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Timed auto capture in Title/Summary

Auto Capture PC

Auto Capture PC

Auto Capture PC is a professional computer monitoring software. Auto Capture PC records keystrokes including usernames, emails and passwords, screenshots, plus provides powerful parental features such as blocking unwanted programs, websites and protecting programs with password and much more.

  • Publisher: Medosoft
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2017
Auto Webcam Capture

Auto Webcam Capture

The Auto Webcam Capture Software allows you to view LIVE Data from your webcam and even capture pictures using your webcam. You can setup a Timer in this Webcam Software and let this software capture pictures from the webcam automatically. The main window of the Webcam software re sizes itself automatically according to the resolution supported by the webcam.

  • Publisher: Daanav Softwares
  • Home page: www.daanav.com
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2014
Auto Screen Capture

Auto Screen Capture

Auto Screen Capture 2.5.18

  • Publisher: Gavin Kendall
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Timed auto capture in Description

Belltech ScreenSmart Screen Capture

Belltech ScreenSmart Screen Capture

Belltech ScreenSmart is a screen capture utility to help you capture any part of your computer screen and then edit it in many ways, including cut, copy, paste, crop and flip image, and email it or put in your presentation or document. You can also capture pop-up menus and set timed automatic capture to silently capture screens at predefined intervals. You can capture full screen, active window or any rectangular area on your computer screen. The captured image can also be set as your windows wallpaper. You can highlight an area and put your description and email to your friend. The captured images can be saved in popular image formats. You can copy the entire image paste in your presentation in Microsoft Word, Windows Paint, Microsoft PhotoEditor, Adobe PhotoShop, Microsoft Digital Image Suite, Microsoft PictureIt!, Flash etc. Belltech ScreenSmart is a must have tool for creating professional-looking documents, presentations and more. This faster and easier tool provides the solution to your screen capture needs.

Magic Timed Shutdown

Magic Timed Shutdown

Magic Timed Shutdown is a professional utility that auto powers off the computer at a specified time. Its four main functions have made it be a good helper for parents and admins; they are timed shutdown, PC management, time limit and log analysis.

  • Publisher: DoGoodSoft
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Auto Screenshot Maker

Auto Screenshot Maker

Auto Screenshot Maker is a tool to make captures of your screen. The program is rather simple, easy to use, and has a few interesting features to offer. You will be able to make auto captures and set the program to remove duplicated captures, as well as watermark your screenshots. Moreover, there is a possibility to enable the command-line capture.

  • Publisher: Auto Screenshot Maker Software
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2011


Easy program for automatic screenshot capture allowing making screenshots with set frequency. The program can work in hidden screen capture mode without displaying in task bar and tray.

Regex Auto Builder

Regex Auto Builder

A smart and easy to use regular expression generate and string capture tool. It can build and test regular expression automatically, and show you the result visually! It is also is a string capture tool, and what you need do is just a few clicks.

  • Publisher: HyMann Soft
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2014

Additional Timed auto capture selection

Wisdom-soft ScreenHunter Pro

Wisdom-soft ScreenHunter Pro

Beyond flexible screen capture, ScreenHunter 7 is a complete solution for image editing and unlimited high-quality video recording.

Wisdom-soft ScreenHunter Plus

Wisdom-soft ScreenHunter Plus

Wisdom-soft ScreenHunter Plus is a fast and easy screen capture software for anyone who doesn't need the extra functionality in 6 Pro and enjoy the economical price. ScreenHunter is for taking still image screenshots. It takes a part or the full screen and saves it to an image file, such as BMP, JPEG or GIF.

  • Publisher: Wisdom Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.wisdom-soft.com
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2015


SuperVideoCap is a powerful, all-in-one, video capture tool, which lets you capture Video/VCR/TV program from DV, DC, TV Tuner Card, Webcam, Capture Card to AVI (uncompressed or compressed using any available codec include DIVX, XVID), MPEG1, MPEG2 or WMV file.

AnimaShooter Pioneer

AnimaShooter Pioneer

User-friendly software for creating stop-motion animation using a webcam. Easily create short animated movies and children's animation, experimenting with different techniques.

  • Publisher: Animation Technologies LTD
  • Home page: www.animashooter.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Cross Match Mobile Essentials SDK

Cross Match Mobile Essentials SDK

Cross Match Technologies, Inc. is a global provider of best-in-class, multimodal biometric identity management solutions. Cross Match Mobile Essentials SDK enables image finding and stabilization, image quality assessment and Auto Capture™ functionality for quick and easy image collection of two irises, and is the most advanced and easy-to-use iris capture solution in the market place.

  • Publisher: Cross Match Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2013
GolfAchiever VAS Software

GolfAchiever VAS Software

GolfAchiever VAS Software: G.A. VAS is a Digital Video (DV) golf analysis software program that integrates seamlessly with both the G.A.II and G.A. CAM, combining the statistics of launch monitor technology with the images of Digital Video Analysis.-Launch Monitor Data and Video on Same Screen (VAS & CAM / G.A.II) -Video Saved with Launch Monitor Data

  • Publisher: Folcatron
Auto Screenshot Capture

Auto Screenshot Capture

A Simple yet Effective Free Software for Capturing Screenshots automatically is described in this post. The Automatic Screenshots captured by the software application are automatically stored in a configurable folder in selected file format. The Image Formats currently supported in this first version of Automatic Screenshot Capture Software are BMP, JPEG, GIF and PNG File Formats.

  • Publisher: Daanav Softwares
  • Home page: www.daanav.com
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2013
Quick Screen Capture

Quick Screen Capture

Quick Screen Capture is a powerful and handy application that allows you to make professional screenshots in a few seconds. The program has the ability to capture the full screen, an active window, an active window client, or any part of the screen in the form of a rectangle, square, ellipse, circle or polygon in a snap.

  • Publisher: Screen Capture Development
  • Home page: www.etrusoft.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Wisdom-soft AutoScreenRecorder Free

Wisdom-soft AutoScreenRecorder Free

AutoScreenRecorder Free is a free application with basic options to record your screen activities. With the help of the program you will be able to record activities in full screen, active window, to record activities of an object, or rectangular area of the screen. The recorded activities will be saved as AVI file that will be named automatically.

  • Publisher: Wisdom Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.wisdom-soft.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2012
Any Capture

Any Capture

You can use Any Screen Capture to capture any thing on your screen. With its various types of area grabbing shapes you can grab the screen in rectangle, ellipse, window, control, menu and custom shapes. Any Screen Capture can take snapshots of DVD screens and games screen of full size also. You can take screenshots of auto scrolling windows of long pages like web pages or other documents.

  • Publisher: James Huang
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008