Technical analysis graph for delphi in Title/Summary

WebCab Technical Analysis for Delphi
WebCab Technical Analysis for Delphi provides a collection of technical indicators which can be used in the construction of technical trading systems. Moreover, by using these methods with our DataBase mediator technology you will be able to iteratively apply these indicators to historical data stored within a DBMS.
- Publisher: WebCab Components
- Last updated: October 5th, 2008

Genetic System Search for Technical Analysis
Genetic System Search for Technical Analysis searches for technical analysis investment trading systems. The program provides a translation from natural language to Equis MetaStock format. Two or four rules or trade signals are presented depending on your selection of trade types on the Broker Configuration page.
- Publisher: Security Genetics Inc.

WebCab Technical Analysis
Provides a collection of technical indicators. Moreover, by using these methods with their DataBase mediator technology you will be able to iteratively apply these indicators to historical data stored within a DBMS. This technical indicators can be used in the construction of technical trading systems.
- Publisher: WebCab Components
- Last updated: November 16th, 2011
Technical analysis graph for delphi in Description

Parity Plus
Parity Plus is one of the most powerful Stock Charting and Technical Analysis Programs available on the market. Parity includes over 50 of the most popular indicators for the technical analysis of stocks and commodities. The majority of these indicators act as functions that return an array, which can be used as the input to another indicator or within a user defined formula. This makes it easy for you to do "studies on studies" or to develop your own proprietary charting tools. Besides these 50 predefined indicators, you have unlimitted possibilities to create additional indicators. Parity incorporates traditional Open, High, Low, Close charts, Line and Bar charts, Japanese Candlestick charts, Point and Figure charts, Equivolume charts, Horizontal Bar charts, and a Price at Volume chart which is similar to The Crocker Chart. Parity's charting capabilities permit you to graph a security's price, volume and up to nine indicators in a single chart using any combination of stacked or overlapping panes, each of which can include one or more indicators. Parity Plus is designed to take full advantage of the Windows Graphical User Interface. The program permits the user to design sophisticated charts of stock price data using a wide range of technical indicators and tools. In order to manage the profusion of sophisticated charts you can design with Parity, virtually all of its settings can be saved to disk and recalled for another Technical Analysis Session. In addition, Parity provides a graphical Display Matrix that permits the user to easily jump from stock to stock and study to study.
- Publisher: DITEC Software
- Last updated: February 14th, 2010

Stock Screener Lite
Stock Screener Lite is a freeware software that scan, filter, and screen stocks that meet a predefined set of rule(s). It also can plot, print graph, display Technical Indicators and also various chart format (Line, Candlestick and etc.). The rule(s) that is being used can either be of a Technical Analysis (TA) background, Candlestick Pattern or both.
- Publisher: Zeebob Software
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

Market Analysis System
The Market Analysis System (MAS) is an open-source software application that provides tools for analysis of financial markets using technical analysis.MAS provides facilities for stock charting and futures charting, including price, volume, and a wide range of technical analysis indicators.
- Publisher: Jim Cochrane
- Last updated: October 14th, 2010

BulkQuotesXL Pro
BulkQuotesXL Pro is an add-in for Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher, designed to help you download free quotes directly into your worksheets and automatically apply technical analysis functions to the downloaded data.
- Publisher: OLSOFT
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

StockwareLite is a free stock market technical analysis and portfolio management software. It has unique technical analysis and portfolio management tools to reliably predict and track market movements.
- Publisher: StockwarePro
- Last updated: December 4th, 2014
Additional Technical analysis graph for delphi selection

AmiBroker is a technical analysis tool to manage your stock portfolio. It gives you real time quotes taking the information from online services as eSignal, IQFeed, Interactive Brokers, QCharts, CQG, among other sources. AmiBroker features automatic Walk-Forward Testing, Multi-monitor floating charts, symbol and interval linking and drag-and-drop indicator creation.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2021

XM MT4 is a platform that allows you to trade Forex, Futures and CFDs. You can analyze the markets through a complete technical analysis package and streaming market news. You can also trade manually or set up expert advisors that can automatically place orders for you.
- Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2017

5Spice Analysis
Easy to use analog circuit simulation for the professional circuit designer. Main features: - Subcircuit schematic symbols auto-adjust number of pins. - Switch Mode power supplies - special setting for fastest simulation. - Time-accurate switching of controlled switches and digital logic devices. - Support for analysis of alternative designs.
- Publisher: Richard P. Andresen
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2017

FBS Trader
FBS Trader 4 is the most wide spread trading platform in the world for trading in Forex, CFD, Futures and Stock markets. Metatrader 4 allows to perform transactions and advanced technical analysis due to wide variety of built-in indicators and linear tools.
- Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
- Last updated: January 11th, 2012

Power Indiabulls
PIB comes with a whole host of online features for the internet trading users ranging from real-time stock prices, to live trading reports, Multiple Market watch. Intraday charting, technical analysis, price alerts , News Room for seasoned investors and traders.
- Publisher: Indiabulls Securities Limited
- Last updated: January 28th, 2012

Investar is a software program developed with the intent to help analysts, investors or traders to perform technical analysis on the Indian Market stocks and keep track of capital gains. It also helps users to better manage financial situations or taxes.
- Publisher: Proseon Inc.
- Last updated: December 12th, 2018

Ava MetaTrader
Metatrader 4, now available on Ava FX! One of the world's most advanced trading platforms; its powerful technical analysis, charting, and modeling tools make it the ideal platform for the more sophisticated traders who use these tools. Superior Charting and trading from charts. capabilities.
- Publisher: Ava FX
- Last updated: June 8th, 2017

TC2000 is an analysis tool for stock & option traders. It comes with a huge library of both technical & fundamental indicators, which can be customized according to your needs. This application is quite intuitive and doesn't require any programming knowledge.
- Publisher: Worden Brothers, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 16th, 2017

FindGraph is a graphing, digitizing and curve fitting application. This app allows you to export information to the other programs and files. Points can be saved to ASCII tables. Regressiion lines, curves, points and commentaries can be saved to XML file.
- Publisher: UNIPHIZ Lab
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 19th, 2016

HY Trader
The HY Trader 4 Client Terminal is a part of the online trading system provided by Henyep Investment. HY Trader 4 delivers reliable on-line information direct to the Client Terminal. Such information as quotes and news are delivered to the terminal when the Client Terminal is connected to the Internet. The Client Terminal has many functions to enable users to make advanced trading decisions.
- Publisher: Henyep Investment (UK) Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008