Ten thumbs in Title/Summary

Ten Thumbs
Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor is an excellent application that, as its own name suggests, will guide you through fun and practical lessons in order to perfect your typing skills; it doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an expert typist, a child or an adult, with this program for the whole family, everybody will enjoy and learn to type in a faster way.
- Publisher: Runtime Revolution Ltd
- Home page: www.tenthumbstypingtutor.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009

Batch Thumbs
Batch Thumbs 1.7 is a software graphics program that enables users to convert, copy and rename files, and create thumbnails from their own images. With Batch Thumbs 1.7 users are presented with a Window’s wizard style interface showing preview, helpful hints, and a section for them to input their file selections.
- Publisher: HarmWare
- Last updated: April 21st, 2008

EZ Thumbs
Create web pages with thumbnails easily with EZ Thumbs! With EZ Thumbs you can create high quality thumbnail images from JPG, BMP, or GIF files. This program works great for newcomers to web page development as well as novices.Get EZ Thumbs now and get your web page on the internet in no time.
- Publisher: SkySof Software Inc.
- Home page: www.skysof.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Ten thumbs in Description

XT Typing Tutor
Typing tutor inspired by guitar method. It teaches you how to use ALL YOUR fingers in order to get some true typing speed. It also shows you EXACTLY how to PLACE your FINGERS BEFORE TYPING parts of words (fingers are drawn on a virtual keyboard).
- Publisher: Eugen-Ioan Goriac
- Last updated: July 6th, 2008

Yes & No Tic Tac Toe
Yes & No Tic Tac Toe is a game in which the objective is to get 3 "Thumbs-Up" or "Thumbs-Down" symbols in a row, column, or diagonal on the grid. You will play either against the computer or against a friend. After each turn the opponent will make a move and then you can move again.
- Publisher: MyAddictingGames.com
- Last updated: October 13th, 2009

TDP Drive x-Ray
The size of slice in proportional mode is relative to all other files/directories. In top-ten mode, only ten largest files/ directories are displayed as subslices in each directory. This is useful if there is large number of files with similar size, because x-Ray only displays files that exceed certain computed size threshold.
- Publisher: TDP Ltd.
- Last updated: February 25th, 2010

This software is a simple PSK terminal progam based on the PSK Engine developed by AE4JY. While there is nothing drastically new as compared to any other PSK terminal program, the logging fafcility was desiged for the Ten-Ten user. All log data is stored in a single CSV (Comma Seperated File) file.
- Publisher: n7yg
- Home page: www.n7yg.com
- Last updated: December 15th, 2012

mySpellingGenie is much more than just a comprehensive online English dictionary. It is a flexible and entertaining way of learning and practicing your spelling. Thus, you can use this program to help you with your English exams and tests (SAT) or to prepare yourself for high-level Spelling Bee contests.
- Publisher: mySpellingGenie.com
- Last updated: May 17th, 2012
Additional Ten thumbs selection

Ben Ten the Blockage Blitz
This is a Breakout game with Ben10 as its main character. Ben10 is running after your mouse cursor in the bottom of the screen and needs to bounce the ball. When the ball breaks bricks, bonuses are dropped. Some of these bonuses convert Ben10 into different aliens. Some aliens are wider, others are faster and some can shoot.
- Publisher: Softendo
- Last updated: February 28th, 2010

Ben Ten Power Slash
You are a boy with super powers that allow you to transform into fantastic creatures. This time some bad guys are running away with a hostage in a boat. You need to persecute the bad guys and free the hostage. To do so, you first transform into a sea creature and swim under water. At this stage you must avoid all creatures and objects, but powerups
- Publisher: Softendo
- Last updated: February 26th, 2010

Virtuous Ten Studio
Virtuous Ten Studio (VTS) is a powerful solution designed for the modification of Android applications. You can easily decompile, edit and recompile any APK or JAR file. It also allows you to manage entire Android projects within an easy to use and familiar environment.
- Publisher: Diamondback
- Last updated: November 13th, 2014

bit ten
bit ten is a free-to-use application that allow you to control your bit ten multi-function digital processor device. The app has an intuitive interface.
- Publisher: Audison
- Home page: audison.eu
- Last updated: December 13th, 2012

Ten Remix XP
Ten Remix XP application was designed to improve the Graphical interface of your Windows XP. A great part of the resources of your system files are replaced. Files that contain icons, images, animations that are extracts of Windows 7. Therefore obtain the improved Windows XP.
- Publisher: NiwradSoft
- Last updated: August 24th, 2022

Ten Ton Ninja
Ten Ton Ninja is a wonderful free game for people of all ages, in which players assume the role of a fat ninja, who jumps on platforms and collects stuff while avoiding the enemies. The game includes 22 levels of action with different scenarios and enemies to avoid. It also comes with a level editor that allows players to create their own levels.
- Publisher: Addictive 247 Games
- Home page: www.addictive247.co.uk
- Last updated: January 14th, 2009

Based on the LZ77 algorithm, both LZMA and LZMA2 compression techniques provide an excellent data compression ratio. 7-Zip uses these compression methods to create archives in the 7z format protected with AES-256 encryption, though it supports any compression, conversion, and encryption method.
- Publisher: Igor Pavlov
- Home page: www.7-zip.org
- Last updated: December 15th, 2024

Free Thumbs.db Remover
Free Thumbs.db Remover is used to delete all thumbs.db files from a specific folder and all its dubfolders. From the Settings tab you can reduce the memory usage during the scanning, play a sound when the scanning is finished and permanently delete files, so they cannot be recovered by specialized file recovery software.
- Publisher: DVDAVITools
- Last updated: March 6th, 2017

Baidu Antivirus
Baidu Antivirus features all-in-one protection against viruses, malware and all other pesky and dangerous files that may damage your PC. It also boasts an integrated Firewall and much more. You will be amazed at the options this exquisite program provides. Moreover, this software is completely free, giving you the same, if not even better, protection then its heavy-weight rivals
- Publisher: Baidu,Inc.
- Last updated: November 20th, 2024

DFX can enhance your listening experience by allowing the customization of the sound output. In many aspects, this tool is just like the equalizer controls available in most media players; however, the changes you make don´t affect the output of an application but of the entire system instead. The program has a very straightforward interface.
- Publisher: Power Technology
- Last updated: June 25th, 2020