Throw a dice using 8085 in Title/Summary

GNU 8085 Simulator
GNU 8085 Simulator is an open source simulator and assembler for the Intel 8085 Microprocessor. This application has a simple, user friendly interface.
- Publisher: Aanjhan Ranganathan
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2016

8085 Simulator IDE
8085 Simulator IDE is powerful application that supplies 8085 microprocessor users and educators with user-friendly graphical development environment for Windows with integrated simulator (emulator), 8085 basic compiler, assembler, disassembler and debugger for the Intel 8085 8-bit microprocessor.
- Publisher: Oshon Software
- Last updated: September 28th, 2017

8085 simulator
8085 Simulator has a very user friendly interface and the best part is, its FREE to download. You can master 8085 programming in matter of days now. full graphical illustration of the Microprocessor simulator.
- Publisher: Vaneet Singla
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008
Throw a dice using 8085 in Description

Players in turn, race each other around the circuit to be the first to get all of their counters to the HOME base. When counters are knocked off they are returned to the starting square. Four Player squares are on the left four quadrants. HOME bases are in the middle.
- Publisher: Ihsan Ul Haque
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2011

ViewingDale Dice
The dice application will actually roll 3D dice for you and use physics calculations to determine dice bounce so, as usual, a good graphics card is recommended. The program is fully networked allowing multiple players to share the dice table and throw their own dice. Each player can pick their own dice style from a varied selection of plastic and metal effects.
- Publisher: Viewing Ltd
- Last updated: October 24th, 2011

Yahtzee 123
A straight-to-the-point application allowing you to play an entertaining game of Yahtzee. The interface is simple, music and sound are included and the graphics are basic. There's also a rudimentary physics engine that does a decent job at showing how the dice roll. Overall, it's a good game; and because it's free, you can try it without any risk.
- Publisher: robinsgames
- Last updated: March 13th, 2008

Egyptian Craps
The designers combined the beauty of nature, the tenderness of music, the splendor of ancient architecture and the achievements of modern graphics in one game! Your winning is waiting for you in Egyptian Craps!
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2008

This software simulates the 8085 CPU on a PC. You can debug programs written for 8085 using this simulator. It displays the 8085 CPU registers on the screen. The disassembled program is also displayed on the screen. You can single step through the program, and at the same time watch selected memory locations.
- Publisher: spjsystems
- Last updated: March 17th, 2010
Additional Throw a dice using 8085 selection

Maxi Dice
Maxi Dice is a great dice game for Windows and Mac. In fact, it includes two games in one: Yahtzee and Maxi Yatzy. In Yahtzee you throw five dice up to three times and try to score as many points as possible in 13 categories. Whereas Maxi Yatzy is played with six dice and there are additional categories to put points in, and, what is more important, unused throws are saved for later rounds.
- Publisher: Kristanix Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Microprocessor 8085 Simulator Software Kit
icroprocessor 8085 Simulator Software Kit is aimed to be a proper substitute of Microprocessor 8085 Simulator Hardware Kit. A microprocessor communicates and operates in the binary 0s and 1s, called bits. Each microprocessor has a fixed set of instructions in the binary patterns called a machine language.
- Publisher: Neelachal
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2010

8085 Instruction Set Simulator
A cool way to learn and write 8085 assembly language programs. Gone are the days when you punched in the assembly language in hex format and hoped nothing went wrong. The salient features include. Write your programs using the syntax highlighting text editor which also gives contextual help in the status bar.
- Publisher: Vijay Kumar
- Last updated: July 1st, 2008

Multiplayer Ludo
When the game starts, each player will be assigned a set of 4 pieces in red, yellow, green or blue color. Then you and your opponents will take turns to roll a die and make valid moves accordingly. Before moving around the board, your pieces need to enter the board by moving to the starting square of your color marked with an arrow.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Microprocessor 8085 Simulator
Microprocessor 8085 Simulator provides systematic and detailed listing of the assembled program code in printable format. It allows you to view timing diagrams for various instructions. This tool includes a built in assembler that translates the given mnemonic code into machine code for 8085, with very efficient error handler and input validation.
- Publisher: Pinkesh
- Last updated: July 13th, 2008

Dice City Buddy - Pogo
Dice City Buddy can play Dice City Roller game automatically in Club Pogo rooms. Using this, you can easily earn Dice City Roller badges, ranks, and tokens while working or sleeping. It come with multiple features and customizable options to suit your needs.
- Publisher: Play Buddy, LLC.
- Last updated: May 12th, 2015

Random Dice Roller Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to create custom random dice to roll. You can create any type of dice, coin or even random event.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2014

Mahjong Hero
1. Original Chinese mahjong, an interesting quiz game. 2.mysterious oriental culture, intriguing picture plane with graceful classic music and other variations 3.Detailed introduction and specific tips in the game. 4.operating easily
- Publisher: JoyGames, Inc.
- Last updated: December 11th, 2010

GMA Dice
GMA Dice is an advanced dice-rolling program. It has accurate dice rolling sounds, 12 dice roll type presets, the ability to sort and review individual dice, and the ability to re-roll one or more dice in a multi-dice roll. It is good for all dice games, but it is especially useful for advanced dice games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Yahtzee, and Dice Poker.
- Publisher: GMA Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2010

Tag A Dice
Exciting and fast dice game where you take risks trying to get a high score.Now with 6 dice game option!On your turn, you can roll the dice as long as you roll scoring dice.But better end your turn before you don't roll any scoring dice or you will lose the points that turn.
- Publisher: Tams11 Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 1st, 2011