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Tennis elbow manager cheat engine in Title/Summary

Tennis Elbow 2006

Tennis Elbow 2006

Tennis Elbow 2006 is the best 2D tennis game, featuring both fun and realistic gameplay. You can play on 7 grounds: clay, grass, synthetic, 2 hards, 2 indoors. In world tour, you have 125 tournaments and the Davis Cup to play, against 300 players.

  • Publisher: Mana Games
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Tennis Elbow 2009

Tennis Elbow 2009

Tennis Elbow 2009 1.0 by Mana Games is a simulator multiplayer tennis game for the computer. We can purchase this software from the developer’s website. It is possible to try for free the downloadable demo version for 14 days. In fact we can play only for 7 days, leaving the rest for warming up. Most of the features are only available for the registered version.

  • Publisher: Mana Games
  • Home page: www.managames.com
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2008
Tennis Elbow 2013

Tennis Elbow 2013

Tennis Elbow 2013 is a tennis game with a fun, realistic gameplay. The online mode allows you to play against other real human players in fantastic online tennis matches. Tennis Elbow gives you the impression of being on the court, and makes you feel the emotions of the match.

Tennis elbow manager cheat engine in Description

Tennis Elbow 2004

Tennis Elbow 2004

Tennis Elbow is a series of tennis games which has been developed for several years now. As its name indicates, this game is about tennis and almost everything related to it. If you always wanted to grab a racket and get in the court as the famous players that you watch on your TV, this is a chance to live that sensation.

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine helps you figure out how a game or application works and make modifications to it. It lets you manipulate any running program including administrator applications. Cheat Engine is ideal for winning offline games that can be installed in Windows PCs.



AionWarzLauncher is a launcher which connects players to their favorite server, in this case : AionWarz, after they created an account. AionWarz is a Zero Tolerance server when it comes to cheating. → 1.1 Anyone found modifying the game, using 3rd party software, cheat engine, or exploiting will receive an immediate ban. Permanent. IP. No takebacks. No erasies

  • Publisher: AionWarz
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2011


Dream Game includes a DG-Editor, DG-Manager, DG-Engine, a Mastering tool, FX-Manager, Import/Export plug-ins, One resource package and DG-SDK to make your own plug-ins. DG-Manager offers tons of possibilities to create your own interactive applications.

  • Publisher: Dream-Up
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2010


FantasyTennis is a free online game that features a lovely and original combination of fantasy theme and tennis. This tennis game provides both multiplayer and individual match capabilities, many assorted tennis courts, and several types of rackets. The game also adds pets, outfits, tournaments, and tons of other things to the mix.

  • Publisher: Npicsoft
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Additional Tennis elbow manager cheat engine selection

Tennis Elbow 2011

Tennis Elbow 2011

Tennis Elbow 2011 is a simulation game that lets you play in the most popular tennis tournaments. You will be really impressed about the realistic game play, as the movement of the player, the balls trajectories and the complete range of game situations seem to be very similar to real ones. Tennis Elbow 2011 offers a fully customizable and realistic game play which assures a lot of fun.



PCSX2CheatManager is a free cheat manager for PCSX2 written in Visual C#. The program allows you to easily create games and add, edit, toggle, delete cheats. It will ask you to specify the cheats folder, which is either in your PCSX2 install folder or a similar one found in your My Documents folder.

  • Publisher: SciVertas
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2013
Search Engine Studio Service Manager

Search Engine Studio Service Manager

Create a search engine for your web site quickly and easily - Works with any existing hosting solution - Generate full-text search for website, intranet or offline search - Indexes HTML, PHP, ASP, PDF, Office, CHM, ZIP and more... - Easy integration with existing web site - Fair license lets you work with as many sites you want

  • Publisher: Xtreeme GmbH
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2010
Football Manager 2014

Football Manager 2014

Football Manager 2014 is the latest release of the well-known Football Manager game series. FM is the most comprehensive, highly-acclaimed and widely-appreciated football management simulation game series in the world. To get an idea of how comprehensive and impactful this game is, the fact that its player database is used by real football clubs to scout players (Everton FC) is quite relevant.

  • Publisher: Sports Interactive
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2014
Corsair Utility Engine

Corsair Utility Engine

Corsair Utility Engine (iCUE) lets you configure all your Corsair devices such as RAM, keyboard, mouse, an headset. It can be used to change the RGB lighting patterns of your gaming keyboard, mice, and memory modules. You can downloaded dynamic lighting effects and create unique lighting combinations.

  • Publisher: Corsair
  • Last updated: November 7th, 2018
Football Manager 2015

Football Manager 2015

Football Manager 2015 is a realistic, in-depth and immersive simulation of football management, putting you in the hot-seat of any club in more than 50 countries across the world, including all of Europe’s biggest leagues. FM15 allows you to live the life of a real football manager – you decide who plays and who sits on the bench, you're in total control of tactics.

  • Publisher: Sports Interactive
  • Last updated: February 17th, 2015


Firefox is the most popular open-source web browser, with a multi-tabbed interface. It can be installed on your Windows, iOS, and Linux based computers. Firefox View lets you synchronize your open tabs, browsing history, bookmarks, and other settings across devices.

  • Publisher: Mozilla
  • Home page: www.mozilla.org
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2024
Action Replay Code Manager

Action Replay Code Manager

Action Replay DS is a powerful cheat code system for Nintendo DS. This program, Action Replay Code Manager, allows you to connect your PC to your Action Replay DS cartridge via USB to add new codes which can be downloaded from various Internet sources using this software.

  • Publisher: Datel Design & Development
  • Home page: uk.codejunkies.com
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2012
Internet Download Manager

Internet Download Manager

Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.

Light-Scene Engine Manager

Light-Scene Engine Manager

The Light-Scene Engine has been designed and developed to take intelligent and intuitive lighting control to new levels. Built on the proven amBX lighting control technology and abstracted design model, Light-Scene Engine brings new possibilities for interactive lighting and putting total control in the hands of the user with simple yet powerful apps and user interfaces.

  • Publisher: amBX UK Ltd.
  • Home page: www.ambx.com
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2015