Tekla structures in Title/Summary

Curved Beam - Tekla Structures Extension
Curved Beam is a Tekla Structures component that allows you to create curved beams in the same manner as the two-point curved beam command, but with the end result of a polybeam. The program allows you to select a valid profile, a material and a radius and you can generate a curved beam.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: May 30th, 2014

Tekla Structures Model Reviewer
Tekla Structures Model Reviewer is a tool for easy and effective construction project communication. Model Reviewer makes project communication more effective because you can easily send marked up Tekla models to other project participants. Tekla Structures Model Reviewer includes excellent model navigation and mark up functionality.
- Publisher: Tekla Structures
- Last updated: May 25th, 2011

Tekla Structures Extension Apex Haunch
Tekla Structures Extension Apex Haunch is a program that connects two beams, tapered sections (PEB S94 Tapered Section) or 3 welded plates profile. Tapered sections or 3 welded plates can have web and flanges welded with any type of welds: part to part or polygon weld.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: April 14th, 2015
Tekla structures in Description

Tekla Structures Learning
Tekla Structures Learning edition is fully functional Building Information Modeling software for engineering and construction students for self-learning, school projects and course work. This program includes the functionality of Tekla Structures full configuration, excluding the steel and precast fabrication functionality.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Home page: campus.tekla.com
- Last updated: February 27th, 2014

Tekla Structures Extension Brace drawing
Tekla Structures Extension Brace Drawing is a component that enables you to rotate the brace drawings ‘in position’ instead of how Tekla Structures orients the views (the main part is horizontal in the drawing). By using this component, it is easier to verify that the brace details and that the setting-out points are correct.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: February 10th, 2015

It covers all the phases of the design process: modeling; integrated analysis and standard design; detailed examination of cross-sections and structural joints; flexible documentation. The analysis and design approach of ConSteel utilizes entirely the most up-to-date methodologies of the modern structural standards treating the 3D structural model as a whole during the complete process.
- Publisher: ConSteel Solutions Ltd.
- Last updated: July 31st, 2016

Tekla Step Iges Converter
The converter has been designed to transfer Tekla Structures WebViewer models to STEP and IGES format, which are widely used in the Mechanical Design business. Solutions like Solidworks, CATIA, SolidEdge, Inventor can read and process STEP and IGES files.
- Publisher: Tekla Corp.
- Home page: warehouse.tekla.com
- Last updated: December 8th, 2015

Tekla Structures Extension Erection Sequencer
Tekla Structures Extension Erection Sequencer is a program that you can use to name sequences and assign incremental numbers to parts. You can define several sequences for different purposes and a part can belong to several sequences at the same time. You can also define the order in which to erect parts by creating erection sequences.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: October 29th, 2014
Additional Tekla structures selection

Tekla Structures Extension Model Checker Suite
Tekla Structures Extension Model Checker Suite is a program that you can use it to verify and review the model with existing or new checks that you can create. In the Model Checker Suite dialog box you can click each checkbox to enable/disable the selected check condition.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2015

Tekla Structures Extension Attach Part Wizard
Tekla Structures Extension Attach Part Wizard is a component that you can use to easily attach parts which are already detailed. Bolts, edge chamfers, welds, and reinforcements associated to an attaching part are lost when the part is attached with the attach part command. It handles these details for you by reassigning them to the newly formed part so the details are not lost.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: May 12th, 2015

Tekla Structures Extension Erection drawing
Tekla Structures Extension Erection drawing is a component to create plan/elevation drawings using a selected grid. The extension allows you to define the GA attribute file type, the model view attribute file type and the text description for the drawing titles.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: February 10th, 2015

Tekla Structures Extension Gallery
Tekla Structures Extension Gallery is a program that provides an easy-to-use way to find, launch and organize extensions. The gallery is context dependent, so it shows drawing plugins and macros when a drawing is open and model macros otherwise. In addition to the extensions that are automatically discovered, custom programs can be added to the gallery manually.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Home page: www.tekla.com
- Last updated: August 25th, 2022

Tekla Structures Extension Floor Layout
Tekla Structures Extension Floor Layout is intended for the creation and modification of floors build of precast filigree or hollow core slabs. The floor may contain several layers like precast slabs, insulation and/or cast in place topping. It consists of a plugin component and a special direct manipulation tools to modify the floor in various ways.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: March 6th, 2015

Tekla Structures Extension Auto Bolt
Tekla Structures Extension Auto Bolt is a free program that enables you to bolt input part and nearby parts, filler, splice or other plates. You can manage a splice as a single group and it allows you to follow the part rotation without needing to set the workplane.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: April 28th, 2014

Default Font Tool
Default Font Tool is a Tekla Structures Extension that changes default font type, color and size for a specified number of drawing setting types. Many default font settings lie within the .gd (GA Drawing Properties) and .vi (View Properties) settings. The user can load these drawing settings and quickly update the font size and color for these settings as needed.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: May 13th, 2015

The csJoint application is an efficient tool for structural connection design. Main features: -Easy to use graphical user interface -Huge range of connection types -Automatic calculation - no need to press recalculate after any change -Bolt layout suggestion -Automatic weld size optimization -User configuration file for connection customization and quick definition
- Publisher: KESZ Ltd.
- Last updated: September 28th, 2015

Tekla Structural Designer Integrator
Tekla Structural Designer Integrator lets you synchronize models with Autodesk Revit. Regardless of complexity, engineers and technicians can synchronize concrete and steel structures between Tekla Structural Designer and Revit, without any loss of detail; models can be synchronized in either direction.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: August 31st, 2016

Tekla BIMsight
Tekla BIMsight is an easy to use construction software. With this program you can combine models, check for clashes and share information using the same easy-to-use BIM environment. Also the program allows you to check for conflicts or communicate issues.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Last updated: March 27th, 2014