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Text phrases in Title/Summary

Template Text Inserter

Template Text Inserter

Template Text Inserter is a small but useful application that allows you to store frequently used expressions or phrases for inserting them later into any text window. For your convenience, the program can be activated from any application just by hitting a hot key.

  • Publisher: trulabs.com
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2011
Auto Text Typer

Auto Text Typer

Auto Text Typer is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool with many features that can automatically enter text, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs with a hotkey that you defined. How to use Auto Text Typer: - Define text what you want to type and define hotkey with it. - Check the text that you want to auto type and Click the 'start' button. - Type the hotkey that you defined before.

Count Frequently Used Phrases In Multiple Text & HTML Files Software

Count Frequently Used Phrases In Multiple Text & HTML Files Software

This software offers a solution for users who want to count the number of times specified phrases occur in multiple text or HTML files.

Text phrases in Description



RapidKey provides you with a new Windows functionality. This software autocompletes text phrases and autoexpands shorthands in any Windows applications. You find the RapidKey icon on the taskbar after starting RapidKey. Then you can use: * Autotexts (quickly type frequently used text) * Macros (for repetitive text needs) * Fast access to desktop shortcuts

  • Publisher: Neuber GbR
  • Home page: www.neuber.com
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2011


wRreplace allows its users to replace many text phrases in their documents at once. The program is compatible with Plain text Unicode file formats only. wReplace is a text editor tool and a notepad replacement. The main advantage of using the wReplace application is that it is very small and does not consume many system resources while running.

  • Publisher: SharkTime.com
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2008


WordExpander increases your productivity by inserting frequently used text phrases into any Windows application. Type a pre-defined text shortcut, and WordExpander expands it into the full phrase. Imagine how many times you have entered a medical term, a drug prescription, patient reports or your address into your documents.

  • Publisher: WordExpander
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2012


WriteYours simplifies the typing process by providing auto-complete for frequently used text phrases. Simply type the pre-defined text shortcut, and WriteYours expands it into the full phrase; for example, make an abbreviation “myname” to insert your name “First Middle Last” name.

  • Publisher: G&G Software
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022


You needn’t to search the translation of the word or phrase throughout Internet. Translate.Net will do it instead of you. It is a perfect and reliable translator that uses many Internet sources and only demands Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 and Internet access.

  • Publisher: Oleksii Prudkyi
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2017

Additional Text phrases selection

PhraseExpress SE

PhraseExpress SE

PhraseExpress organizes all your frequently used text phrases and paste them into any Windows application in a snap. Ideal for your letter templates, signatures, addresses, bank account information and for internet chat phrases. The phrases are filed clearly laid out in a taskbar icon. Just add new phrases via the Windows clipboard with a single mouse click. It cannot be done easier! Also useful for Tablet PC users. Additionally, PhraseExpress automates your daily procedures, like logging into web accounts, e.g Ebay auction platform, Hotmail and News forums. Powerful macro functions launches programs and performs programmable actions in a snap, such as cleaning your browser from cookies and cache content. This keyboard macro utility is free for private users - The optional Professional Edition adds hotkey support and an unlimited amount of phrases.

  • Publisher: Bartels Media
Text Paster

Text Paster

Text Paster is a program for instantly pasting into input fields in practically any program simple or formatted (RTF) text that has been pre-defined by you: standard phrases, greetings, generic replies, the current date and time, letter and document templates, e-mail addresses, website addresses, usernames, passwords, text fragments selected on your screen, clipboard contents, and much more.

  • Publisher: ATNSOFT
  • Home page: www.atnsoft.com
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022


This program lets you find the English equivalents of Indonesian words, and vice versa. By default, the program is set to automatically recognize the source language, but you can choose the corresponding combination, i.e., from English to Indonesian, or vice versa. It has severalother interesting functions too.

  • Publisher: Ebta Setiawan
  • Home page: ebsoft.web.id
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2011


Every site needs a dictionary... for all the special terms and words which are unique to your own industry. Easy to set up and manage, your users will love having access to those hard to understand terms. This is a great way to get repeat visitors! Upload a text file with your words and definitions along with the script and soon you'll have a searchable dictionary.

  • Publisher: Jason Silver
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2017


Lingoes is a dictionary that helps you translate words or texts into various languages. In addition, it has the ability to capture words on screen, translate only the text you selected, and teach you the correct pronunciation of words. To translate into a language, you need to download the adequate dictionary.

  • Publisher: Lingoes Project
  • Home page: www.lingoes.net
  • Last updated: July 5th, 2020
Sublime Text

Sublime Text

The auto complete engine has been rewritten to provide smart completions based on existing code in a project. Suggestions are also augmented with info about their kind, and provide links to definitions. Sublime Text can now utilize your GPU on Linux, Mac and Windows when rendering the interface.

Instant Text Pro

Instant Text Pro

Instant Text Pro comes with built-in glossaries totaling more than 150,000 entries for medical transcription, the legal profession, and general usage.Up to 50 glossaries can be active at the same time and even more can be achieved with the powerful Include Feature: You can have hundreds of thousand words and phrases immediately available at your fingertips in all applications.

  • Publisher: Textware Solutions
  • Home page: www.fitaly.com
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2010
Easy-to-Learn French Phrases

Easy-to-Learn French Phrases

Easy-to-Learn French Phrases is a perfect French online resource for adults to learn French phrases in an interactive way with 41 different topics. The Easy-to-Learn French Phrases program is designed in a way that you can simultaneously see the original text - French phrases, translation of the selected phrase and dictionary entry for the word selected.

MuseTips Text Filter

MuseTips Text Filter

This program lets you read, search and filter text files with ease. Text lines are instantly filtered as you type your search phrase, with all matched terms highlighted in a contrasting color. While typing into the search box, the program lists searched phrases for you to choose from.

  • Publisher: musetips.com
  • Home page: www.musetips.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. It's incredibly simple to start using, and the more you learn about it, the more efficient your coding will become. Things like multiple selection and find in files make writing and maintaining code a breeze!