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Time card calculator military time in Title/Summary

My Time Card

My Time Card

Adding entries is a snap with forms that remember most of the information for you. Just adjust the data that is different and the totals will reflect the new changes. My Time Card can help you make sure you are being paid correctly.There's no configuration necessary. Just start adding time card entries to the database and your totals are computed for you.

  • Publisher: Surprise Software
  • Last updated: May 2nd, 2012
Time Difference Calculator

Time Difference Calculator

Time Difference Calculator will calculate the number of days, hours, and minutes between two dates and times. Just input two dates and times (such as Dec. 10, 2000 11:49 PM and 12/25/07 7:33 AM) and Time Difference Calculator will display the time difference. It will display this difference both as days, hours, and minutes and entirely as hours and minutes.

  • Publisher: Leithauser Research
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2011
Time Duration Calculator

Time Duration Calculator

Time Duration Calculator is a free and easy-to-use date time interval calculator, it can help you to quickly calculate duration between two time, and it supports three calculations: Interval calculation, Addition calculation and Subtraction calculation.

  • Publisher: TimeDurationCalculator
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2017

Time card calculator military time in Description

PresenTense NTP Auditor

PresenTense NTP Auditor

PresenTense NTP Auditor monitors your computer's built-in clock and compares its time to the real time.



CalcTime™ has six window tabs labeled In and Out Log, Time Tape, Regular Time AM/PM, Military Time 24/Hours, CalcDates and Options. In the In and Out Log tab, CalcTime provides features for multiple time logs, which can be used for multiple people, jobs and/or tracking time for things that require time logging. This feature replicates a time-clock card.

  • Publisher: Access Business Communications, Inc.
  • Home page: www.abci-software.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
ShapeBook with 2D3DSteel

ShapeBook with 2D3DSteel

A structural steel design reference, estimating, and AutoCAD drafting tool for steel construction. You can view shape properties, estimate steel and coatings, Draw steel details in AutoCAD. Based on AISC Manual of Steel Construction 13th Edition.

  • Publisher: South Fork Technologies, Inc.
  • Home page: www.southforktech.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2015


Raga 1.0

  • Publisher: RAGA
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2008
Compact Flash Card Recovery Pro

Compact Flash Card Recovery Pro

Compact Flash Card Recovery Pro has helped so many card owners get their missing or corrupted files on compact flash card. When the card data is missing due to accidental deletion, corruption or other reasons, Compact Flash Card Recovery Pro can always give you a surprise.

  • Publisher: LionSea SoftWare
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2015

Additional Time card calculator military time selection

Countdown Remaining Time or Count Elapsed Time Software

Countdown Remaining Time or Count Elapsed Time Software

Count days, hours, minutes or seconds until a user-specified time. Count days, hours, minutes or seconds since a user-specified time.



Time Clock Software Employee Time Attendance Tracking App - Open Time Clock Free is the best free cheap online employee time clock and project time tracking sofware app tool system. It records attendance time hours, process timer, paid time off, mile

The Time Machine Trapped in Time

The Time Machine Trapped in Time

Restore the space-time continuum in this fantastic hidden-object voyage. Travel through different eras and locate objects in the wrong time period. Visit a historical past and a possible deadly future, and repair the time machine by locating the guidance crystals.

  • Publisher: Anuman Interactive
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2009


tttTxRPT is freely distributable tool to analyze Tuxedo Performance data. Tuxedo generates performance information by using the -r option in the CLOPT string. The program txrpt comes with Tuxedo analyze this information. However txrpt is command line oriented and only produces averages. tttTxRpt is a Windows GUI program.

  • Publisher: Aurora Information Systems, Inc.


Calibrate the system time of the computer, and establish the different style clock (for example, the Point clock, the Number clock, and the Cartoon clock), the stopwatch and the real-time demonstration to the time of the different time zone.

  • Publisher: Jose Falcao
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2012
Auto Shutdown (Time Base)

Auto Shutdown (Time Base)

Auto Shutdown is a time based software that can control your computer power management with the time you have seted on it. That means you cand ShutDown,Restart,Turn off power,Standby and Log off your computer with just the time settings no matter whether you are present there or not it will follow your command.

  • Last updated: January 10th, 2011
Day D: Time Mayhem

Day D: Time Mayhem

In this game hordes of ancient dinosaurs present a constant threat to your time machine. Just one rogue reptile could render your machine useless and ruin your chances of ever returning home. Your goal in this game is to build towers, collect resources, and use the power of science and technology to protect your time machine.

Zip Express

Zip Express

ZIP Express allows easy look up of U.S. ZIP Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Find the current time and time zone for cities around the world. Paste ZIP Code information directly into your Windows applications.

  • Publisher: Insight Software Solutions
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Vulkan Run Time Libraries

Vulkan Run Time Libraries

The SDK provides the development and runtime components for building, running, and debugging Vulkan applications. This comprehensive SDK includes the Vulkan loader, Vulkan layers, debugging tools, SPIR‐V tools, the Vulkan run time installer, documentation, samples, and demos.

  • Publisher: LunarG, Inc
  • Home page: www.lunarg.com
  • Last updated: October 11th, 2017
MS Excel File Properties Changer

MS Excel File Properties Changer

When using MS Excel File Properties Changer, you don not need any version of Microsoft Office Excel installed in your computer. MS Excel File Properties Changer supports Microsoft Office Excel from version1997 to 2010, include xls and xlsx files. MS Excel File Properties Changer can change Microsoft Office Excel file properties in single and batch mode.

  • Publisher: VaySoft LTD
  • Home page: www.vaysoft.com
  • Last updated: April 29th, 2010