Ti-nspire cx cas structure analysis in Title/Summary

CAS Structure Editor
CAS Structure Editor is a standalone program designed for customers that are not able to use the Java based editor or those still experiencing problems. The program can be used in conjunction with SciFinder and it allows you to create structure queries offline and then import them to SciFinder.
- Publisher: American Chemical Society
- Last updated: January 6th, 2014

CAS Modbus RTU Parser
The CAS Modbus RTU parser can analysis a Modbus RTU message and tell you if there are any errors in the message, what type of messages it is, what data is being written or read from your device, what device the message came from, and more...
- Publisher: Chipkin Automation Systems
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2009

CAS Modbus TCP Parser
The CAS Modbus TCP Parser can analysis a series Modbus TCP message, displaying any error message, what data is being read/written and what device the messages are coming from, and more... Features: - Debug error messages in Modbus TCP messages - Reads Ethereal(r) capture logs - Simple to use - Free. (No email required)
- Publisher: Chipkin Automation Systems
- Last updated: March 17th, 2010
Ti-nspire cx cas structure analysis in Description

Elecard StreamEye
Elecard StreamEye enables the user to perform effective in-depth analysis of video sequences. Elecard StreamEye provides a visual representation of the encoded video features and a stream structure analysis of MPEG-1/2 or AVC/Н.264 Video Elementary Streams.
- Publisher: Elecard
- Home page: www.elecard.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

EXPGUI is a graphical interface for the Los Alamos GSAS package. GSAS (General Structure Analysis System) is a comprehensive system for the refinement of structural models to both x-ray and neutron diffraction data. The package can be used with both single-crystal and powder diffraction data (Rietveld analysis), even both simultaneously.
- Publisher: Argonne National Laboratory
- Last updated: January 14th, 2009

SEQMOL can be used to align multiple protein and DNA sequences, compute evolutionary attributes of multiple sequence alignments (such as sequence conservation, hydrophobicity conservation, conformational flexibility conservation, physical covariation, protein-protein interface, protein-RNA interface and protein-DNA interface propensity, and conservations) and to map these features onto PDB files.
- Publisher: BiochemLabSolutions
- Home page: biochemlabsolutions.com
- Last updated: February 23rd, 2015

TouchMol help chemists to draw, share and search chemical and biological structures. Main features: - Draw structures with fingers on touch screens. - Integrated Name/CAS-to-Structure. - Peroform fast structure search in. - Supporting chemical reactions. - Supporting biologics.
- Publisher: Scilligence
- Last updated: June 29th, 2015

Usb E1 Analyzer
GL's new USB based T1 E1 Analyzer is the world's most powerful, full featured, and complete BERT, voiceband, data, signaling, and protocol analyzer on the market. It can perform analysis and emulation of various signal types including voice, digits, and tones; various protocols including HDLC, ISDN, SS7, CAS, Frame Relay, GSM, GPRS, CDMA, and UMTS.
- Publisher: GL Communications Inc
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2012
Additional Ti-nspire cx cas structure analysis selection

TI-Nspire™ CAS Teacher Software
This software helps educators save time and present important concepts. The TI-SmartView™ emulator's virtual TI-Nspire CX handheld delivers full color. The virtual TI-Nspire handhelds with Touchpad or Clickpad display high-resolution grayscale. Integrate the software and built-in TI-SmartView emulator with technology already in your classroom to extend original investment for new uses.
- Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated
- Home page: education.ti.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2014

TI-Nspire CAS Student Software
TI-Nspire CAS Student Software is a powerful computer software with a Computer Algebra System (CAS) that satisfies math and science curriculum needs from middle school through college. Symbolically solve equations, factor and expand variable expressions, complete the square, find antiderivatives, compute limits, find exact solutions in irrational form and more.
- Publisher: Texas Instruments
- Home page: education.ti.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2015

Structural Analysis Toolkit 2014
Structural Analysis Toolkit 2014 is a suite of tools that supports the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process and allows structural engineers to analyze structures from within the Revit environment. Using this toolkit structural designers and engineers can optimize their workflows in the cloud and on the desktop by using the analytical model to conduct cloud-based structural analysis.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: December 18th, 2013

GEO5 is a powerful software suite for solving geotechnical problems based on traditional analytical methods and Finite Element Method (FEM). Individual programs verify a specific structure, which keeps them intuitive and easy to use. GEO5 is designed to solve most geotechnical tasks.
- Publisher: Fine spol. s r.o.
- Home page: www.finesoftware.eu
- Last updated: June 4th, 2015

Sirius is a powerful and efficient application for multivariate analysis that covers all the central methods within multivariate exploratory analysis, classification/discrimination and calibration/response modeling. Experimental design is also supported.
- Publisher: Pattern Recognition Systems AS
- Home page: www.prs.no
- Last updated: July 17th, 2014

Jana2006 is a crystallographic program focused to solution, refinement and interpretation of difficult, especially modulated structures. It calculates structures having up to three modulation vectors from powder as well as single crystal data measured with X-ray or neutron diffraction.
- Publisher: Institute of Physics, Department of Structure Analysis
- Home page: jana.fzu.cz
- Last updated: May 8th, 2013

SeismoArtif is a progкam to generate artificial earthquake accelerograms using given data. This is capable of generating suites of accelerograms for nonlinear dynamic analysis of new or existing structures. The target spectrum can be created by following Eurocode 8 rules (standard for European Union). The results can be exported to Excel or MS Word.
- Publisher: SeismoSoft
- Last updated: June 27th, 2013

RCBlast is a program designed for inelastic analysis of structural members subjected to blast-induced shock waves. The program quickly generates SDOF time histories and PI diagrams for user defined blast threats and custom resistance functions with the built-in structural analysis module.
- Publisher: Eric Jacques
- Home page: www.rcblast.ca
- Last updated: March 13th, 2015

TimberTech Buildings
TimberTech Buildings is a structural design software for analysis of timber shear walls structures. The program features static and dynamic analysis, automatic generation of the calculation report in Word format, import of model geometry and export of drawings in CAD format, automatic generation of loads, seismic analysis, and more.
- Publisher: TimberTech
- Home page: www.timbertech.it
- Last updated: February 15th, 2017

Elecard StreamEye Tools
Elecard StreamEye Studio is a set of powerful applications designed for professionals and prosumers in the video compression field. Elecard StreamEye Studio enables the user to perform an effective in-depth analysis of video sequences.
- Publisher: Elecard Ltd
- Home page: www.elecard.com
- Last updated: September 26th, 2010