Task force image commander in Title/Summary

Task Force COMMANDER 99
Import your own photos for quick and easy preview through TASK FORCE Image COMMANDER. Edit and resize your photos in just seconds! (no other application required). The perfect tool for organizing all of your favorite digital camera shots. Organize your favorites according to projects, special occasions, or any other archive criteria.
- Publisher: NVTech
- Last updated: July 24th, 2010

Delta Force Task Force Dagger
Delta Force Task Force Dagger 1.0 is a game that would take the gamer to the front lines of Afghanistan. The game features 10 Special Operations. Each op team has a special role. There are 25 new missions and the user can call in devastating air strikes to take out key SAM and SCUD missile sites. Users can create their own multiplayer games and maps with the mission editor.
- Publisher: NovaLogic
- Home page: store.steampowered.com
- Last updated: October 19th, 2009

Task Force ImageGALLERY
Task Force ImageGALLERY is not your average collection of clip art. Really, the artwork is so good, and comes in such an amazing range of subjects and styles, you'll always get a totally professional look on a practically non-existent budget.To sample the world of TASK FORCE graphics, download TASK FORCE ImageCOMMANDER lite edition and then download modules of free art. It only gets better
- Publisher: NVTech Inc.
- Last updated: April 15th, 2008
Task force image commander in Description

Task Force Quit 2
Task ForceQuit 2 helps you optimize your CPU by quitting the apps that you no longer use. It tells you what apps you can close without ending an important task. You can also view & force close Windows programs, that are quietly running in the background. This results in a much faster loading of games & software.
- Publisher: Softorino
- Home page: softorino.com
- Last updated: March 1st, 2018

Task ForceQuit Pro
Task ForceQuit 2 helps you optimize your CPU by quitting the apps that you no longer use. Besides force stopping programs, you can also re-start them, reboot the entire system or even shut down your computer – all from the app's interface. And of course – closing the programs that you are not using will give a speed boost to your Windows PC.
- Publisher: Softorino
- Home page: softorino.com
- Last updated: November 1st, 2018

Batch Image Commander
Batch Image Commander is a batch image processor made for command line operation and as a System Tray Icon application for timer based operation.
- Publisher: iRedSoft Technology Inc
- Home page: www.batchimage.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2010

Air Assault Task Force
Air Assault Task Force explorers the history of helicopter-borne infantry operations, from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Take LZ X-Ray, rescue an isolated Ranger company in Somalia, defeat Al Qaeda remnants in Operation Anaconda, and much more. It innovates in every area, and puts it all in a sleek new interface, easier to use that any of our previous releases.
- Publisher: ProSIM Company
- Home page: www.prosimco.com
- Last updated: January 28th, 2010

After her January 1943 refit in Norfolk, Virginia HMS Victorious sailed for Pearl Harbour to join the USS Saratoga for operations in the Pacific. At this time the two ships represented the entire allied carrier force in that theatre and operated as Task Force 14.
- Publisher: Flying Stations
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011
Additional Task force image commander selection

3D Image Commander
3D Image Commander is a cute small application that allows you to add creative styles and effects to your thumbnails. You will be able to apply amazing perspective tweaks and add shadows, frames, reflections, etc., to your favorite images. Probably one of its main assets is its simplicity, and its “free camera” functionality is just one example of it.
- Publisher: binerus
- Last updated: August 20th, 2010

Image Commander
Image Commander allows you to add text or image watermark to any picture. It protect your copyrights with a copyright notice or your logo. This program also can add text comments to any image, create advanced thumbnails with cool styles and effects, prepare your image collections to be published on the web, resize, crop and rotate thumbnails.
- Publisher: binerus
- Home page: www.binerus.com
- Last updated: April 7th, 2010

Fight Terror 3
The Fight Terror 3 game is a continuation of Fight Terror. Various cities are overwhelmed by gang wars and robberies. Law enforcement bodies are no longer able to curb well-armed gangs. A special task force squad has been called to interfere.
- Publisher: MyPlayCity.com
- Home page: www.myplaycity.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Suicide Squad: Special Ops
Suicide Squad: Special Ops is a free-to-play first-person action game. In this game, you have been selected to lead a special task force comprised of highly dangerous incarcerated Super Villains. It is up to you and your Squad of antiheroes to defeat the horde of enemies that try to stop you.
- Publisher: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
- Home page: specialops.suicidesquad.com
- Last updated: September 13th, 2016

CAcert Root Certificates
CAcert Root Certificates is a program designed for browsers that use the Windows certificate store. The program has support for Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari on Windows. It enables you to securely access Roots Task Force, Roots Structure, and Roots Library.
- Publisher: CAcert Inc.
- Home page: www.cacert.org
- Last updated: August 30th, 2013

Picture Manager For Excel
Picture Manager for Excel is intuitive and user friendly add-in for Microsoft Excel, designed primarily for business users to assist in easily inserting multiple images (automatically sized to fit cells) into single or multiple Excel spreadsheets at once.
- Publisher: Doality
- Home page: doality.com
- Last updated: June 9th, 2016

SQL Image Viewer
SQL Image Viewer allows you to view images stored in a variety of database engines, and export those images to disk. The program identifies most image formats and file types automatically, exports unlimited images and files on demand, allows you to automate your export tasks, and many more.
- Publisher: Yohz Software/Yohz Ventures Sdn Bhd
- Home page: www.yohz.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2015

XSign is a software components that bring strong security to your data and applications. rnYou can use it to sign, encrypt and decrypt XML documents using X509 certificates in just few lines of code. The result XML documents are portable to any environment that supports XML Encryption and XML Signature.
- Publisher: Lizard Labs
- Last updated: October 14th, 2011

Tummy Trouble
Tummy Trouble is a free Flash action game where you must guide Number One in his quest to defeat the mutant food that is fattening up children in the world. For doing so, you will move Number One using the cursor movement keys. To aim his gun you will use the mouse, and to shoot you will use the left mouse button.
- Publisher: Cartoon Network
- Last updated: June 19th, 2009

Police Report Writer SD
Kodiak's Police Report Writer helps you to write, print and store quality police and investigative reports. Each report will handle multiple citizens, suspects, arrests, vehicles, and pieces of property and evidence, and will automatically produce additional continuation or attachments as necessary.
- Publisher: Kodiak Software Systems Inc.
- Last updated: January 17th, 2014