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The race world wide adventure in Title/Summary

The Race World Wide Adventure

The Race World Wide Adventure

“The Race Worldwide Adventure” is a game categorized as seek & find type, but as you could guess from its name has a characteristic that makes it pretty unique in its category: you will be in a race. The second characteristic that the game features is that it’s a team game. You can play it alone though.

World Wide NotePad

World Wide NotePad

World wide notepad is a small text editor similar to Microsoft's notepad but has some more useful features like an auto typer to make typing the same sentence or word more easy, also World Wide NotePad has a text to speech feature which reads all text in the current open document and speaks it out load to you.

  • Publisher: PC APPS
  • Last updated: September 6th, 2010
World Wide Telescope

World Wide Telescope

Want to see the same images that scientists at NASA use for their research or perform your own research with those images? Or do you want to see the Earth from the same perspective that astronauts see as they descend to Earth? How about taking a 5 minute break and viewing a panorama of a different city? Install WWT and start your explorations.

The race world wide adventure in Description

Red Bull Air Race

Red Bull Air Race

Red Bull Air Race is a free-to-play flight simulator for Windows OS. Main features: - 6 original Red Bull Air Race World Championship race tracks plus one fantasy track. - Fly all 13 different race plane models including the original Red Bull Air Race race planes.

  • Publisher: Wingracers Sports Games GmbH & Co. KG
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016


Geocalc supports a wide range of ASCII text coordinate formats for import and export. Coordinates can be expressed as Latitudes and Longitudes, Easting and Northing or X,Y,Z. Features : - Converts coordinate data files between most of the commonly-used mapping systems world-wide. - Uses seven-parameter transformations.

  • Publisher: Geocomp Systems
  • Home page: www.geocomp.com.au
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2012


In order to join distributed search engine project you need to download and install client software called MJ12node. This software will use your connection to crawl for data and send it back to main server where it will be indexed and made available for actual searches.

  • Publisher: Majestic-12 Ltd (UK)
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2012
Jungle Book

Jungle Book

The game is based on the 1968 "Disney Classic" of the same name. Your job is to guide young Mowgli, the man-cub, through the dangers of the jungle, defeating some of Africa's vilest villains, leading up to, and including, the tiger, Sheer-Kahn.

  • Publisher: GameFabrique
  • Last updated: April 2nd, 2008


GeoDLL supports the development of geodetic software on various platforms by providing geodetic functions. GeoDLL contains precise calculations on the themes 2D and 3D coordinate transformation, geodetic datum shift and reference system and more.

  • Publisher: C. Killet Software Ing.-GbR
  • Home page: www.killetsoft.de
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Additional The race world wide adventure selection

Saints Row®: The Third™

Saints Row®: The Third™

Get your Saints' sins on the Community Map by taking screengrabs of your most over-the-top moments cruising Steelport. Help your fellow Saints by leaving tips for them at Steelport's notable attractions. Come back and reap the benefits of what's going on in real-time in Steelport.

STDU Viewer

STDU Viewer

Designed to open and view those file formats in which scientific and technical documentation is generally distributed, STDU Viewer is a small, free, and unusual file viewer. The range of file types it supports does cover most image-related documents, such as PDF, DjVu, XPS, JBIG2, or WWF. E-books and comic books are also supported, as well as pure image files in TIFF, BMP, JPEG, or PSD format.

  • Publisher: STD Utility
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2015
Microsoft WorldWide Telescope

Microsoft WorldWide Telescope

Microsoft WorldWide Telescope is a virtual telescope that lets you browse though the known universe. It can be used at your home, school, or even planetariums. The program provides a comprehensive set of features to help you create seamless displays on single-projector domes or complex, multi-projector domes.



HotPotatoes 7.0.3

  • Publisher: HalfBaked
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2012
Music Recorder

Music Recorder

Instantly stream your favorite music and automatically record entire albums from over 100,000 radio stations as free MP3s. Discover new artists with similar music and complement your music library. Copy music to your smartphone or burn an audio CD.

  • Publisher: Music Recorder
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2016


Onlinelive turns your PC into a TV. Watch sports, movies, news, music and more from the US and worldwide. Watch more than 3645 free Internet TV, listen free online radio stations, on demand videos, games and newspapers on World Wide Web. Also You can use OnLineLive as a media player and view your stored music in your hard disk.

Fable - The Lost Chapters

Fable - The Lost Chapters

Fable The Lost Chapters is a role-playing game developed by Lionhead Studios and published by Microsoft. This is an expansion for Fable which presents all the content found in the original with the addition of such new features as monsters, weapons, alignment based spells, items, armour, towns, buildings, etc..

TheWorld Browser

TheWorld Browser

TheWorld is a small web browser with tons of features that will let you enjoy navigating through the World Wide Web. The program has an interface similar to that of Mozilla Firefox, however, it relies on the Microsoft Internet Explorer engine. The options are very rich and well-organized.

  • Publisher: Phoenix Studio
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2011
Personal Ancestral File

Personal Ancestral File

Personal Ancestral File is a genealogy program developed to help you collect, store and organize family history records and information. It is an exquisite tool to build a detailed family tree. It permits you to create and store an ancestral database with individual data entering for each ancestor with demographic information, notes, references and pictures.

  • Publisher: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2011
Audio Editor Gold

Audio Editor Gold

Audio Editor Gold is a sound editor, player, recorder, analyzer, and converter. Use it to create sound files for music CDs, dance programs, websites, answering machines, Windows sounds, and much more. It includes a lot of of effects and editing features for professional sound production.

  • Publisher: NextLevel Systems.
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2009