Teraterm macro send hex in Title/Summary

LogMeTT is the application that works together with popular freeware terminal emulator TeraTerm. LogMeTT helps to create, keep organized and easily accessible connection scripts written on TeraTerm Macro language. Those who frequently log into the same servers using telnet, SSH1/SSH2 or modem connections will find LogMeTT as the very useful tool saving them lots of time.
- Publisher: Boris Maisuradze
- Last updated: March 11th, 2016

TeraTerm Pro
TeraTerm Pro Web is the next generation tool for connecting with remote Telnet and SSH hosts. It is built based on the extremely popular open-source TeraTerm product put out by T. Teranishi in 1999 (click here for original site). In keeping with the original philosophy and spirit of the author, this modified version is completely free!!
- Publisher: Ayera Technology,INC.
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2010

Free Hex Editor
HHD Software Hex Editor is a powerful yet easy to use editor that enables you to work with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data. This incredible program allows you to view, modify, analyze hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions.
- Publisher: HHD Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Teraterm macro send hex in Description

TSE Pro v4.4 for Windows. Compact, fully-featured text editor. Undo/Redo; Multiple files/windows; color syntax hiliting; regular expression search/replace; macro programming language; configurable menus/keyboard/commands; column blocks; much more!
- Publisher: SemWare Corp.
- Last updated: July 1st, 2005

Turbo Searcher
The fastest file search utility in the world for finding your any type of files through your local or network computers instantly, supports searching within compressed archives and duplicate files on your system.
- Publisher: Knownsoft
- Home page: www.knownsoft.com
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

VEDIT quickly edits, translates and sorts any text, data, binary (hex) or EBCDIC file; even 100+ Gigabytes! VEDIT is Ideal for All Editing: * Perfect for programming * Fast, easy editing of any Windows, DOS, UNIX or Mac text files * ASCII, EBCDIC, binary (hex) files * Translating, converting, clean-up (C-like macro language)
- Publisher: Greenview Data
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

HS SMS DLL is a Windows Dynamic Link Library enabling applications to send, receive, read and delete SMS messages via a GSM modem attached to PC COM port, supporting selected features of standards GSM 07.05 (ETS 300 585) and GSM 03.40. HS SMS DLL includes integrated encryption which can be optionally used to encrypt and decrypt SMS text using AES, DES, 3DES, ARC4, CAST128, Blowfish or Twofish.
- Publisher: Hillstone Software
- Last updated: January 28th, 2009

RS232 Hex Com Tool
Hex Com Tool is a serial software terminal program that can be used to communicate with just about any rs232 peripheral. This reliable serial software program is great for embedded developers and it can transmit and receive serial data in Hex or ASCII. RS232 Hex Com Tool is a rs232 setup data can be saved for multiple peripherals and later retrieved for easy setup of each individual device.
- Publisher: Virtual Integrated Design
- Last updated: May 7th, 2008
Additional Teraterm macro send hex selection

MS Word Extract Email Addresses From Documents Software
Extract email addresses from one or many MS Word files. Results can be saved as a text file. Word 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

MS Word Export To Multiple Excel Files Software
Export one or more MS Word files to Excel. Word 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2009

Excel FTP Software
Send and receive MS Excel files to and from an FTP server. Login information required. Specify path to upload and download to. Excel 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Last updated: December 18th, 2009

Excel Import Multiple Access Tables Software
Import MS Access tables to a blank MS Excel file. Table field names and data will be imported. Excel 2000 or higher required. Access 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Last updated: March 8th, 2010

Excel IBM DB2 Import, Export & Convert Software
Use MS Excel as a front-end interface to an IBM DB2 database. Use Excel to import and export tables to and from an IBM DB2 database. Read and write tables to and from Excel without SQL knowledge. Excel 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Last updated: February 4th, 2010

Macro Expert
Macro Expert is one of the most complete automation tools. This program enables you to automate anything on your desktop. The program provides you two options to create a macro. Record Macro where you can record your screen actions (keystrokes, mouse moves and clicks) and Create a Blank Macro where you can insert predefined actions from a list provided by the program.
- Publisher: Grass Software
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

WinFax Macro for Word 2000-XP-2003
This program requires Microsoft Word and WinFax PRO/TalkWorks PRO. It is not stand-alone fax software. You will require a version of WinFax PRO or TalkWorks PRO from the compatible list below to send faxes from Microsoft Word. This program will add WinFax icons to Microsoft Word, allowing you to fax directly from Microsoft Word without having to switch the printer driver to WinFax.
- Publisher: GetFaxing.com
- Home page: www.getfaxing.com
- Last updated: March 25th, 2008

Macro Toolworks
Macro Toolworks is a powerful all-in-one automation software for Windows. It allows users to record macros, create macros (300+ commands available) in a easy to use macro editor, and playback macros in any application or web page.
- Publisher: Pitrinec Software
- Home page: www.pitrinec.com
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Macro Mania
Macro Mania is a tool designed to automate various types of tasks and increase productivity in different environments. The program enables you to launch programs and automatically send keystrokes or mouse commands, schedule macros to run unattended and much more.
- Publisher: NorthStar Solutions
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Hex Workshop
The Hex Workshop Hex Editor is a set of hexadecimal development tools for Microsoft Windows, combining advanced binary editing with the ease and flexibility of a word processor. Hex Workshop integrates advanced binary editing and data interpretation and visualization with the ease and flexibility of a modern word processor.
- Publisher: BreakPoint Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.hexworkshop.com
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012