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Tga graphics tool in Title/Summary

Easy2Convert TGA to PNG

Easy2Convert TGA to PNG

Easy2Convert TGA to PNG is an easy-to-use application that allows you to convert Truevision Targa files (.tga, .targa) to Portable Network Graphics files (.png). The TGA image converter that can be used by regular users who often work with TGA images.

  • Publisher: Easy2Convert Software
  • Home page: www.easy2convert.com
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2016
Thumbplug TGA

Thumbplug TGA

They can also support 15 and 16 bit pixels. But, in my personal experience, I’ve never seen a TGA file stored any way other than bottom to top + left to right. I’ve also never personally used a 16 bit TGA file nor have I used or seen any of the other options. Therefore, there is no support for those other formats in this plug in.

TGA Viewer

TGA Viewer

TGA Viewer is a program that will let you open .TGA files, and convert them to other formats. Besides, this program can also open .PCX, .PSD, .AI and .EPS files. It will allow you to zoom in and out of the image, browse the picture, rotate it and modify the size of the image, maintaining its aspect ratio. You can then save any image in.JPEG, .GIF, .BMP, .TIFF and .PNG file formats.

  • Publisher: IdeaMK
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2010

Tga graphics tool in Description

DDS Converter

DDS Converter

DDS Converter 2.1 is a graphics tool that builds DDS files from .JPG, .BMP, .PNG, .PSD and TGA files. The DDS (Direct Draw Surface) files are texture archives used in collection packs for Doom 3 maps. DDS Converter 2.1 can convert from any supported format to any supported format.



Those who would like to create computer-generated graphics of high quality or add fractal-like animations to their projects will find Amberlight 2 a huge improvement over previous versions. This efficient graphics tool, suitable for both the expert and the novice, mixes mathematics and art to produce unique patterns based on Peter Blaškovič’s algorithm.

Sqirlz Morph

Sqirlz Morph

Sqirlz Morph is a small yet interesting and funny graphics tool that allows you to combine two or more images to produce animations. The entire morphing process is fully automated, though advanced users can also enjoy a high level of customization by tweaking the fading and warping processes. The resulting animation can be saved as an SWF or AVI file, as an animated GIF, or as JPEG or BMP images.

  • Publisher: xiberpix
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2009
FullStyler Product Designer

FullStyler Product Designer

Powerful online product designer software. This is a turnkey solution for online tshirt and product printing business. Pure AJAX, no Flash technology used.

  • Publisher: AdolyleSoftware
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Odin Frame Photo Creator

Odin Frame Photo Creator

Odin Frame Photo Creator is a simple graphics tool that allows you to enhance your digital images with the help of some basic effects and a wide array of frames. You can use any existing image file stored on your computer or take new shots of yourself, your family, and your friends using your computer’s webcam.

  • Publisher: Odin Share Company
  • Last updated: July 25th, 2013

Additional Tga graphics tool selection



Firegraphic is a multi-purpose graphics tool. It is useful especially for professionals that need to manage their photo collections, but also perform some basic photo editing actions. In addition to photo tools, this application also includes a multimedia player that can be used for listening to music or watching movies.

  • Publisher: Firegraphic
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2012
GPU Caps Viewer

GPU Caps Viewer

GPU Caps Viewer is a tool that lets you monitor the activity of your graphics card. For example, if you are a hardcore gamer or a web developer who uses demanding applications when it comes to graphics, this software can come to your aid. The user interface of GPU Caps Viewer is standard.

  • Publisher: oZone3d
  • Home page: www.ozone3d.net
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Image Cartoonizer

Image Cartoonizer

Image Cartoonizer is an interesting graphics tool that offers you the possibility of transforming your best images into cartoon-like drawings in just a few easy steps. The program comes with more than 100 cartoon effects, nearly 50 frames, and dozens of funny and interesting clipart objects. Besides, it offers you a set of sliders to adjust the color balance, the brightness, and the contrast.

  • Publisher: Cartoonize.net
  • Last updated: January 15th, 2018


PhotoLightning is a graphics tool that allows you to edit and label your digital images in a snap. You can search for the images you want to modify or let the program scan your computer automatically for images and later select the ones you want to edit.

SmartsysSoft Business Publisher

SmartsysSoft Business Publisher

SmartsysSoft Business Publisher lets you design address labels, flyers, brochures, business cards, newsletters, letterheads, postcards, invitation cards and envelopes with your shapes and images and print them on any windows compatible printers.

  • Publisher: SmartsysSoft
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2017
StarLogo TNG

StarLogo TNG

StarLogo TNG is The Next Generation of StarLogo modeling and simulation software. While this version holds true to the premise of StarLogo as a tool to create and understand simulations of complex systems, it also brings with it several advances - 3D graphics and sound, a blocks-based programming interface, and keyboard input - that make it a great tool for programming educational video games.

  • Publisher: MIT Teacher Education Program
  • Home page: education.mit.edu
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2011


ICE ECC is a file verification and repair tool. ICE ECC allows you to protect your important files and sensitive data against digital corruption using Reed-Solomon codes. Did you know that a typical CD-R/DVD-R disk can hold its data intact for only a few years? ICE ECC is the perfect solution to this problem - before you store your data, protect it against corruption with ICE ECC.

WizFlow Pro

WizFlow Pro

WizFlow helps you create professional flowcharts and similar diagrams. It is uniquely tailored for very easy use with little or no training required. Wizflow allows you to work with a single object or a group of objects, drawing boxes or symbols of many shapes and connecting them with lines of various types. You can enter explanatory text at any location, using a grid that helps you to keep your work symmetrical and aligned. WizFlow handles the hard parts of drawing a flowchart and leaves you free to focus on the layout and appearance. Wizflow contains extensive features such as full zoom, OLE connectivity for inserting charts in other documents, poster printing, graphics import and export, automatic routing, curves, flow symbols, and much more. Features include full pan and zoom, poster printing, linking diagrams into your documents, curves, importing clip art, and exporting web graphics.

  • Publisher: Pacestar Software
  • Home page: www.pacestar.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


BALLView is a free molecular modeling and molecular graphics tool. It provides fast OpenGL-based visualization of molecular structures, molecular mechanics methods (minimization, MD simulation using the AMBER, CHARMM, and MMFF94 force fields), molecular editing, as well as calculation and visualization of electrostatic properties (FDPB).

  • Publisher: Plone Foundation
  • Home page: www.ballview.org
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2012
Batch Frame

Batch Frame

Batch Frame is a tool that easily add frames to multiple graphics files at the click of a button which contains over 400 cool frames.

  • Publisher: EpcSoft
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2012