Thermostat for windows license key in Title/Summary

Windows License Key Dump
Windows License Key Dump is the free command-line tool to recover the product/serial Keys of all versions of Windows including new Windows 10 version and 200+ other popular software.It automatically detects and decrypts the license/serial keys of over 200+ popular software including Office, SQL Server, Adobe, Nero and many more.
- Publisher: SecurityXploded
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Thermostat for Windows
Thermostat is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to keep an eye on your temperature settings in your home and make changes without leaving your desk. Review and reverse temporary temperature overrides, and set your thermostat to the temperature that best suits you.
- Publisher: Set Your Thermostat
- Last updated: November 8th, 2012

IBM Rational License Key Administrator
IBM Rational License Key Administrator is a program that helps you enter or import license keys and change your license configuration on the Rational License Key Server. Your organization can track or monitor licenses and evaluate the licenses of various products that organization uses.
- Publisher: IBM
- Last updated: May 8th, 2015
Thermostat for windows license key in Description

KMS Magic
KMS Magic10 is one click Windows 10 activator built upon official KMS available in windows 10 editions. This activator gives you all the features of legitimate windows license key, and after one time activation, you can keep your Windows permanently activated with genuine Microsoft validation for free.
- Publisher: KMS Magic 10
- Last updated: November 25th, 2015

Mirrakey provides a simple-to-use Software Licensing Key system that is powerful and flexible. Mirrakey is an ActiveX DLL and supports any development environment that is COM (Component Object Model) compliant. Mirrakey is also flexible enough to allow you to select one or more of three properties (ProductName, SerialNo and UserName) to generate your software's license key.
- Publisher: Mailedsafe Pty Ltd
- Last updated: April 17th, 2012

Jalapeno Key Finder
Jalapeno Key Finder is a useful utility for anyone who needs to retrieve a software's license key. You can use it for almost 200 software products, including your Microsoft Office 2007 serial number, Windows XP serial number, Windows Vista serial number and almost any other Windows license keys.
- Publisher: Jalapeno Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 7th, 2014

MS Backup File Recovery
In case ms backup file found error message like backup file contains unrecognized, in this type of condition, you need Advanced MS Backup File Recovery Software to recover, open and restore MS backup file which is easily open BKF file.
- Publisher: SysTools Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 5th, 2015

Are you a multimedia designer? Do you work on Flash format projects? Are you looking for a professional solution to convert your flash projects into standalone applications for distributing them? Then SWF Maestro EXE PRO is what you are looking for. This great application will help you to compile your flash projects into an exe file which can be executed in any PC with Windows OS running.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: June 29th, 2008
Additional Thermostat for windows license key selection

Windows Password Key Standard
Windows Password Key Standard can be used to reset passwords of Windows administrators and other users. It lets you create a bootable CD,DVD, or USB flash drive to reset passwords. It supports the latest Windows operating systems including Windows 10 and 8.1.
- Publisher: PasswordSeeker
- Last updated: January 29th, 2015

Windows Password Key Professional
Windows Password Key Professional can recover Windows local administrator and domain administrator passwords. You must install the downloaded program in a PC that is accessible (not locked), and create the bootable disk (CD/DVD) or USB drive. This bootable drive can then be used to reset Windows password of the locked PC.
- Publisher: PasswordSeeker Software
- Last updated: January 29th, 2015

Windows Product Key Finder Pro
Windows Product Key Finder Pro is a very small but useful application that allows you to recollect the product key of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office installed on your computer regardless of their versions. This is useful because the product key is unique and is required if you need to reinstall the software or migrate to another computer.
- Publisher: Gear Box Computers
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

Windows Product Key Retriever
Windows Product Key Retriever is a program designed to help you find your Windows Product Key. You can view, print, and now, you can even email your product key. It is perfect for when you need to reinstall Windows operating system but you cannot find your CD case.
- Publisher: Nu-Soft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Get Your Windows Product Key Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to retrieve the Windows operating system product key. This is useful when the product key is needed but you no longer have the original paper.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 4th, 2014

Windows Product Key Finder
Windows Product Key Finder is the enterprise software to help you instantly recover your lost or forgotten Windows License Keys.
- Publisher: XenArmor Pvt Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 1st, 2012

Product Key Explorer
Product Key Explorer can help you find the keys of the software products installed on a local computer or on other machines of your network. In this regard, it is great that the program supports an extensive list comprising more than 8,000 products. Using the tool could not be any easier, with just a push of a button you can get the list of programs installed on the machine and their keys.
- Publisher: Nsasoft US LLC
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

MyKeyFinder can scan your computer and find the serial numbers of registered software applications. Simply start this program to start the scan process; MyKeyFinder filters and removes all invalid keys and duplicate entries automatically. This program can also find the saves passwords of WiFi connections.
- Publisher: Abelssoft (Ascora GmbH)
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

FlashBack Express
FlashBack Express is more than just a video recording utility. This program also gives you access to a movie player, plenty of useful editing options, and the ability to schedule recordings for later. The application comes with a user-friendly interface and features a comprehensive help guide.
- Publisher: Blueberry Software Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Serial Key Maker
Serial Key Maker is a powerful program that enables you to create secure software license keys. You can create time-limited, demo and non-expiring keys, create multiple keys in one click, quickly encrypt strings using your own private key and lock a license key to a particular machine.
- Publisher: Puresoto Group
- Last updated: August 1st, 2012