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Time range control in Title/Summary

Control Time Spent On Computer Software

Control Time Spent On Computer Software

Set time range for the computer to be used. Computer will be locked with username and password during unusable times.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
Easy Time Control

Easy Time Control

Easy Time Control allows employees to clock in and out using their application from a desktop or laptop computer on the network. This is a way to track employee attendance that fits any company or individual budget. Easy Time Control is designed to reduce labor costs and increase accuracy by having your employees enter their own timesheet information.

  • Publisher: Easy Trinity
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
User Time Control Center

User Time Control Center

User Time Control Center allows you to set limits on how much time your child spends on the computer or online. You can schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week. User Time Control Center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits.

  • Publisher: 1st Security Software Center
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2016

Time range control in Description



With this program you can be reminded to take a short break without affecting the applications currently being executed on your computer. You can set the time range, and the number of reminders to be included in this range. You can select the sound to be played when the reflexion moment occurs and make the program run in the background.

  • Publisher: Bernard Wielfaert
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2010
Expenses Manager

Expenses Manager

The Expenses Manager makes it easy to analyze home expenses and find savings in home budget. The program has ability to create your own set of product categories arranged in a tree structure and perform detailed analysis of a specified branch of products from a specified time range.

Sonic Academy KICK

Sonic Academy KICK

Sonic Academy KICK is a drum synthesizer plugin in VST and AAX formats. It comes packed with features including start time, length control, low/high pass filters and fine pitch adjustment. KICK has a collection of over 230 factory presets in a wide range of styles including analog, bass, drum & bass, house, live, percussion, pop, progressive house, and trance.

  • Publisher: Sonic Academy
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016
Internet Connection Notification

Internet Connection Notification

If ever in need of a free notification tool that keeps you permanently informed of the status of your Internet connection, you can rely on Internet Connection Notification. This tiny free utility will display discreet pop-up windows letting you know if you are connected or not. The frequency with which these windows are shown as well as whatever sound goes with them are fully configurable.

PC Lock Station 2009

PC Lock Station 2009

PC Lock Station contains a variety of features and tools to develop policies to control and correction on the use made by users of their computers. Their use in the work environment increases the productivity performance of workers to reduce the periods of activity in non-productive tasks outside the strict labor.

  • Publisher: LPS Software & IT Solutions
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2010

Additional Time range control selection



BootRacer saves your time by taking control over startup programs. Quick and safe! No risk! 1000 undo steps. Also you can customize the initiation order of startup programs and monitors your boot time improvement or degradation.

  • Publisher: Greatis Software
  • Home page: www.bootracer.com
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2024


WaveReader software recognizes the unit to which it is connected and provides the user with full access to that units features. Whether you are viewing live video or playing back recorded video, the program enables video to be viewed in a variety of screen display modes, from full screen to 64-way views.

  • Publisher: GE Security
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2008
Time Boss

Time Boss

Time Boss is a universal time manager that can perform a range of functions from setting time limits for working on the PC to collecting usage statistics, displaying remaining time and managing lists of forbidden and allowed programs and sites. Time Boss is also completely crack-proof, so unauthorized users will not be able to change its settings or uninstall the program.

  • Publisher: NiceKit Software
  • Home page: nicekit.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
AstroLoka Basic

AstroLoka Basic

AstroLoka Basic is a complete application for creating personal horoscopes based on the only very basic features. The program includes important Horoscope details: planets position, Rasi, Ashta Vargas, Navamsa, Bhava, Vargas and Vimshothari Dasa. The available preferences include South, East and North India chart styles. All planets name come in both languages: English and Sanskrit.

  • Publisher: AstroLoka Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • Home page: www.astroloka.com
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008
Tipard Video Enhancer

Tipard Video Enhancer

Tipard Video Enhancer can help you enhance video quality greatly through upscaling resolution, optimizing brightness and contrast, and removing video noise. Besides, it can rotate or flip direction. This software is highly compatible with Windows 10.

  • Publisher: Tipard Studio
  • Home page: www.tipard.com
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
EarMaster Essential

EarMaster Essential

EarMaster Essential is a handy application that helps you improve your hearing skills by giving you access to dozens of useful exercises. When you launch the program for the first time, a window will appear with the configuration wizard where you can choose which music instruments to use on the screen to enter notes, select the proper sound driver and test its functionality.

  • Publisher: EarMaster ApS
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2012
TDR Kotelnikov

TDR Kotelnikov

TDR Kotelnikov is a wideband dynamics processor combining high fidelity dynamic range control with deep musical flexibility. With a sonic signature best described as “stealthy”, Kotelnikov has the ability to manipulate the dynamic range by dramatic amounts, while carefully preserving the original tone, timbre and punch of a musical signal.

  • Publisher: Tokyo Dawn Labs
  • Home page: www.tokyodawn.net
  • Last updated: October 4th, 2024
Almyta Control System

Almyta Control System

Almyta Control System is a powerful and affordable multi user software. It comes with 30-day free trial. Download fully functional system and give it a try.

  • Publisher: Almyta Systems
  • Home page: www.almyta.com
  • Last updated: July 8th, 2014
Aaronia AG - LCS Spectrum Analyzer

Aaronia AG - LCS Spectrum Analyzer

The LCS - Software does not possess a typical Windows - installation assistant. It is copied simply from the CD and pasted into any folder. It is a real-Time remote control with any Spectran Spectrum Analyzer. Supports a Pre-Compliance limits displays like EN55011, EN55022 etc. incl. bar display.

  • Publisher: B FileDescription
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
PC TimeWatch

PC TimeWatch

PC TimeWatch is a tool for managing the time that people spend on a computer (including Internet) and the programs they may use. While originally designed for parents wanting to limit childrens' access, it also can be useful in the workplace.

  • Publisher: PLJ Soft
  • Home page: www.mainsoft.fr
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2015