Tcl ide debugger gui builder in Title/Summary

Affinic Debugger GUI
The goal of Affinic Debugger focuses on providing the best debugging experience to any type of users. It tries to provide ultra fast speed with an intuitive interface to maneuver the code and extensive data to help analysis. ADG provides features other IDEs cannot do, such as a GDB/LLDB terminal, assembly debugging, remote debugging, disassemble, memory update and thread debugging etc.
- Publisher: Affinic Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2018

Python Tk Gui Builder
Python Tk Gui Builder is a Windows-based program that allows Python programmers to build graphical user interfaces using the included Tkinter (tk) widgets without having to write the source code. They simply point and click on widgets and their options.
- Publisher: Carl Wenrich
- Last updated: November 29th, 2017

TMS IDE Rich Clip for Delphi and C++Builder XE
Free IDE plugin to copy source code with syntax highlighting to the clipboard When selecting "Copy as HTML", the selected source code is copied as HTML formatted text with syntax highlighting to the clipboard and can for example be pasted in the browser and will be rendered with all syntax highlighting applied.
- Publisher: TMS SoftwareED
- Home page:
Tcl ide debugger gui builder in Description

Perl Builder
Perl Builder is a complete integrated development environment (IDE) for Perl. Key features include a visual editor/debugger that is similar to products such as Visual Basic and Delph, and a CGI wizard that generates scripts visually.
- Publisher: Solutionsoft
- Last updated: June 10th, 2008

Boa Constructor
Boa Constructor is a cross-platform Python IDE and wxPython GUI Builder. It offers visual frame creation and manipulation, an object inspector, many views on the source like object browsers, inheritance hierarchies, doc string generated html documentation, an advanced debugger, and integrated help.
- Publisher: Boa Constructor
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 27th, 2008

LB Builder
LB Builder is an easy to use IDE for the Liberty BASIC windows programming language based on Scintilla. It is the most feature-rich IDE currently available for Liberty BASIC. LB Builder is a project-oriented IDE and it has a user friendly WYSIWYG GUI builder.
- Publisher: Asger Grønnow
- Last updated: October 6th, 2009

Liberty BASIC Workshop
A complete IDE for Liberty BASIC programmers. Use it to write and edit multiple source code files at the same time, including optional, customizable syntax coloring. It also includes a complete GUI Builder and many other coding tools.
- Publisher: Alyce Watson
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Entice Designer
Set properties for the above design items easily with advanced property editor. Ability to copy and paste the above design controls. Tips briefly explaining what each property does. Built-in code editor that includes: - D syntax coloring, including nesting comments and the different string types. - Code updated in real-time when designing. - Find and replace dialog with features.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2010
Additional Tcl ide debugger gui builder selection

Quincy 2005
Quincy is freeware open-source. It is a simple programming environment for C/C++ on Windows. It contains an editor, a compiler, a debugger, and graphics and GUI toolkits. Because of it's simple interface, Quincy is ideal for learning C or C++ programming.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 19th, 2011

Just BASIC is a free personal Windows programming tool and tutorial. Great for teaching or learning programming. Create utilities, games, business apps with syntax coloring editor, debugger, GUI editor. Produces standalone applications.
- Publisher: Shoptalk Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2018

GUI Turbo Assembler
GUI Turbo Assembler is a 64bit MuItilingual IDE for Assembly Language with TASM & TLINK. The IDE is loaded with powerful feature like syntax highlighting, code folding along with the other regular features to work with any assembly source code. It supports compiling and building of assembly codes to windows executable with a single click.
- Publisher: Lakhya Jyoti Nath
- Last updated: October 20th, 2015

NAG Fortran Builder
NAG Fortran Builder is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Microsoft Windows version of the NAG Fortran Compiler.Main features: - Access to numerical functionality via libraries. - Expert in-built help system including Fortran language guide. - Integrated GUI debugger. - Colour coding of syntax. - Fortran-aware editor. - Keyword completion.
- Publisher: Numerical Algorithms Group
- Last updated: November 6th, 2015

wxGlade is a GUI designer written in Python with the popular GUI toolkit wxPython, that helps you create wxWidgets/wxPython user interfaces. At the moment it can generate Python, C++, Perl, Lisp and XRC (wxWidgets' XML resources) code. As you can guess by the name, its model is Glade, the famous GTK+/GNOME GUI builder, with which wxGlade shares the philosophy and the look & feel
- Publisher: wxGlade team
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2012

GNU Common Lisp
GCL is a Common Lisp currently compliant with the CLtL1 standard. Lisp compilation produces native code through the intermediary of the system's C compiler, from which GCL derives efficient performance and facile portability. Currently uses TCL/Tk as GUI.
- Publisher: The GNU Common Lisp Development Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 18th, 2012

TViXiE is a GUI builder for Media Players currently supporting TViX, NMT (Popcorn Hour, etc...), Western Digital WD TV HD Player, Mede8er and Dune. TViXiE automatically downloads movie/music information and covers and builds a graphical browsing experience for the media player.
- Publisher: Mathias Johansson
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2011

Eclipse Standard
Eclipse Standard is a package suited for Java development. it includes Git, Marketplace Client, source code and developer documentation. This package includes: - Eclipse Git Team Provider. - Eclipse Java Development Tools. - Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment.
- Publisher: The Eclipse Foundation
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2014

Kinetis Design Studio
The Kinetis Design Studio IDE is a complimentary integrated development environment for Kinetis MCUs that enables robust editing, compiling and debugging of your designs. Based on free, open-source software including Eclipse, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Debugger (GDB), and others, the Kinetis Design Studio IDE offers designers a simple development tool with no code-size limitations.
- Publisher: Freescale
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2014

JFrameBuilder is an easy-to-use visual Java GUI Builder for Java Swing applications. It enables Java developers to create sophisticated GUI applications using drag-and-drop interface without spending a lot of time writing code.
- Publisher: Mars Microsystems Company
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008