Time series analysis calculator in Title/Summary

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Calculator
For each of 14 capital budgeting project's cash flow series' five discount rates, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Calculator calculates the following values for you: Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), Net Present Value (NPV), Net Future Value (NFV), Net Uniform Series (NUS) [aka, Equivalent Annual Annuity (EAA)], Present Worth Cost, Present Worth Revenue, Benefit/Cost Ratio, and Present Ratio
- Publisher: Wheatworks Software, LLC
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Time Series Analyzer
The Time Series Analyzer plugin can be used for analyzing 2D time-lapse images or stacks. This plugin can be used to add a predefined ROI (Auto ROI) through mouse clicks. Just click on the object about which you want to define a ROI, an ROI is added on the image and in ROI Manager.
- Publisher: Four Spaces - Josef Pirkl
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2014

Time Series Modelling
Time Series Modelling 4 is a comprehensive package for linear and nonlinear time series modelling. It will estimate and forecast ARIMA and ARFIMA models, several GARCH, FIGARCH, APARCH and EGARCH variants, bilinear models, Markov-switching and smooth transition models.
- Publisher: James Davidson
- Home page: www.timeseriesmodelling.com
- Last updated: July 31st, 2016
Time series analysis calculator in Description

A comprehensive tool for processing monthly time series--from transformations through quality control and homogenization to time series analysis. This application is a tool for time series analysis and homogenization tutorial and it has a lot of graphical components, graphs clarifying the results, etc.
- Publisher: Petr Stepanek
- Home page: www.climahom.eu
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012

WinRATS Pro (Regression Analysis of Time Series) is a fast, efficient and comprehensive econometrics and time series analysis package. The Pro version has support for reading databases via ODBC/SQL, it implements the Census Bureau's X11/X12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment routines, and it supports reading CRSP data files.
- Publisher: Estima
- Home page: www.estima.com
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2016

XLSTAT is a complete data analysis and statistics add-in for Excel. It includes regression (linear, logistic, nonlinear), multivariate data analysis, parametric tests, non parametric tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, forecasting methods.
- Publisher: ADDINSOFT INC
- Home page: www.xlstat.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

StatPlus 2007
StatPlus 2007 is a powerful and flexible software solution that processes data to perform statistical analysis.
- Publisher: AnalystSoft
- Home page: www.analystsoft.com
- Last updated: October 19th, 2009

Dew Lab Studio for .NET
Dew Lab Studio is an object oriented numerical library for Visual Studio .NET 2005 or 2008 users. Supports complex numbers, sparse matrices, math parser, probabilities, optimization, signal processing and statistic analysis routines.
- Publisher: Dew Research
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2010
Additional Time series analysis calculator selection

R is ‘GNU S’, a freely available language and environment for statistical computing and graphics which provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques: linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, etc.
- Publisher: The R Foundation
- Home page: www.murdoch-sutherland.com
- Last updated: November 5th, 2016

GeneXproTools can process datasets with tens of thousands of variables and effortlessly extract the most significant features and their relationships. GeneXproTools is also a very user-friendly application simplifying the access to all types of data stores from raw text files to databases and Excel spreadsheets.
- Publisher: Gepsoft Limited
- Home page: www.gepsoft.com
- Last updated: April 10th, 2015

OxMetrics Enterprise
OxMetrics Enterprise is an integrated solution for the econometric analysis of time series, forecasting, financial econometric modelling, or statistical analysis of cross-section and panel data. OxMetrics Enterprise Edition is a single product that includes and integrates all the important components for theoretical and empirical research in econometrics, time series analysis and forecasting.
- Publisher: Timberlake Consultants Limited
- Last updated: November 20th, 2012

Statistical Analysis Calculator Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to look at basic statistics for a set of numbers quickly.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: June 19th, 2014

Bayes Server
Bayes Server is an advanced analytical program that can be used in the fields of Machine Learning, Time Series Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence. It is designed for building and visualizing models, learning models from data, sampling data, charting, and building complex probability queries, including time series predictions.
- Publisher: Bayes Server
- Home page: www.bayesserver.com
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2015

RATS Standard
RATS Standard is a comprehensive econometrics and time series analysis program. The program provides linear and non-linear least squares, forecasting, SUR and ARIMA models. It can handle time series of virtually any frequency, including daily and weekly, as well as panel and cross-section data.
- Publisher: Estima
- Home page: www.estima.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2014

Time and Date Calculator
A powerful date time calculator, counter and converter. It has 5 main purposes: calculate target time, calculate time differences, count days of week/weekdays/weekends, convert between each time element, convert between UNIX time and calendar.
- Publisher: XiXi Software
- Home page: xixisoftware.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2014

HydroOffice is a comprehensive software package designed for hydrology, hydrogeology, meteorology and environmental engineers.
- Publisher: HydroOffice.org
- Home page: hydrooffice.org
- Last updated: February 27th, 2015

EViews Student Version
The Student Version is also streamlined with EViews’ easy to use point-and-click graphical user interface. You can concentrate on using EViews without having to learn complicated command syntax or navigate through layers of menus. Thousands of universities, academic institutions, and professors worldwide are using EViews to teach econometrics and time-series analysis for decades.
- Publisher: IHS Global Inc.
- Home page: www.eviews.com
- Last updated: July 6th, 2008