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The beatles in Title/Summary

Beatles Booklet

Beatles Booklet

A comprehensive data collection about one of the most important rock bands in history. Here, you can find information about all the recordings the Beatles made during their entire career, and of those launched after their breakup. Also, you'll find the lyrics of the songs they recorded oficially. A must-have for all the Beatlemaniacs out there.

  • Publisher: Hasley Morales
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2024


A simple yet interesting program containing the lyrics of all the songs recorded by the Beatles, along with MIDI files that allows you to sing the songs. Also, you can find interesting information about the song itself and the recording(s) in which it appears. It is a must-have for any Beatlemaniac.

  • Publisher: Binary Insight Software
  • Home page: binary-insight.com
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2008

The beatles in Description

Nexus Radio

Nexus Radio

Nexus Radio is an application for listening to more than 11,000 radio stations worldwide. It has a nice and easy-to-use interface, as well as many different functions. You can search your favorite radio station among the program's huge database just by writing its name in the search box and pressing Enter.

  • Publisher: Talam Group, LLC.
  • Home page: www.nexusradio.com
  • Last updated: December 29th, 2011


The unique, easily recognizable, and instantly classic sound of the “Tron” instruments started with the Chamberlin keyboards in the 1950’s, and peaked with the Mellotron 400, in the 1970’s. This precursor to today’s samplers uses tapes to play back prerecorded sounds at the touch of the keys.

  • Publisher: IK Multimedia
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2010
Magic Vocal Remover

Magic Vocal Remover

Magic Vocal Remover is an application for Windows which enables its users to remove vocals from audio files and turn them into Karaoke CD tracks. It works only with MP3 files but it’s easy to use and converts quickly the original song to a back track without the voices or echo in stereo.

  • Publisher: Vocalremover.net
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Aqua Castles

Aqua Castles

Download and install free aqua screensaver of the three stages with digital clock and go away from your problems! Immerse yourself in the deep ocean with a splash Aqua Castles. It is wonderful and exciting underwater adventure.

CodeRedFree 32-bit

CodeRedFree 32-bit

Code Red Free is inspired by a classic, all tube, British console form the late 60s. The original console was known for its EQ, bold and punchy character, and the warmth it imparted. The Beatles recorded most of their material using this, and other versions of this console.

Additional The beatles selection



Percautus Radio is a FREE and VERY EASY TO USE software with a pre-set list of stations. After few mouse clicks you can connect with hundreds of radio stations from whole world and access music lyrics with a touch of one button. Radio stations are classified by genre playing songs of Beatles, 80s, Top Hits, Classical Music, Dance, Trance, Hip Hop, etc.

  • Publisher: Clobocar Informatica Ltda
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2008