Tiger moth for fs2004 in Title/Summary

Just Flight Tiger Moth
The Tiger Moth model for the Flight Simulator X or FS2004. The de Havilland Tiger Moth is the classic embodiment of the biplane trainer. With its distinctive dual wing and tail dragger layout, thousands of pilots learned to fly on this trainer before and during WW2. Many Tiger Moths are still in use today for recreational flying, although if you want to you can still learn to fly in one!
- Publisher: Just Flight
- Last updated: February 20th, 2010

Tiger Moth (Shared Components)
The de Havilland Tiger Moth is the classic embodiment of the biplane trainer. With its distinctive dual wing and tail dragger layout, thousands of pilots learned to fly on this trainer before and during WW2. Many Tiger Moths are still in use today for recreational flying, although if you want to you can still learn to fly in one!
- Publisher: Just Flight Limited
- Last updated: December 25th, 2008

Ant's De Havilland Tiger Moth FSX
This program is the free FSX SP2 model of the popular De Havilland Tiger Moth trainer aircraft. The program creates a realistic model of the aircraft and it is very easy to handle. It is also a great aircraft to practice your flying skills, even though the speed is as low as 30 knots.
- Publisher: Anthony Lynch
- Last updated: May 20th, 2012
Tiger moth for fs2004 in Description

TGR2SHP and TGR2MIF are Windows applications for converting TIGER 94, 95, 97, 98, 99 or Census 2000 Dress Rehearsal files, and TIGER 2000 Redistricting files, TIGER 2000, TIGER 2000 Urban Area files, TIGER 2002, 108th Congressional District TIGER files, TIGER 2003, and TIGER 2004, first and second editions, to ESRI shape files and MapInfo MIF/MID files, respectively.
- Publisher: Bruce A. Ralston
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011

Tiger Oscar Aquarium
Tiger Oscar Aquarium features an assorted color variation of Astronotus ocellatus Oscar, Jaguar Cichlid, and Firemouth Cichlid. It is also known as the Marble Cichlid or the Velvet Cichlid and is a colorful addition to a large aquarium.
- Publisher: MAC N PC Software
- Home page: www.macnpcsoftware.com
- Last updated: September 13th, 2016

Tiger Fish Screensaver
This aquarium screensaver offers you a small virtual school of Siamese Tiger Fish, which are also called Black Barred Tiger Fish, Yellow Dats, Gold Dats, or Datnoids. For many years the word Datnoid has been commonly used to describe this fish. There are many types of Tiger Fish. Each of them has their own unique beauty.
- Publisher: FancyBytes Software
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2009

WSSS Singapore FSX
The airport features custom made runways, terminal buildings rendered to 5cm per pixel scale, an interactive docking system to park you right on your mark, taxiways with highly realistic concrete textures, full airport taxiway and runway signage, 3D approach lighting and full ILS navigation.
- Publisher: Imagine Simulation
- Last updated: June 21st, 2011

FlyLogic's - Patrouille Suisse X
You can now fly the entire Patrouille Suisse air show program (22 Min.) in FSX in a PS Tiger F-5E II! The world-famous Patrouille Suisse aerobatics team is getting ready to inspire the domestic PC! Listen to the authentic voice of the Emmen tower controller as he issues take-off clearance and get ready to enjoy that real jet feeling.
- Publisher: flylogicsoftware
- Last updated: May 31st, 2009
Additional Tiger moth for fs2004 selection

Eurocopter Tiger AddOn FS2004
S2004 Eurocopter Tiger textures only. Based on the Royal Australian Army New Livery. Eurocopter Tiger's this Repaint is the First to role out off the Assembly line and offer a bright new look at the way things are going with the Australian Defence force. Gmax Eurocopter Tiger model made by Rory Kelly (required - above) and Textures by Barry Magann. 686K
- Publisher: Simviation
- Home page: simviation.com
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2009

Tiger Gaming
Tiger Gaming is a free software application that allows you to experience the casino life directly from your desktop computer. You can play card games like poker or blackjack, first with virtual money, and when you gain experience you can start winning tournaments an play for real money
- Publisher: Action Poker Network, TigerGaming
- Last updated: November 13th, 2012

FS Recorder for FS2004
FS Recorder is an add-on module for Microsoft Flight Simulator available for FS2004 and FSX. It allows recording and playbacking of flights, similar as the instant replay and video recorder built into FS. The recorded flights can be played back either using the user's aircraft or as AI traffic, which allows you to fly formations with yourself.
- Publisher: Matthias Neusinger
- Home page: www.fs-recorder.net
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2013

Boeing Stratoliner for FSX or FS2004
FSX Boeing 307 Stratoliner ver 1.1. The Boeing 307 was the first pressurized airliner. Because of the war, only 10 were built, initially for Pan American and TWA (and a special version for Howard Hughes). Five versions are included here, in PanAm and TWA colours as well as Airnautic and Aigle Azur.
- Publisher: Jens B. Kristensen
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

Tiger Eye The Sacrifice
Tiger Eye The Sacrifice is a hidden object game with a lot of puzzles incorporated in it and also it has a very strong story. The game tells the story through cinematic cut-scenes, which I must say are of very high quality. The mechanics resemble almost every hidden object game out there.
- Publisher: PassionFruit Games, LLC.
- Last updated: April 14th, 2012

Canadair Argonaut and North Star for FSX or FS2004
The Argonaut and the North Star were Merlin-engined version of the Douglas DC-4. A total of 71 were produced by Canadair. In Canada it was called the North Star and was used by airlines and the RCAF. 22 Argonauts were delivered to BOAC 1949-1950, and they later had long careers with other operators like British Midland and charter companies.
- Publisher: Jens B. Kristensen
- Home page: www.simviation.com
- Last updated: November 24th, 2008

Short S8 Calcutta for FSX or FS2004
Short S8 Calcutta for FSX or FS2004 is an add on for the popular game Microsoft Flight Simulator. FS2004/FSX Short S.8 Calcutta. The Short Calcutta was a three-engined, British flying boat airliner, used by Imperial Airways from 1928 to 1939. By Jens B. Kristensen.
- Publisher: Jens B. Kristensen
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

Short Sandringham for FSX or FS2004
FS2004/FSX Short S.25V Sandringham. The Sandringham was a civil conversion of the WW2 Short Sunderland maritime patrol flying boat. Liveries for BOAC, Norwegian Air Lines, SAS, RAI and Aerolineas Argentinas included. Version 2 model modified to work with FSX as well as FS2004. By Jens B. Kristensen.
- Publisher: flight2000it
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008

Vultee for FSX or FS2004
You can fly from the 2D or 3D cockpits – there is little difference. For general flying, the virtual cockpit is the best because you can get a better view of the gauges. The Vultee was a fast, single-engined airliner of the mid 1930's. American Airlines was the main user. Version 1.1 is modified to work with FSX as well as FS2004.
- Publisher: Jens B. Kristensen
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008

Platinum Collection Diamond DA40 TDI for FS2004
Test and fly your favorite planes Platinum Collection Diamond DA40 TDI, FS 2004 version. Download exciting planes like these: Harrier, KC135-R, Cessna 310, F-16, Chipmunk, Piper Cub and many more. You can download the Collection product from our site. In just a few short minutes, you'll be using these new add-ons on your own computer system.
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: April 4th, 2008