The kjv desktop bible book in Title/Summary

The KJV Desktop Bible Book
The KJV Desktop Bible Book presents a very original and nice way of reading the bible on your computer. The program features an attractive and easy to use interface. It is also rather customizable, it allows users to change the text size and highlight color. The program also includes a search function.
- Publisher: Arctic Owl Software
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2008

The KJB Desktop Bible Book
Reading the bible on your computer screen can be hard on the eyes. KJV Desktop Bible Book makes it a more aesthetically pleasing experience. It is an interactive and visually stunning desktop bible you can use to reference and study the bible. When you want to highlight a verse for easy access and wish to add notes about it, you can do so right from the main window, by right-clicking on a verse.
- Publisher: Arctic Owl Software
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008

BibleMax KJV 2000 Bible
The BibleMax KJV is a comprehensive source of information on the Bible. It contains the King James 2000 translation with maps, references, dictionaries and comments. The BibleMax has a search function that allows you to do a basic search for a word or phrase or you can do an advanced search. The downloader tool lets you add more information that you want to have as part of the program.
- Publisher: BibleMax
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 21st, 2008
The kjv desktop bible book in Description

InstaVerse is a program that recognizes scripture abbreviations and pops up the exact texts from the Bible they refer to. You will just need to hover your mouse over them – the InstaVerse window will pop up showing you the complete verse or paragraph as it appears in the King James Bible. This way you will be able not only to read the text, but also to include it in your own documents.
- Publisher: WORDsearch
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

BibleMax Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
BibleMax add-in module featuring the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge reference book, containing a vast amount of cross-references between books and chapters of the Bible. Each chapter of the Bible has its own set of references, featuring an overview and detailed references to the most important verses.
- Publisher: BibleMax
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 26th, 2008

VaporStream Desktop
VaporStream Desktop is an application that provides you access to your VaporStream messages on your Windows Desktop, just like IM or email. The VaporStream Desktop client is designed just like your instant messaging client. You can send, receive and be notified of a new message.
- Publisher: VaporStream, Inc.
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

BibleMax King James Concordance
BibleMax add-in containing an electronic version of King James Concordance book. It includes a powerful Search feature that allows you to find any word included in the King james version of the Bible, as well as other related terms, all with their appropriate references (book, chapter and verse).
- Publisher: BibleMax
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 17th, 2008

SwordScript is a free Scripture memory program designed to help you memorize God's Word and remember it.Features: - Multiple users with independent verse lists - User-defined categories and review frequencies - 10 different review types - Usage statistics - Multiple Bible versions - Multiple Bible languages - KJV Bible audio (courtesy of
- Publisher: SwordScript
- Last updated: July 22nd, 2012
Additional The kjv desktop bible book selection

BibleMax KJV Strong Bible
BibleMax module featuring a fully interactive King James' Bible Version with Strong's commentaries. You can click on any hyperlinked word in the text, and the relevant Strong reference would appear in the References window. You need to install the Strong's References module to fully leverage the module's features.
- Publisher: BibleMax
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2008

Bible Verse Desktop
With this little and free program, you can have a Bible quote appearing on your desktop. You can adjust the frequency with which the quotes will change, as well as the type and size of the font, its transparency, and other items- If you want to read a Bible quote in your desktop, then you may want to try this program.
- Publisher: Vladimir Rybant
- Last updated: June 1st, 2010

The Holy Bible
Computerized version of the King James' translation of the Bible. It features several interesting features, like pictures at startup and main pages, a powerful Search feature, and various reference books and commentaries by reputable scholars. A very comprehensive and easy-to-use version of the Scriptures.
- Publisher: BiblePath
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

WORDsearch is packed with many of the helpful new features you've been asking for, such as a new Illustration Organizer, Desktop Templates, functions for Twitter, Facebook, and a host of other improvements. A new Pronounce menu option allows you to audibly pronounce over 20,000 words. Just right-click a word, and, if that word is in the audio database, you can hear the word spoken.
- Publisher: WORDsearch Corp
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 8th, 2012

Free Bible KJV
The King James Bible program has over 12,000 topics, parables, Messianic prophecies, topic searches, maps, and book marks.ncluded are Nave's Topics, Easton's Bible Dictionary, Matthew Henry's Commentary, Torry's Topics and Hitchcock's Bible names. You can also customize features such as font style, size and color
- Publisher: Agua Viva
- Last updated: February 27th, 2009
- Publisher: LivePIM Software Inc.
- Last updated: January 26th, 2010

Desktop2Express Converter
Convert Palm Desktop Contacts to Outlook Express address book ( also known as Windows Address Book or WAB )
- Publisher: LivePIM Software Inc.
- Home page:

ExpressMirror allows you to synchronize Outlook Express address book with Palm Desktop address book / contacts. Which you may synchronize with your Palm hand held devices later by HotSync.
- Publisher: LivePIM Software Inc.
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Bible Study Pro
This program allows you to read and study the Bible directly from your desktop. It includes the King James' version of the Scriptures, as well as several reference books, such as commentaries and dictionaries by prestigious Biblical scholars. The program is free, but if you want more resources, you can purchase the CD containing many Bible versions and other materials.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 31st, 2010

Online Bible
Online Bible is a powerful, comprehensive Bible research software. Multiple translations, commentaries and more to aid you in studying the scriptures. Unicode support added for displaying foreign languages. You can quickly locate a word or phrase in any material using the built–in search feature.
- Publisher: Larry Pierce
- Last updated: July 7th, 2015