, 2024

Blizzard App
Blizzard App, formerly known as Battle.net, is an Internet-based utility for online gaming and digital distribution. With its help, you can download, buy, and play your favorite Blizzard games, stay in touch with your friends, and keep track of gaming tactics and news articles.
- Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
- Last updated: March 27th, 2017