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Thermal tool in Title/Summary

Thermal Analysis Tool

Thermal Analysis Tool

A new tool for monitoring Core 2 Duo cpu temperatures. It has a nice and friendly GUI , and it is easy to see details of your cpus. It shows temperature , frequency , max frequency, workload lvl on cpus and it is designed for Intel Core 2 duo procesors.

  • Publisher: Intel Corporation
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2022
Thermal Desktop

Thermal Desktop

Thermal Desktop® is a PC based design environment for generating thermal models of electronics and vehicles. Using Thermal Desktop, engineers can use CAD drawings either directly as a thermal model, or indirectly as scaffolding for fast "snap on" attachment of Thermal Desktop elements, surfaces, and solids. Thermal Desktop is a graphical user interface (GUI) for SINDA/FLUINT.

  • Publisher: C&R Tech.
Thermal Explosion in Liquids

Thermal Explosion in Liquids

Simulation of a problem is implemented by simultaneous numerical solving the system of partial differential equations consisting of: the continuity equation, the momentum balance equation, the heat balance equation, the component balance equations (Boussinesq approximation of Navier-Stokes equations), and equation for chemical source of heat generation.

  • Publisher: ChemInform Saint-Petersburg (CISP) Ltd.
  • Home page: www.cisp.spb.ru

Thermal tool in Description



HeatSinkDesigner is a thermal tool that focuses on finding the best cooling solution to fit your space. Heat Sink Designer accurately predicts performance unique to the application, including: - Air bypass losses in your enclosure - Spreading losses with your heat source - Pressure effects on your fan performance - Thermal loss with your interface material

  • Publisher: Mechanical Solutions, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2012
Condenser Design (CnD)

Condenser Design (CnD)

CnD is a software that is made to demonstrate thermal analysis and design calculations required for designing shell and tube condensers. This software can design, horizontal shell side condensers, horizontal tube side condensers, vertical shell side condensers, vertical tube side condensers and reflux condensers.

  • Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
  • Home page: www.webbusterz.com
  • Last updated: September 1st, 2011


Due to the optimized numeric kernel, Therakles delivers very fast simulation results despite a detailed physical model and typically requires only seconds for annual simulations. Used for heating load calculation and year-round energy demand simulation.

  • Publisher: Dresden University of Technology
  • Home page: bauklimatik-dresden.de
  • Last updated: February 9th, 2018
InfReC Analyzer NS9500 Lite

InfReC Analyzer NS9500 Lite

InfReC Analyzer NS9500 Lite is an application that allows you to create reports. Main Features: -Helps to make reports easily with thermal images and temperature data on MS Word and Excel. -Fusion of thermal and visual images. -Its operation is easier, as Windows Explorer style is adopted. -Thumbnails of thermal image on Windows-Explorer.

AlfaSelect Air

AlfaSelect Air

AlfaSelect Air is a configuration and selection software for Alfa Laval air heat exchangers. The tool allows you to configure mechanical and thermal settings, view full technical specification datasheets, check pricing options, and update the database through Internet.

Additional Thermal tool selection

Canon IJ Network Tool

Canon IJ Network Tool

With this product, you can install, view or configure the network settings of the printer that is connected through a network. When using Canon IJ Network Tool, you may be prompted to enable or disable communications, depending on the firewall you use. If so, choose to enable communications.

  • Publisher: Canon Inc.
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2019
Uninstall Tool

Uninstall Tool

Remove unwanted software, make your computer clean and even faster with an effective, powerful and easy-to-use Windows app. Completely remove unwanted software by removing leftover file system & registry items. Install apps with real-time tracing. View and record which files/registry items are created.

  • Publisher: CrystalIdea Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2024
Samsung Tool

Samsung Tool

Samsung Tool is a free program that enables you to unclock your Samsung phone. The program has support for various Samsung devices. It allows you to repair the IMEI and to flash your phone. This version has experienced some changes, making it better.

  • Publisher: z3x-team
  • Home page: samsungtool.com
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2023
Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool

Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool

This HDD Low Level Format utility is free for home use. It can erase and Low-Level Format a SATA, IDE, SAS, SCSI or SSD hard disk drive. It will also work with any USB and FIREWIRE external drive enclosures as well as SD, MMC, MemoryStick and CompactFlash media.

  • Publisher: HDDGURU
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2013
Windows Device Recovery Tool

Windows Device Recovery Tool

Windows Device Recovery Tool helps you to reset and recover your Lumia smartphone. This application can detect the hardware/software model and version of the connected phone and download latest approved version of Windows 8. Reinstalling the operating system solves problems due to Windows applications.

USB Disk Storage Format Tool

USB Disk Storage Format Tool

USB Disc Storage Format Tool is a program for formatting external USB flash drives and storage. It can be used for fixing common USB storage errors such as bad sectors, virus infection and file system type changing. It supports four file systems: FAT, FAT32, NTFS and EXFAT.

  • Publisher: Authorsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.authorsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2013
Nokia Software Recovery Tool

Nokia Software Recovery Tool

Fixes Nokia phones and restores their to the default condition. It can be used to reinstall the software in many of the Series 30+/Series 40/Asha/Nokia Belle and Nokia X platform phones. If you have a Lumia phones with Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 or Windows 10, you need to use the Windows Device Recovery Tool instead.

  • Publisher: B2X
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2016
Security Task Manager

Security Task Manager

As you probably know, Windows has a built-in tool to monitor and stop running programs and processes. However, the information it provides is too little when it comes to analyzing an application’s potential threat to your system. On the contrary, Security Task Manager, the utility being reviewed, can provide much more comprehensive data, such as file types and location.

  • Publisher: A. & M. Neuber Software
  • Home page: www.neuber.com
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2017
EPSON PRINT Image Framer Tool

EPSON PRINT Image Framer Tool

EPSON PRINT Image Framer Tool is an application that you can use to move or add Frames (layout files) to EPSON PhotoQuicker, the memory card on some EPSON printers that come with a built-in memory card drive, or the memory card on some EPSON digital cameras.

TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool

TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool

TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool is a utility that can display the basic information of a computer and diagnose its built-in devices. This product performs a diagnostic based on "Diagnostic Method for Main Components and Its Results." Therefore, hardware that is diagnosed as normal still may not actually be usable.

  • Publisher: TOSHIBA Corporation
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2010