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Tibia fishing bot 7.4 in Title/Summary

Muttley Bot

Muttley Bot

Muttley Bot is a free bot for MMORPG called Tibia It has many functions like Healing, Cavebot or Targeting. Main features: -Support for Tibii 8.0-8.71 -Spell Caster -Healing -X-Ray -LightHack -Level Spy -IP-Changer -Food Eater -Tree Replace (big trees to small fir trees) -Auto Login

  • Publisher: MuttleyTools
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2011
TibiaTek Bot

TibiaTek Bot

TibiaTek Bot is an application of the TibiaTek Projects family that makes playing Tibia® easier. It contains features such as: macros (auto eat, spell caster, fishing, cavebot), informative tools, fun tools, and a lot more. Main Features : - Fastest Auto Looter (8 items looted in 1 second) - Scripting (VB .NET) - Regular Expression Builder for Trade Channel Watcher

  • Publisher: TibiaTek Bot Development Team
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Tibia MC

Tibia MC

Tibia Multi Client also known as Tibia MC allows you to run multiple Tibia clients on a single computer. CipSoft cannot detect this. TibiaHub Smart MC is the most advanced multi client program for Tibia and if completely free. With traditional Tibia MC patchers you are burdened with having to install updates or download a completely new patch when Tibia updates

  • Publisher: Tibia Multi Client
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022

Tibia fishing bot 7.4 in Description

Tibia RedBot

Tibia RedBot

Tibia is a pretty old game, launched about 15 years ago by CipSoft GmbH. Unfortunately, especially after prolonged playing, some actions can become quite boring and repetitive. This "bot" have been created to help with this repetitive actions, and therefore, to make playing Tibia a more pleasant experience.

  • Publisher: TibiaRedBot
  • Last updated: January 15th, 2012
Day of Fishing Screensaver

Day of Fishing Screensaver

If you are tired and bored of your daily routine but live too far away from a nice place where you can go fishing, keep on reading. Day of Fishing Screensaver takes you fishing to a secluded cove. This screensaver will allow you to see yourself (that is, if you feel cartoonish) sitting on a small boat out at sea, doing some relaxing fishing.

  • Publisher: the Cat
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2012
Tibia Map Viewer

Tibia Map Viewer

Tibia Map Viewer is a useful freeware and Open Source application that allows you to view maps generated by Tibia game client and create or edit map symbols. You can view the entire Tibia map you have explored, both upper and lower levels of the map, with zoom ratio from 25 to 400 percents.

Blackd Proxy

Blackd Proxy

Blackd Proxy is an advanced set of cheats (including cavebot) that can work with most Tibia versions up to Tibia 10.82. You can use this application on real Tibia servers too; but please be aware that you will have risk of detection and deletion in that case.

  • Publisher: blackdtools.com
  • Home page: blackdtools.com
  • Last updated: November 25th, 2015


FlySim 1.53 is a 3D, physics-based fly fishing game. This game features accurate fly casting dynamics and realistic fish behavior. You can fly fish in multiple destinations, in search of different types of fish, with different flies. You can practice all the necessary techniques: overhead casting, roll casting, mending, dry and nymph fishing, and other fly fishing techniques.

  • Publisher: FlySim
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2008

Additional Tibia fishing bot 7.4 selection



TibiaME-BOT is autohunt/fun software developed by Mindee to enhance and ease tibiame gameplay. It doesn't require scripting and it works only with packets and you can do anything or play anything else on your computer while bot is online. It features ANTI GM protection, auto logout or rest when HP/MP is low, spells, skills, fluids system, and more.

  • Publisher: Mindee (Wdemon)
  • Home page: tibiame-bot.com
  • Last updated: October 10th, 2015


Tibia is an entertaining multiplayer online role-playing game. The game faces you with the challenge of developing the skills of your selected characters, exploring a large variety of areas and dangerous dungeons and interacting with other players in a social and diplomatic level.

  • Publisher: CipSoft GmbH.
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2022
Farm Frenzy: Gone Fishing

Farm Frenzy: Gone Fishing

Farm Frenzy: Gone Fishing is a another time-management game of the series in which you are in charge of a huge pond. Like always, all levels have particular goals that you must achieve in order to get to the next one. You can also be given awards if you finish them under certain conditions. Your job is to feed the fish and get the products they provide to later sell them in the market.

  • Publisher: Melesta
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2010
Crazy Fishing

Crazy Fishing

Take a role of a fisherman in the game "Crazy Fishing". The ocean swarms with various underwater creatures, including small fish and large sharks. Your objective is to catch as much fish as time allows you. Join your counterparts!

Facebook Account Creator Bot

Facebook Account Creator Bot

Facebook Account creator bot is a free tool that allows you to create Facebook accounts. It comes with optimized scripted patches so that everything will work smoothly. It features a really snappy, fast and clean user interface and no hidden features or costs.

Magic Traffic Bot

Magic Traffic Bot

MagicTrafficBot is able to Customise the referrer link to appear to come from any website or any webpage you choose.

  • Publisher: Cybertech Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Island Fishing

Island Fishing

This game will take you to a small island to practice your fishing abilities. Picture the scene: you are sitting on a rock at the ocean, with your fishing rod prepared and all, and you are trying to catch as many fish and other sea creatures as you can. The bigger fish you catch the higher score you get. Still, shabby graphics may spoil the fun altogether.

  • Publisher: Jamen Lyndon and Nelson Gibbins
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2009


All the secrets of the game Travian will be revealed here, new possibilities that will advance your gameplay significantly. On the website it is shown how Travian-Bot gives you advantages over normal gameplay. Top 100 rankings, large resource income via auto-farming ect, with minimal time spent on the game.

  • Publisher: Travianbot
  • Home page: travibot.com
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2022
Paltalk Bot

Paltalk Bot

Paltalk Bot is a program made for Paltalk that have many tools to be use in paltalk rooms. You will be able to do many things in the room without actually being there. This bot can be use by regularusers as well as rooms admins. In other to use this bot you will have to install .net 4 in your computer, but if you have windows 7 it should already be install in your computer.

  • Publisher: imFiles
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2015


YouLikeHits bot provides thousands of YouLikeHits points easily. This application helps you bypass captchas on YouLikeHits. This program contain 6 modules: Website views, YouTube plays, SoundCloud plays, Twitter followers, and Google+. It can keep random delays between each web view.

  • Publisher: Dark-Soft
  • Home page: dark-soft.com
  • Last updated: May 8th, 2017