Tesseract ocr in hindi fonts in Title/Summary

Hindi Fonts Converter & Editor
The program is an extremely useful Hindi Unicode converter. This Hindi fonts editor is capable of converting any scripts and writing in Hindi to Unicode. In addition to this, the software is able to convert and edit scripts in various languages like Marathi, Nepali and Devanagari.
- Publisher: Window India 2012
- Last updated: March 28th, 2013

Hindi Fonts Converter
Hindi Fonts Converter and Editor is a powerful Hindi Unicode converter which can even edit scripts of different languages. It can convert Kruti to Unicode very easily in no time. It can also convert Kruti to Mangal effectively with other types.
- Publisher: Window India
- Last updated: January 14th, 2016

Morovia OCR-A OCR-B Fontware
OCR-A and OCR-B are widely used in passport, bank checks, serial tracking labels, credit card imprints, cash registers, license plates and US postal mail. Morovia OCR-A & OCR-B Fontware contains all different sizes of OCR-A and OCR-B fonts (6 sizes in total). These fonts comply to the most recent ANSI standards X3.17-2000 and X3.49-1982.
- Publisher: Morovia Corporation
- Home page: www.morovia.com
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Tesseract ocr in hindi fonts in Description

Do not let its name fool you – VietOCR.NET is not limited to recognizing Vietnamese text from a scanned document and turning it into searchable text; actually, it works with any language that Tesseract can work with. This open-source tool is actually a GUI for Tesseract, so all you have to do is download the corresponding module from the program and use it for the language you need.
- Publisher: Quan Nguyen
- Home page: vietocr.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: January 25th, 2022

Scan To Scribd
This is a free application that can scan documents and upload them to your Scribd account. You can choose to OCR them first, so that your scanned documents will show up in search queries (courtesy of the Google Tesseract OCR engine). You can give your document a title and specify whether it's public or private.
- Publisher: Atalasoft
- Last updated: September 5th, 2008

Barcodesoft OCR-A OCR-B Font
Barcodesoft OCR-A OCR-B Font is a program that brings you a set of 2 fonts that the US government accepts for Optical Character Recognition: OCR-A and OCR-B. Barcodesoft OCR-A and OCR-B fonts support Euro banking specifications and are compatible with USPS specification.
- Publisher: Barcodesoft
- Last updated: May 5th, 2014

Hindi Typing Tutor
This program teaches you how to quick-type in this language using a standard keyboard. It has a series of lessons that walk you through learning how to type in Hindi language. The complete version of the program includes Hindi fonts and other features and is rather affordable.
- Publisher: Smart Typing Solution
- Home page: www.smarttypingsolution.com
- Last updated: July 15th, 2019

Soni Typing Tutor
Soni Typing Tutor helps you learn typing in English and Hindi languages. It uses legacy Hindi fonts Devlys 010 and Krutidev 010, and Mangal font with Remington GAIL and Inscript layouts. This program will help you prepare for various Indian Government typing exams.
- Publisher: Soni Typing Tutor
- Home page: www.sonitypingtutor.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Additional Tesseract ocr in hindi fonts selection

Hindi English Typing Tool
Hindi English Typing Tool is an easy to use application that will enable all users to practice Hindi and English typing and improve their speed and accuracy. Hindi English Typing Tool is able to use two types of input as the starting point for the exercises as it supports BMP, JPG and GIF images, as well as the common text files in TXT format.
- Publisher: Smart Softwares, Sikar (Raj.) Mob.
- Last updated: January 26th, 2015

Hindi Unicode Font Converter Pro
Hindi Unicode Font Converter is a free program that enables you to convert Hindi Unicode fonts to Chanakya, Kundli, Kritidev-10 or from Chanakya, Kritidev-10, Kundli to Unicode Hindi fonts. By using this small lightweight tool you can convert all of major Hindi fonts to Unicode and then you can post them on your blogs, news sites and social networking sites.
- Publisher: RDestWeb Solutions India
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

HindiOCR converts scanned Hindi texts into digital texts in Devanagari-Unicode encoding. Main features: - Unicode output in Devanagari. - Hindi lexicon for improved recognition results. - Training option for unusual and rare Hindi fonts. - Processes standard image formats (.bmp, .jpg, .png,.tiff, .gif).
- Publisher: ind.senz
- Home page: www.indsenz.com
- Last updated: November 12th, 2015

gImageReader is a graphical frontend to tesseract-ocr tool.Main features: - Automatic page layout detection. - User can manually define and adjust recognition regions. - Import images from disk, scanning devices, clipboard and screenshots. - Supports multipage PDF documents. - Recognized text displayed directly next to the image.
- Publisher: sandromani
- Home page: github.com
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022

The package allows you to install Hindi fonts into the system. The automatic installer will copy all the necessary TTF files and makes adjustments in the Regional settings for supported keyboards. After installation, standard combination can be used to switch between languages.
- Publisher: ECI Ware
- Last updated: July 26th, 2022

Lime OCR
Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic translation of images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text (usually captured by a scanner) into machine-editable text. Lime OCR is build with tessearact-ocr which is an OCR Engine that was developed at HP Labs between 1985 and 1995, and now at Google.
- Publisher: Lime Consultants
- Last updated: April 7th, 2010

IDAutomation OCR Font Advantage Package
IDAutomation's OCR-A and OCR-B fonts were created from the latest ANSI and ISO specifications and include the Euro symbol. TrueType, OpenType, PCL laserjet soft fonts and PostScript font versions are included.
- Publisher: IDAutomation.com, Inc.
- Last updated: July 11th, 2014

This plug-in allows you to use the Tesseract OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine in your publications, allowing you to establish various types of page segmentation's and other options to obtain the best possible result from BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF and TIFF images.
- Publisher: npTess (David Esperalta)
- Last updated: March 29th, 2018

OCR-B Font
Barcodesoft OCR-B font is also compatible with ISO 1073-2:1976 standard. Barcodesoft OCR-A and OCR-B fonts support Euro banking specifications and are compatible with USPS specification. Barcodesoft OCR-A OCR-B fonts are available in true type, PostScript and PCL formats and can be embedded into Adobe PDF files.
- Publisher: OCR-B Font

The heart of this app is your DocumentViewer control that acts as a document image browser. It provides a thumbnail view and an image selection tool. From there, you can grab a section of the image and hand it off to the Tesseract OCR engine and see what you get out of it. The resulting text is dropped onto the clipboard for pasting into another application.
- Publisher: Atalasoft
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011