Tesla coil cad in Title/Summary

Tesla Coil CAD
While there was existing Tesla coil design software available, it was all DOS based, not very user friendly and none of it had facilities to save designs. Tesla Coil CAD places very few restrictions on physical design constraints. Therefore, it is still necessary to have a good understanding of Tesla coil design practices.
- Publisher: Richard Chapman
- Last updated: October 24th, 2009

Re-open saved designs and build your own Tesla coil design database. All length and weight values are easily and automatically converted. TeslaMap is written in JAVA and C# for maximum cross-platform compatibility. All design parameters are grouped and formatted for easy study.
- Publisher: TeslaMap
- Last updated: December 27th, 2017

TESLA 3000 Control Panel
The TESLA 3000 is a multi-timeframe power system recorder that simultaneously provides fault oscillography, dynamic swing recording and event logging. The TESLA 3000 adds the ability to network multiple recorders via Ethernet port to work in cooperative mode as a larger virtual unit.
- Publisher: Beckwith Electric Co.
- Home page: www.beckwithelectric.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2010
Tesla coil cad in Description

Nano Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe
Nanobots: A high tech 'cube' bursts into a swarm of robots with lasers [new]. Phase Missile: Missile phases through dirt and orbits tank for bonus damage. Gyro Glue: Swirling and burning glue with a large area of effect [new]. Warp Gate: Wormhole + explosive objects from the 8th dimension appear.
- Publisher: BlitWise Productions, LLC
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Floating Coil
This applet illustrates the forces on a current carrying coil sitting on the axis of a permanent magnet. For current flowing in one direction in the coil the force on the coil will be upward, and if the current is strong enough the coil will levitate, floating on the magnetic fields of the coil plus the magnet. This is the way one form of MagLev works.
- Publisher: Studio Physics at MIT
- Home page: web.mit.edu
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Laura Jones and the Secret Legacy of Nikola Tesla
Laura Jones and the Secret Legacy of Nikola Tesla
- Publisher: NevoSoft
- Home page: www.bigfishgames.com
- Last updated: June 4th, 2010

Teslas Tower The Wardenclyffe Mystery
Save the world from an experiment gone wrong in Tesla's Tower: The Wardenclyffe Mystery! Nikola Tesla – villain or victim? It’s the question everyone asks after what should have been his greatest invention drained the world of color. Tesla disappeared in the Ether that fateful day when his experiment went horribly wrong. Help him get back and bring the color back to your world!
- Publisher: Persha Studia
- Home page: www.bigfishgames.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2012

The SPC run-around coil selection software speeds the selection and costing of coupled supply and extract coils. It also provides you with data for flow-rates, pressure drops, and fluid temperatures. The SPC RAC program makes full use of the advanced routines developed for the SPC 2000 coil selection software.
- Publisher: S & P Coil Products Limited
- Last updated: May 19th, 2008
Additional Tesla coil cad selection

ProfiCAD is a tiny, but powerful program for drawing electrical and electronic diagrams, schematics, and control circuit diagrams. This tool was designed to be highly ergonomic: simply place the electrical symbols into the drawing and then you can attach wires between them.
- Publisher: ProfiCAD
- Home page: www.proficad.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Acme CAD Converter
Batch publish DWG to DWF, supports to save DWG and DXF into DWF format(Beta), identify literal fonts and entity color correctly. Supports batched conversion of multiple files, supports to select the printout of color or monochrome raster file; set background color freely.
- Publisher: DWG TOOL Software
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

Mini CAD Viewer
Mini CAD Viewer is a compact free CAD viewer.It is designed to be easy to use, even for those with no prior CAD experience. It allows you to move and zoom in/out drawing view at will. It supports DWG, DWF, DXF formats.
- Publisher: zxt2007.com
- Home page: en.zxt2007.com
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2023

BRL-CAD is a powerful constructive solid geometry solid modeling system with over 20 years development and producation use by the U.S. military. BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, parallel ray tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, path-tracing for realistic image synthesis, network distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing tools.
- Publisher: Army Research Laboratory
- Home page: brlcad.org
- Last updated: February 16th, 2021

CAD Viewer
CAD Viewer is a powerful application that can display CAD files like DXF and DWG drawings, but also allow you to print or convert them to PDF documents and raster image files. AS you can see, it’s much more than just a simple CAD file viewer. Another remarkable advantage of this handy tool is that it supports various types of CAD drawings, from up to AutoCAD 2015 compatible ones.
- Publisher: Guthrie CAD/GIS Software Pty Ltd.
- Home page: www.guthcad.com
- Last updated: September 1st, 2014

Now you can get a Complete Flow Diagram Schematic with all Process and Thermo-Physical properties with One-Button-Click! NEW PROCESS ANALYSIS CAPABILITIES - New Auto Flow Chart Diagram - New Individual Process Line Color Control - New Individual Point Color, Shape and Size Control - New Winter "V" Air Mixing Capability with Condensation - New Fog Region Property Display
- Publisher: Hands Down Software
- Home page: www.handsdownsoftware.com
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture
Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture is a software program that engineers, designers or CAD enthusiasts can use it to create or plan construction projects, either for interior or outdoor. By using the program's features, users can get fast results thanks to its 2D and 3D cross-section and many other visualizing tools.
- Publisher: ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
- Home page: www.ashampoo.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Easy CAD Converter
Easy CAD Converter is a simple and handy application that does exactly that: it converts among the three most popular CAD drawings’ formats: DXF, DWG, and DWF. Its intuitive and straightforward interface allows even beginners to use this neat tool without any problem.
- Publisher: Benzsoft Corporation
- Last updated: August 24th, 2010

QA-CAD 12 is an essential tool in the engineering design process. If you are still plotting drawings and adding numbered stamps and revisions by hand, then QA-CAD 12 is for you! Save your valuable time and resources with our QA stamping software that overlays drawings with auto-numbered stamps and markup notes and corrections (text, sketches, boxes, lines and arrows).
- Publisher: Guthrie CAD/GIS Software Pty Ltd
- Last updated: June 26th, 2014

CAD Version Converter
CAD Version Converter allows you to batch convert AutoCAD drawing files (DWG and DXF) between different versions without the need of AutoCAD. Supported versions range from AutoCAD R2.5 to AutoCAD 2005. CAD Version Converter is freeware!
- Publisher: ACAD Systems
- Last updated: April 1st, 2008